Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 977 The universe is in chaos! (1 update)

In fact, in the second month after Ling Feng condensed the Chaos Origin Pattern at Tiansheng Peak, he was successfully promoted to the Divine Origin Realm.

After that, he went to the Misty Ghost Forest. He originally wanted to ask Tianbai Emperor Faxiang to plant a new Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock for him, but who knew that the old man suggested that he come to him after the fifth soul refinement or above.

As a result, the Hunyuan Lock was not successfully planted, but in the process of going back and forth, two new abilities of the Eye of the Emperor were successfully awakened.

Heavenly Divine Mark: The universe is in chaos.

Divine Pattern of Humanity: Memory Reading.

As for the ability of the Shura Eye, it probably only awakens during battle.

The so-called memory reading, this ability is easy to understand, it is a method of obtaining information that is absolutely error-free.

The reverse chaos of the universe is similar to a special secret technique of time and space. Once the reverse chaos of the universe is used, the person who gets it will fall into the reverse chaos space. In this space, all the order of the universe will be reversed and the former will change. After it is completed, left becomes right, up becomes down, and heaven becomes earth...

Even the consciousness of the magician will enter into this chaotic rule.

But Ling Feng himself can maintain normalcy in this chaotic space, and even use the rules of chaos to change the target of the opponent's attack and attack himself.

This is undoubtedly a very abnormal skill. It is similar to the ability of the Eye of the Void. This ability does not have any realm constraints. Theoretically speaking, even if the Immortal Emperor is attacked, he will be tricked by the rules of chaos, but first of all , you must have enough power of divine consciousness to pull the enemy into your own chaotic space.

With Ling Feng's current ability, he can probably maintain this chaos space for a quarter of an hour. If he and Jianlu join forces to bring the Silver Wolf Demon Emperor into the chaos space, there is more than a 70% chance of killing him. This peak demon king.

It is both a personal hatred and a national hatred!

"No wonder your appetite is getting bigger and bigger!"

Li Bufan nodded and chased Ling Feng all the way. Unfortunately, the gap seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

However, he was never discouraged.

Chasing in the footsteps of such a monster, even if it is just barely a step ahead, is the driving force for me to keep moving forward.

"By the way, General Ling, it seems that the Tianmang Fortress has also opened a hundred battle arena, where the talented and strong men in the army can challenge each other and hone their skills. I wonder if you are interested, General Ling?"

Lu Qingshan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "I went there two days ago. I wanted to get some military points, but I was severely humiliated in the first game. I really can't swallow this. What a tone!”

"Hundred Battle Arena?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and suddenly came to his senses, "Is it the kind of continuous battle mode challenge arena that our Tianwei Academy also has?"

"Yes, yes. In our Tianwei Academy, Liu Feng once won a hundred games in a row and was called the undefeated God of War."

Lu Qingshan nodded repeatedly.

Mu Liufeng on the side shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "The undefeated God of War is just touted. Only now do I understand what it means that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

Li Yunting also smiled bitterly and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, the masters in the military are much better than those in our academy."

"It's like a genius at the level of Yan Jinghong. Indeed, he is a genius and his talent is transcendent, but in front of the high-level Divine Yuan Realm warriors in the military, and even the peak Divine Yuan Realm warriors, he is still a bit unsatisfied. , especially in this Tianmang Fortress, there are several geniuses. I think their talents are probably higher than Xuanyuan Breaking Formation. "


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, but his interest was slightly aroused by their words.

Geniuses are undoubtedly warlike, and the blood of the emperor flowing in Ling Feng's bones is even more eager to fight.

Seeing Ling Feng's greatly moved look, Lu Qingshan quickly said: "General Ling, go to the arena and beat up the elites of Tianmang Fortress and severely weaken their spirit! Let them know that we These new recruits are also strong!"

"Yes! Brother Ling, if it were you, maybe you could become the next King of Hundred Battles!"

"Yes, let us new recruits vent their anger. Those old birds are too useless. Just rely on how much older they are than us!"

Situ Lei, who kept saying that he wanted to be Jiang Xiaofan's disciple, was also in the camp at the moment. This guy was dependent on Jiang Xiaofan, and he was like a piece of candy that he couldn't get rid of.

Although his character is open to question, his determination to learn is worthy of admiration.


At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the big tent. Ling Feng frowned, waved his hand to blow open the door curtain, and shouted in a cold voice: "Who is it?"

The door curtain opened, and it turned out that the commanders of the barracks under Ling Feng came to report to the general Ling Feng. Unexpectedly, when he walked outside the big tent, he heard the people inside discussing about participating in the Hundred Battle Arena. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Strictly speaking, the Hundred Battles Arena is a place for high-level Shen Yuan Realm warriors to compete with each other. The purpose of the military setting up the Hundred Battles Arena is to encourage all soldiers to practice hard. As long as they are in the Hundred Battles Arena If you stand out, no matter how you were born, you will have the opportunity to be reused.

As for the warriors who were in the early stages of the Divine Origin Realm or below, of course there were also those who competed, but they were all abused.

In this camp, there are all new recruits. Even though Ling Feng has a high official rank, it does not change the fact that he has just come out of the academy.

Just them, still thinking about the King of Hundred Battles is simply a dream.

"General Ling, my subordinate is the commander of the No. 1 Infantry Battalion, Xu Zhongda."

"My subordinate is the commander of the No. 2 Infantry Battalion..."

A total of eight commanders each announced their names. The original formation looked lazy, and it was obvious that they did not like this Weiyuan general.

They were all warriors at the pinnacle of the Divine Origin Realm. How could he, a young boy like him, want to coordinate with them?

Not to mention some mighty general like him, but Prince Jing, isn't he just like an obedient rabbit under the command of the Grand Governor?

Ling Feng glanced at these guys, his eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "What were you laughing at just now?"

"It's nothing? General Ling, I'm afraid you heard it wrong. We didn't laugh, right?"

Xu Zhongda shrugged, looking like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

"Yes, yes, we didn't laugh!"

These old fritters didn't take Ling Feng seriously at all.

"Not smiling?" Ling Feng slowly stood up.


The next moment, a crisp slap was heard, and Xu Zhongda, who was leading the heckles, was slapped away.

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