Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 981 Ling Mumu! (1 update)

At this moment, there was still an unfinished battle on the Hundred Battle Arena, so Ling Feng just found a corner and sat down quietly.

Feeling the lively and noisy atmosphere, the blood in Ling Feng's body gradually began to boil.

He is eager to fight and an opponent!

Desire to be stronger!

At this moment, a green figure floated over and sat down on a seat not far from Ling Feng.

"Are you Ling Feng?"

The person who came was a heroic young girl, wearing a light cyan leather armor, with three thousand green hair tied behind her head and combed into a ponytail.

"It's me, girl, do you know me?"

Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the girl. He saw a rather generous sword stuck in her waist. She was walking like the wind, holding her head high and striding towards her. There was a sense of heroism between her brows and eyes.

However, her fair and pretty face is not stained by dust, and her black eyebrows are like distant mountains, ethereal and beautiful.

Two temperaments, one strong and one soft, appear in one woman at the same time, which has a unique charm.

A hint of surprise flashed through Ling Feng's eyes, and it disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Ling Feng's gaze, the girl was slightly surprised. Few people could be as calm as him after seeing her.

"With such a high-profile declaration of war against Linghu Yudao, I'm afraid no one in Tianmang Fortress doesn't recognize you."

The girl curled her lips and said lightly.


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, "You haven't asked the girl her name yet?"

"Why do you want to chase me?" The girl was quite bold and laughed loudly.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said in a slightly cold voice, "Sorry, I don't have this idea yet."

"Wow, does that mean you might have this idea in the future?" the girl giggled.


Ling Feng's expression froze slightly and he moved slightly to the side, too lazy to talk to the girl any more.

"You are so boring."

The girl pursed her lips and gave Ling Feng a look of resentment. People who didn't know this might wonder why Ling Feng bullied her.

Ling Feng sat in his seat, looking intently and too lazy to talk to her.

"Humph, I think you are destined to lose, so you are scared inside, right?" The girl continued to find something to say.

Ling Feng continued to remain silent.

The girl pestered Ling Feng for a quarter of an hour, but Ling Feng still ignored her at all. The girl finally chose to give up.

"What a big idiot! You might as well change your name to Ling Feng!" The girl glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Forget it, I will ignore you!"

After saying that, the girl put her hands behind her back, glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and distanced herself from Ling Feng.


Ling Feng shrugged, and in a blink of an eye, he forgot about this quirky girl and concentrated on watching the competition on the ring.

As everyone knows, when military advisor Sun Boce saw the girl appearing next to Ling Feng at the VIP table, his expression obviously changed slightly.

Li Qing and Wang Meng were discussing how Ling Feng was talking nonsense. When they saw Sun Boce's appearance, they couldn't help but asked curiously: "Commander Sun, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered some small things."

Sun Boce raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but secretly thought in his heart: "How could it be that little aunt! It seems that after the game is over, I have to tell the governor quickly."

Hundred Battle Arena.


At this moment, a roar like a wild beast came from the ring, making Ling Feng look over.

It was a sturdy man with a rough face and a tall body. His black hair danced wildly in the wind, and his whole body erupted with a ferocious wildness like a ferocious beast. Even from a distance, Ling Feng could feel the explosive power on his body.

This is a very pure power, and warriors with this attribute are very rare.

"Tie Wushuang, ranked third on the Hundred Battles Ranking, is at the ninth level of the Divine Origin Realm, but possesses king-level destructive power!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and took out a thin roster in his hand. This roster recorded the top ten names on the Hundred Battles Ranking, as well as their respective strength levels.

Naturally, Ling Feng entrusted that guy Zhao Dabiao to get this good thing.

Ever since he heard that Ling Feng had gained some military power, Zhao Dabiao was even more determined to follow Ling Feng, and even wanted to be transferred directly to Ling Feng's army and become a member of his command.

However, Ling Feng asked him to stay in his original position for the time being. After all, having him as an internal agent was more or less a channel for obtaining information!

Ling Feng gently closed the roster, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

This Tie Wushuang controls this kind of pure power and consumes less vitality, so it is more suitable for this continuous challenge mode than warriors with other attributes.

This is also the strength of body-refining warriors.

"Good strength!"

Ling Feng's eyes showed a trace of fighting spirit, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "I just don't know how this Tie Wushuang compares to Linghu Yudao?"

"Hehe, he competed with Linghu Yu's sword and lost in one move!"

The girl next to me came to Ling Feng's side again at some point, and said with a smile: "How dare you ignore this girl's encyclopedia and still read such outdated information?"

The girl crossed her arms and said with joy.

"Oh?" Ling Feng was a little curious, shook his head, smiled, and said slowly: "Then I really need to ask the girl for advice."

"Hehe, that's easy to talk about!" The girl giggled and said, "Since you are new here, I will give you some free guidance. If you have any questions, just ask!"

"You just said that Linghu Yudao defeated this Tie Wushuang with one move?"

Ling Feng asked casually.

"That's right. When Linghu Yudao participated in the Hundred Battle Arena, he challenged a hundred opponents in a row and defeated them all with one move!" A hint of excitement flashed in the girl's eyes, "A whole hundred games! Infinity! With one exception, they are all one move. This is a move that has never been seen before in our Tianmang Fortress.”

After hearing this, Ling Feng not only showed no fear, but also became more motivated.

It's interesting to have such an opponent.

However, after winning hundreds of games in a row and defeating the enemy with one move in every game, this guy's ability to show off is also top-notch.

But I have to say that such people do have the capital to show off.

Fighting continuously and fighting again after resting and recovering are two completely different concepts. After all, although a practitioner's physical strength is far superior to that of ordinary people, he will still feel tired after dozens or dozens of consecutive battles. .

And this Linghu Yudao can kill the opponent with one move a hundred times in a row, and it is still in the same realm. This is extremely difficult.

One move of the mythical Linghu sword?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up: Then, it's up to me, Ling Feng, to end your myth!

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