Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 979 The mysterious poison master! (3 updates)

after one day.

The entire Tianmang Fortress seemed to have experienced a magnitude 18 earthquake, and everyone was shocked.

Weiyuan General Ling Feng, who had just taken office, actually wanted to board the Hundred Battle Arena of Tianmang Fortress, and he actually claimed to win the King of Hundred Battles!

This news immediately angered those strong men on the Hundred Battles Ranking.

The so-called Hundred Battles Ranking, that is, the top twenty experts with points in the Hundred Battles Arena. These people are all under the age of thirty-five, and they all have the ability to stand alone. They are A real master.

Perhaps in terms of talent, they are not as good as Yan Jinghong and his ilk, but their fighting experience on the battlefield makes every move they make more powerful and ruthless.

Their fighting qualities are by no means comparable to those of Yan Jinghong and his ilk.

"It's ridiculous. A bunch of frogs in the well are sitting in the well and looking at the sky. They think it's great to have some reputation in the academy. Hum, if he dares to come, I will let him look for teeth all over the ground!"

A well-known expert on the Hundred Battles Heaven Ranking didn't even care about this.

"Haha, I'm thinking about it. This guy is a general after all. Should we let him go appropriately?"

"Let him go? That's not true. He can win 80 games in a row before he is qualified to meet the strong men like us. This brat, who is still young, can win 10 games in a row, let alone 80 games in a row. The scene is too boring for me to watch!”

And just when the experts on the Tianbang expressed their disdain, General Weiyuan, who "doesn't know whether to live or die", made harsh words again.

"Within one day, Ling Feng will complete a hundred consecutive slashes, and he will also challenge the myth of a hundred battles, Linghu Yudao!"

As soon as this news was released, the generals of the major camps in Tianmang Fortress were all in a commotion.

These generals undoubtedly looked at this as a joke, treating Ling Feng as a child who had never seen an adult make fun of him. This Ling Feng was too arrogant and did not understand the horror of Linghu's sword.

Within the handsome tent.

Yuan Tiangang, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, sat at attention, listening to the news from the messengers. He glanced at the generals in the tent and said with a faint smile: "Everyone, what do you think about this matter?"

In the camp, the generals looked at each other with contemptuous smiles.

Especially Li Qing and Wang Meng couldn't help laughing.

"Grand Governor, I think Ling Feng has gone completely crazy. Challenges Linghu Yudao? Hahaha, he actually wants to challenge Linghu Yudao!"

The one-eyed general Li Qing laughed loudly and said: "Who in our Tianmang Fortress doesn't know that Linghu Yudao is known as the 'God of War of Natural Disasters'. He never shows mercy when using his sword. It is like a natural disaster, bringing overwhelming damage to people." The calamity of destruction, those who are defeated in his hands will have to shed three layers of skin even if they don’t die.”

Wang Meng nodded again and again, "This Ling Feng thought he had tricked the Governor last time, so he was so inflated. I think he is bringing humiliation on himself this time!"

Yuan Tiangang narrowed his eyes, looked at Military Advisor Sun Boce, and said calmly: "Commander, what do you think?"

"It's just a farce." Sun Boce shook his head and laughed: "I have to say that this Ling Feng is very courageous, but courage is one thing. He obviously doesn't understand how terrifying the Linghu Yudao is! The Linghu Yudao can kill kings. class!"

Sun Boce paused and continued: "Taking a step back, even if Ling Feng wins ninety-nine games before, he will probably be exhausted by the time he gets in front of Linghu Yudao. He doesn't have any chance!"

"Yes." Yuan Tiangang nodded and said slowly: "This Ling Feng acted decisively, but unfortunately, he was too hasty! In three years, he may have this strength, but now, it is too early."

"Three years?"

Li Qing said disdainfully: "Grand Governor, you think too highly of him. I don't think he can be a match for Linghu Yusao, let alone three years, even thirty years, or three hundred years!"

"Okay, let's leave it as it is."

Yuan Tiangang waved his hand, "Military advisor, take a few veterans with you to have a look. The governor wants to know how many consecutive victories this son can maintain if he challenges the Hundred Battles Arena for the first time."

"Grand Governor, I would like to go and have a look!" Li Qing immediately came out. He couldn't wait to see Ling Feng being trampled under his feet.

"The general is also going!" Wang Meng also said immediately. He and Li Qing were really like friends, like a den of snakes and rats.

"Grand Governor, how about you count me in as well?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man, wearing a green robe, walked slowly from outside the big tent. He walked into the handsome tent as if he was strolling in a courtyard.

"The empire's number one poison master, Su Dongling!"

Seeing this person, the generals in the camp all jumped. Maybe this person's combat power is not too high, but on the battlefield, he is the most terrifying existence.

"It turns out to be Mr. Su!"

Seeing Su Dongling approaching, Yuan Tiangang immediately stood up to greet him.

The title of the number one poison master in the empire is not just for talk. This time the three demon emperors joined forces to press the border, and they were facing unprecedented pressure, so they invited this poison master who was the best in the empire.

In the past two days, Su Dongling had just arrived at Tianmang Fortress.

Su Dongling bowed his hands to Yuan Tiangang, smiled slightly and said: "Grand Governor, you have nothing to do, why don't you let me join in the fun?"

"Haha, Mr. Su is not one of Lao Chen's subordinates, but a guest of our Tianmang Fortress. Since you want to join in the fun, sir, you can do whatever you want."

Yuan Tiangang smiled faintly, looked at Sun Boce, and said slowly: "Commander, you must greet Mr. Su well."


Sun Boce looked at Su Dongling and said with a smile: "Mr. Su, do you know that young man named Ling Feng?"

"Haha, I just heard his name before."

Su Dongling stroked his beard. Ling Feng's name was so simple that he had never heard of it. Back then, he gave Ling Feng his Nine Refining Methods of Mysterious Fire and even the "Ten Thousand Poisons Classic Prescriptions"!

All in all, Ling Feng got all his true inheritance.

Of course, most of the reasons for this are because of his precious daughter, Su Qingxuan.

When Su Dongling heard Ling Feng's name, he thought he was someone with the same name. After all, Ling Feng was still far away in the imperial capital and was a student at Tianwei Academy.

However, when he heard the name of General Weiyuan, Su Dongling knew that this Lingfeng was none other than that Lingfeng.

It just so happened that I had only seen Ling Feng's talents in medicine and poison before, but this time I took a closer look and found that this boy had some talent in martial arts.

He wanted to see what kind of all-rounder he was, who could charm his proud and arrogant baby daughter!

"Yes, this General Weiyuan had some reputation when he was in the imperial capital, but this is Tianmang Fortress!"

Sun Boce bowed his hand to Su Dongling and smiled slightly: "Tomorrow's competition will not be too exciting. I'm afraid Mr. Su will be disappointed."


Su Dongling narrowed his eyes slightly and just smiled lightly, noncommittally.

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