Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 980 Am I qualified? (4 more updates)

The next day, Weiyuan General Ling Feng, who was making a lot of noise, wanted to challenge the Hundred Battles Arena, and the battle finally kicked off.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng, surrounded by Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan, arrived at the Baizhan Arena.

The Baizhan Arena is located to the south of the center of Tianmang Fortress. This arena was guarded by several powerful human emperors who personally blasted a huge pit. The magician and the inscriptionist personally built the formation, creating a huge arena similar to a colosseum.

It is surrounded by a powerful formation, and even the destructive power of the battle between king-level experts cannot destroy this arena.

Therefore, the warriors fighting inside can do their best without worrying about the energy erupting from the battle destroying the Tianmang Fortress camp.

At the entrance of the Hundred Battles Arena, there were several lean Tianmang Fortress disciples guarding the entrance. Without exception, they were all strong sword masters.

"If you want to enter this gate and participate in the Hundred Battles Arena, you must first take a punch from me and be invincible!"

Before entering the arena, the guards guarding outside the ring stopped Ling Feng and his group, smiling contemptuously.

"Fart, where does this bullshit rule come from?"

Lu Qingshan couldn't help but said angrily: "Don't bully others too much!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, knowing clearly in his heart: These masters of Tianmang Fortress are trying to give themselves a prestige!

"Take action."

Ling Feng signaled the general to be calm, took two steps forward, and said calmly to the disciples of Tianmang Fortress: "Brother, please show mercy."

"General Ling, I dare not call you a brother!"

The guard looked at Ling Feng with contempt, clenched his fists, and directly unleashed the powerful divine energy. Above his head, a gray giant bear silhouette rose up. This man's soul was surprisingly a savage beast. Bear.

"Invincible King Fist!"

With a soft drink, the guard showed no mercy and punched Ling Feng in the face.


The fist wind roared, and the violent force hit Ling Feng's chest hard.

"Get out!" Ling Feng retracted his left shoulder, and then his body shook violently, and the guard was directly thrown away.


The guard spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at Ling Feng with an expression of disbelief. He was no ordinary guard. He was ranked around 200 in the Hundred Battle Arena.

At this moment, with his full strength, not only did he fail to suppress Ling Feng, but he was also shocked by the rebounding force, making his blood boil and his whole body's muscles and veins trembled with severe pain.

In fact, if Ling Feng hadn't been merciful, this guy wouldn't have simply spit out blood.

"Now, am I qualified to go in?"

Ling Feng looked up at the other two guards blocking the way, with a hint of joking on his face.

"Please come in."

The two people's faces turned pale with fright. Even their boss couldn't stop Ling Feng. The two of them were not enough to squeeze Ling Feng's teeth.

Ling Feng smiled faintly and strode into the arena.


As the gate of the arena opened, Ling Feng and others walked through a long and narrow passage.

As soon as you enter the venue, you feel like you have entered another world.

A majestic and noisy atmosphere, like a rolling torrent, swept towards his face. This feeling made Ling Feng's blood boil.

This arena can accommodate more than 3,000 people. Even though there are still monsters harassing the border at this moment, the enthusiasm of the soldiers of Tianmang Fortress for this Hundred Battles Arena has not diminished at all.

The astonishing auras and soul-shaking pressure made Ling Feng sigh at the depth of this Tianmang Fortress.

This is indeed a place filled with powerful people. Compared to places like the four major universities, it is like a greenhouse, and this is where geniuses fight.

A place to truly grow!

With so many strong men gathered together, even Ling Feng couldn't help but breathe a little faster.

Listening to the sounds of fighting in the ring, the shouts of spectators, and the high-spirited faces in the contestant area, Ling Feng felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and his whole body was burning with fierce fighting spirit.

When Ling Feng walked in, the surrounding soldiers who came to participate in the challenge all focused their eyes on Ling Feng.

They didn't know that a young boy who was only twenty years old actually wanted to challenge the masters on the Gao Gao Bai Zhan Tian Ranking.

Who gave him the courage?

However, this "suicide" challenge is particularly eye-catching.

Soon, Li Bufan and his group walked towards the auditorium, while Ling Feng, alone, strode into the ring area.

Under the gaze of thousands of talented elites of Tianmang Fortress, he, one person and one sword, will face one hundred strong men on the Hundred Battles Ranking.

Ling Feng's eyes sparkled: Today, this arena only belongs to me, Ling Feng!

"Hmph, this kid is finally here!"

On the left side of the Hundred Battle Arena, there is a VIP seat specially for the generals to watch the battle. At this moment, there are only four people in this VIP seat.

These four people are naturally the military advisor Sun Boce, the generals Li Qing and Wang Meng, and the empire's number one poison master, Su Dongling.

"The breath is reserved and hidden."

Su Dongling narrowed his eyes. Compared with the previous meeting in the imperial capital, the feeling Ling Feng gave him was completely different.

If Ling Feng was like a sharp sword at that time, Ling Feng now seems to have been sheathed.

However, once the sword is unsheathed, it will sweep across all directions!

Sun Boce also nodded slightly, "This General Ling is no more than twenty years old, but he can lead the sword team of Tianwei Academy to challenge the royal sword team and win. This boy is indeed extraordinary. "

Li Qing on the side suddenly felt unhappy and said: "Commander Sun, this guy has a little bit of talent, but in the end he is still too young!"

"Yes, yes, there are still few talented people? They, the flowers in the greenhouse, have never experienced a real life-and-death struggle. Even if they have cultivation and martial arts skills, they are no match for us elites who have experienced battles for a long time. !" Wang Meng also said bitterly.

These two generals obviously still resented Ling Feng for treating them as nothing in Huanglonggang a few days ago.

"There are indeed many talented people."

Su Dongling smiled faintly and gently picked up the tea at the table. He had also heard about the Baizhan Arena. There was a difference between defeating a hundred opponents in a row and defeating a hundred opponents one by one. Essential difference.

Although he had a pretty good impression of Ling Feng, he was not too optimistic about Ling Feng's ability to defeat a hundred opponents in a row and become the King of Hundred Battles.

Now, I just want to see how many people my precious daughter's favorite boy can kill in a row.

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