Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 978 Linghu Royal Sword! (2 updates)

Ling Feng slowly stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the commanders of each battalion, and said in a cold voice: "You must answer honestly what I ask, otherwise, you will die!"

"You...who do you think you are!"

Xu Zhongda's cheek was swollen by Ling Feng's slap. After all, he was a warrior at the peak of the Divine Origin Realm and the commander of a battalion, but now he was so humiliated by Ling Feng in front of everyone.

"Who am I? Don't you know?"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold and he stared at Xu Zhongda coldly, "As a commander, you despise your superiors. Is this how your commander-in-chief manages the army?"

Xu Zhongda clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, General Ling, then I will tell you the truth. Even if you want to become the next King of Hundred Battles, you are just talking nonsense!"


Ling Feng glanced at the commanders. Although they had received the order and became his subordinates, deep down they were still Yuan Tiangang's troops.

They didn't take their fledgling boys seriously at all!

Although, he is already a general.

If this continues, I will have no prestige at all, so how can I manage the army?

"Then you and I can make a bet!" Ling Feng looked at the commanders of each battalion and said word by word: "I am determined to be the King of Hundred Battles!"

Xu Zhongda smiled disdainfully, "General Ling, you are so careful that your tongue flashed!"

"If you don't care, Commander Xu, it's better to take care of yourself first!"

Ling Feng glanced sideways and said loudly: "Here we come! Xu Zhongda has despised this general and is sentenced to three hundred military sticks according to military regulations. The other commanders will each receive one hundred military sticks and will be executed immediately!"


Xu Zhongda's pupils shrank, "How dare you, little kid with a yellow mouth!"

"If you dare to contradict me, I'll add another hundred military sticks!"

Ling Feng quickly tapped Xu Zhongda's chest a few times with his fingers, sealing the vitality in his body, and said coldly: "Seeing that your bones are very strong, then I will seal your cultivation, and then execute the military stick!"

Soon, more than a dozen black-armored cavalry soldiers filed in, dragged the generals out of the camp, and started beating them violently. There were bursts of screams and wails outside the camp.

Especially Xu Zhongda, whose cultivation level was banned and even beaten to pieces.

However, this guy had a tough mouth. Although he was howling and screaming after being beaten, he kept shouting, "You are such a yellow-mouthed kid, there is no way you can become the king of a hundred battles!"

In the camp.

"Brother Feng, well done!"

Mo Feng couldn't help but burst out laughing, feeling secretly happy as he watched Ling Feng teach these arrogant generals a lesson.

"These guys were sent by Yuan Tiangang to disgust us. If he didn't attack them, he would think that I, Ling Feng, was a soft persimmon!"

Ling Feng looked at Mo Feng and said in a deep voice: "Feng Mo, you must remember that when you should be tough, you must be tough!"

Mo Feng nodded, "Brother Feng, I will remember your words!"

"Haha, brother asked me to give them a few sticks. Hehe, that Commander Xu is the worst. He targeted me everywhere in the past few days. This time he got angry."

Jiang Xiaofan grinned, feeling very happy.

"Hit them and get your hands dirty."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly: "I was able to slap that Xu Zhongda away just now, but this man still insisted that I cannot become the King of Hundred Battles. It seems that this Tianmang The fortress is truly a place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.”

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, looked at everyone, and said slowly: "Everyone, please tell me about the situation at the Hundred Battles Arena."

"There is only one rule in Tianmang Fortress' Hundred Battles Arena. Anyone under the age of thirty-five can enter the arena! And this arena can be said to be filled with powerful people!"

There was a hint of awe and yearning in Li Yunting's eyes.

"I have watched several of these games, tsk tsk..." Li Yunting sighed: "These warriors who are fighting are simply not comparable to those of the students from our four major universities. Even the strongest warriors at the level of Xuanyuan Breaking Formation are... It’s not uncommon!”

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and asked lightly: "Oh? Keep talking."

"Almost all those who can make it to the Hundred Battle Arena are in the late stages of the Divine Origin Realm, and it is said that the most powerful ones defeat their opponents with one move every time they fight!"

Li Yunting said in a deep voice.

"one move?"

Ling Feng was stunned. At the level of the Divine Origin Realm, each soul has its own mysteries. It is difficult to say that one move can kill the opponent instantly. However, there is someone in the Hundred Battle Arena who can sweep all the opponents with one move. This person is afraid It's not simple.

This is a real monster!

"Yes, it's just one move!" Li Yunting nodded, "This person's name is Linghu Yudao. He is the undefeated King of Hundred Battles in Tianmang Fortress. He is said to be invincible below the king's level!"

Under the king's rank, invincible?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, what a loud tone!

When the name Linghu Yudao was mentioned, a flash of deep shock flashed in Li Yunting's eyes, and he only heard him praise: "Actually, five years ago, this Linghu Yudao emerged in the empire. To this day, this A person's strength is truly extraordinary! He gives people the impression of being invincible and overwhelming."


Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, then I want to see if this Linghu sword is truly invincible below the king's level!"

"By the way, this Hundred Battle Arena supports continuous challenges. If you successfully obtain a Hundred Continuous Kills and become the King of Hundred Battles, you will also be eligible to talk directly with the Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies and receive rewards!"

Li Bufan added: "Brother Ling, I think you will be interested in this reward!"

"Hehe!" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and slightly curved his mouth.

Yes, if he becomes the King of Hundred Battles, he can definitely shame that old fox Yuan Tiangang and establish his own prestige.

Li Yunting also nodded, "I've also heard that once you complete a hundred consecutive kills in the Hundred Battle Arena, you will not only get a reward, but you can also have your name registered in the history of the empire, and your name will last forever!"

"It's just a false reputation. There's nothing worth fighting for."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "However, I am looking forward to what that old fox Yuan Tiangang will reward me."

"Brother Feng, the competition hasn't even started yet, and you're already thinking about the prize?" Mo Feng couldn't help but tease.

"I will win!" Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. He couldn't even figure out the small Hundred Battles Heavenly List, so why talk about slaying the Demon Emperor?

Everyone nodded when they saw Ling Feng's bright eyes. This "monster" might be able to accomplish such a miracle.

"By the way, how do I sign up for this Hundred Battle Arena?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and asked casually.

"Brother Ling, you don't need to worry about this, I will just sign up for you!"

Li Yunting laughed loudly and said: "Brother Ling, the dignity of us new recruits lies entirely on you."

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