Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 976 Ling Feng's Strength! (4 more)

The next day, Ling Feng's soldiers and horses were stationed in a camp somewhere in the southwest corner of Tianmang Fortress. Together with the 30,000 black-armored cavalry, this was the direct force currently under Prince Jing's banner.

Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan and others never expected to be reunited with Ling Feng so soon.

In fact, they originally didn't have much hope for Ling Feng to establish his own army in Tianmang Fortress, but to their surprise, Ling Feng not only did it, but he also did it so quickly!

After learning the news, even Li Yunting and the others gave up their original positions in the Golden Fire Cavalry Battalion and came specifically to join Ling Feng. Although at present, they are only new recruits, but with their talents , sooner or later you will become a tiger general!

After finishing reorganizing their troops, Ling Feng summoned his companions from Tianwei Academy to gather with Mo Feng in the general's tent.

After all, in name, they were trying to consolidate Prince Jing's position and allow him to occupy his own place in the southern border.

This is undoubtedly a very challenging thing for Ling Feng and these ambitious and passionate young heroes.

"Brother, I really didn't expect that before I even sat on the bench in the forward camp, you would have made a strong comeback! Haha!"

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head and said with a naive smile.

"Yes, yes, the word "strong comeback" is used well!

Li Yunting nodded and smiled: "Brother Ling, oh no, I should call you General Ling now. With a large army in hand and military power, you are a well-deserved general."

"Then we have to rely on all the brothers!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Just brothers?"

Lin Xian'er pursed her lips, glanced at Ling Feng, and said with some resentment: "Can't we girls help? Don't you think so, Junior Sister Mu?"

Mu Qianxue pursed her lips and smiled, "Senior Sister Lin, Brother Ling, that's not what he meant."

Lin Xian'er looked at Mu Qianxue with a look of hatred, "You, I love and protect your brother Ling!"


In the big tent, there was a burst of hearty laughter.

Mu Qianxue's pretty face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. She glanced at Ling Feng with an extremely resentful look, and then immediately looked away.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, picked up the wine bowl and said, "Come on, let's not talk anymore, let's drink! We have only achieved some preliminary results now, my real goal is to kill the Demon Emperor!"


Suddenly, there were gasps of cold air in the camp. This target was incredible!

"Okay! Brother Feng wants to kill the Demon Emperor, so let's join him and kill the Demon Emperor!"

Mo Feng stood up from his seat.

He finally understood what Ling Feng meant by being crazy. If they could eliminate the scourge of the monster clan in Southern Xinjiang, such feats would be enough to frighten all the generals in Southern Xinjiang.

Including his commander-in-chief of the three armies, Yuan Tiangang!

"Haha, chop, chop, chop!"

Jiang Xiaofan didn't care. In his heart, whatever his eldest brother did, he just had to do it with him.

Then, Li Yunting, Mu Liufeng and others also picked up their wine bowls and drank them all in one gulp.

Although Ling Feng's idea is indeed crazy, for Ling Feng who has repeatedly achieved miracles, any miracle can become a reality.

"Ling Feng, I never asked you, what is your strength now?"

Li Bufan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked a question without knowing anything.

Indeed, since the Royal Sword Team's challenge finals, all of them have been separated for more than two months, practicing separately and experiencing each other.

Both Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan have made great progress, but as the number one monster in the Tianfeng Sword Team, Ling Feng has never shown his strength since this meeting.

His aura didn't seem to be much stronger than when they were separated, but it still gave people an unpredictable feeling.

He had already advanced to Huayuan Realm with the limit of a hundred meridians, and later condensed his own Yao Yao at Tiansheng Peak.

So, two months later, how far has his strength reached?

This question was not only asked by Li Bufan, but also Jiang Xiaofan, Li Yunting, Mu Liufeng, and everyone present looked at Ling Feng.

What kind of progress has this "monster" made after disappearing for two months?

"Hehe." Ling Feng grinned, "A while ago, I was lucky enough to break through to the Divine Origin Realm."


Everyone gasped.

Even though they had been mentally prepared for it, when Ling Feng said it himself, everyone couldn't help but their eyelids jumped wildly and they were shocked.

This guy is indeed a freak!

Although these evil geniuses can quickly break through to the Divine Yuan realm after being promoted to the Huayuan realm, most people will not choose to break through too quickly.

After all, condensing Wenyao requires a certain amount of opportunity.

Secondly, cultivating pattern brilliance is not an easy task.

Only when all preparations are completed and then promoted to the Shenyuan realm can we ensure a solid foundation and a stable realm.

This process, relatively speaking, is indeed much easier than attacking more veins, but most talented warriors also need to spend about half a year or even a year.

And Ling Feng completed this step in just two months. And with his personality, he is absolutely a perfect breakthrough, without any flaws.

From this perspective, it is not an easy task for Ling Feng to break through to the Divine Origin Realm.

When he was in the Huayuan Realm, Ling Feng had basically been at odds with the powerful men at the level of Xuanyuan Breaking Formation, and now, Ling Feng had broken through to the Divine Origin Realm!

This guy's fighting power is terrifying just thinking about it!

"It's just a fluke." Ling Feng looked at the stunned expressions of everyone and couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

"Hey, I can always get lucky..."

Lu Qingshan gave a wry smile, which immediately made everyone in the camp burst into laughter.

"By the way, Brother Ling, what is your soul? Have you successfully awakened it?"

Li Yunting asked. Among these people, he was also a newly promoted Shenyuan realm warrior who had just awakened the soul not long ago and had just reached the second refinement level. He was well aware of the difficulty of awakening the soul.

In fact, it does not mean that the higher the talent, the easier it is to awaken the soul. Sometimes, the talent is too high, and the difficulty of awakening the soul is even higher than that of ordinary people.

In particular, he had also heard that the Wenyao that Ling Feng had condensed back then was at the level of myth!

"As for Yuanhun, it has not yet awakened. In fact, I have just been promoted to the Divine Yuan realm for a few days."

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid it's still a little difficult for my Yuanhun to officially awaken."

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