Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 982 Give you a defeat! (2 updates)


On the ring, the black sword in Tie Wu's hands slashed wildly, directly smashing his opponent into the ground.

The terrifying and domineering aura is like a landslide and tsunami, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

"I surrender!"

His opponent, a tall woman, coughed out a mouthful of blood and weakly chose to admit defeat.

This big guy like a bull has no sympathy or sympathy at all. No matter who he is, just kill him with one sword.

"Wow, it seems that Tie Wushuang has become stronger again!"

The girl in green clothes sighed in admiration, glanced at Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Hey, Ling Mumu, I think you can't beat Tie Wushuang, let alone Linghu's sword."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and was noncommittal.

On the arena of hundreds of battles.

Tie Wushuang glanced indifferently at his opponent who fell on the ground, shook his head slightly, turned his gaze away, and said proudly: "My opponent is only Linghu Yudao."

Suddenly, a ball of blazing flames burned in the iron Wushuang's eyes, staring at the entrance of the Baizhan Arena.

At this moment, a man who looked a little thin walked in slowly.

This person has a pair of peach blossom eyes, a face like a crown of jade, and without losing a trace of iron and blood, he is indeed a dragon among men.

"He is Linghu Yudao, the god of natural disasters, with a legendary move! Moreover, he is really handsome!"

There was a hint of reverence in the eyes of the girl in green clothes. How could a girl not be pregnant with her? This Linghu Yudao always ranked at the top of the Hundred Battles Ranking, and it was indeed easy to attract some young girls who were just starting to fall in love.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and ignored the infatuated girl. He just stared at the Linghu sword with fighting intent emerging in his eyes.

The moment Linghu Yudao appeared, Tie Wushuang's roar, like the roar of angry thunder, suddenly erupted.

"Linghu Yudao, come up and fight!"

Tie Wushuang was full of fighting spirit, his domineering momentum was at the peak of the sky, his energy and blood were filled with energy, and he turned into countless great dragons of energy, sweeping across the sky.

Linghu Yudao Feng Qingyundan slowly walked into the arena, smiled lightly at Tie Wushuang and said: "You are not my opponent yet."

Tie Wushuang was furious, "Humph! Stop talking nonsense and come up to fight!"

"I'm here today just to keep an appointment."

Linghu Yudao said with a cold face: "I heard that a young man who defeated the Royal Sword Team wants to challenge me. I am very interested and will step on him!"

Ling Feng looked deeply at Linghu Yudao, and felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

Confidence that is almost conceited, and my invincible pride!

This is a true genius. His arrogance makes Ling Feng feel like he is looking in a mirror. Isn't he himself such a fearless genius?

That kind of abyss-like temperament, like mountains lifting up to the sky, like the roaring waves of the angry sea!

For a moment, Ling Feng was full of fighting spirit and his blood was boiling.

It would be interesting to compete with such a master.

On the field, many female soldiers came specifically for Linghu Yudao, waving flags and shouting at Linghu Yudao, extremely crazy.

The corner of Linghu Yudao's mouth curled up, and he once again rejected Tie Wushuang's challenge.

Tie Wushuang clenched his fists and shouted coldly: "Do you really think that young boy can walk in front of you? As long as I am here, he will not be the enemy of my punch!"

According to the rules of the Hundred Battles Arena, the opponents who challenge are from weak to strong. If you want to get in front of Linghu Yudao, you can only defeat the ninety-nine masters behind Linghu Yudao one by one.

Linghu Yudao glanced at Tie Wushuang, frowned impatiently, and finally jumped into the ring, saying calmly: "As you wish, I will give you a defeat!"


Everyone felt their eyes blurred as Linghu Yudao had already stood firmly in front of Tie Wushuang.

His body movements are elegant and graceful, like a white cloud floating towards him, as if he is startled, and his eyes are hard to catch.

"This movement technique is probably a king-level movement technique."

There was a flash of light in Ling Feng's eyes. His carefree sword steps, coupled with the fact that he had integrated many high-level movements, could barely be regarded as king-level. However, this Linghu Yudao was obviously only in the Divine Origin realm, but he possessed the power of a king. Level body skills.

This person is truly terrifying!

"It is indeed a king-level movement technique, Huan Yue Liu Guang."

The beautiful girl in green clothes flickered and said calmly: "This is me...ahem, this is taught by the Grand Governor himself. With this body skill, you can fight head-on with a king-level high-level powerhouse and escape unscathed!"

Will you survive a battle with a high-ranking king?

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. This Linghu Yudao was definitely the most powerful genius of his generation that he had ever encountered.

"Draw your sword!"

Tie Wushuang stared at Linghu Yudao and said through gritted teeth.

"Not urgent."

Linghu Yudao stood proudly, pointed his finger at Tie Wushuang, waved it gently in front of him, and said calmly: "You should make the move first, otherwise, you will not have the chance to make the move."

During the conversation, he was calm and unhurried, but it gave people a sense of oppression like a mountain.

Everyone in the arena looked in awe.

Tie Wushuang is already the top first-class master of Linghu Yushu, but he is not even qualified to let Linghu Yushu draw the sword.

"Arrogant!" Tie Wushuang raised his sword and roared: "We have been apart for three days. Let's take a closer look. I, Tie Wushuang, am no longer what I used to be!"

"Sunset Slash!"

Tie Wushuang roared, his energy and blood surged, and the violent rules of power were pushed to the extreme, like a mad cow, he slammed into it.

On the first move, he went all out.

A flash of blood rose up and turned into a blood-colored giant sword more than twenty feet tall. With majestic power, it suppressed the heavens. In fact, if it could collapse the sky, it could cut down the setting sun!

That unparalleled terrifying power has been infinitely close to the power of the Sword King.

Linghu Yudao's expression remained as usual, without any disturbance on his face. It wasn't until the bloody giant sword pressed in front of him that he gently raised his palm and flicked his fingers.


With one finger, the situation changes!

Everyone felt that their eardrums were about to burst. The giant sword actually shattered inch by inch under the extremely ordinary finger of Linghu Yudao.


Tie Wushuang flew out upside down, his face suddenly turned pale, and his right hand holding the sword was still trembling slightly.

"you lose."

Linghu Yudao calmly retracted his fingers, jumped up to the spectator seats, and landed in a sparsely crowded area. He sat down alone with a slight smile on his lips, looking down at the people like a god.

"Linghu Royal Sword!"

Tie Wushuang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted at Linghu Yudao: "How much strength do you hide! So far, no one can force you to use your second move!"

There was a strong unwillingness in his eyes. He thought that after several years of hard training, he could force the second move of Linghu Yudao. However, the more he fought with him, the more he realized that this person was like a bottomless pit. No matter how your strength improves by leaps and bounds, he can hold you down steadily.

It even makes people think that he has already broken through to the king level!

"One move of myth, it's really amazing."

Ling Feng secretly praised him, thinking that if he dealt with Tie Wushuang, he might not be able to do it as neatly as he did.

Linghu Yudao looked down, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, he shook his head and sighed softly: "It's too cold at high places, life is really lonely like snow. Being invincible, how lonely it is..."

A deep feeling of loneliness swept over him.

(Linghu Yudao is so pretentious, do you want to beat him to death! Hehehe~)

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