Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 983 Go down, poor B! (3 updates)

The whole place was in a commotion, as countless people shouted the name of Linghu Yudao, like a mountain shouting and a tsunami.

The referee on the arena also took a deep look at Linghu Yudao, and then announced indifferently: "Tie Wushuang failed to challenge the Hundred-Man Killer. Now let's invite the next challenger, Ling Feng, to come on stage!"

Ling Feng comes on stage! ——

The cold voice spread throughout the arena, reaching every corner of the arena.

This young boy who had just walked out of the academy, a flower cultivated in a greenhouse, dared to challenge the strong men on the Tianmang Fortress's Hundred Battles Ranking.

Except for those companions around Ling Feng, almost no one thought that Ling Feng could succeed in the challenge. Many people even placed big bets, betting that Ling Feng would be severely stepped on in the first battle.

What General Weiyuan?


"Hey, it's your turn."

The girl in green clothes gently pushed Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Since you are so brave, I will cheer you up."

Ling Feng grinned, "Then, for the sake of cheering me on, I will be gentler when I beat Linghu Yudao later."

"Tch!" The girl in green clothes rolled her eyes and spat softly: "Daydreaming!"

Ling Feng ignored the girl in green clothes and floated directly onto the stage, like a reed crossing a river. His steps were ethereal. In the blink of an eye, he was already standing on the arena.

The Xiaoyao Sword Step, after repeated improvements by Ling Feng, is definitely not inferior to the "Huan Yue Liu Guang" movement technique of Linghu Yudao.

"This guy is really arrogant."

The girl in green clothes smiled faintly, but she thought Ling Feng was quite interesting sometimes.


The moment Ling Feng stepped onto the Hundred Battle Arena, countless eyes focused on Ling Feng.

"Brother Feng, come on!"

"General Ling, it's up to you!"

The companions from Tianwei Academy clenched their fists and shouted loudly. Unfortunately, they were instantly drowned in the shouts of the warriors from Tianmang Fortress.

"Hmph, I'm not very capable, but I can boast loudly! I bet this General Ling will lie down like a dead dog in the first battle!"

"Hahaha! I bet too!"

Xu Zhongda and several other camp commanders also arrived at the scene early, waiting to see Ling Feng make a fool of himself.

They were beaten with military sticks by Ling Feng in full view of the public. Their butts were still hurting now. Especially Xu Zhongda, his teeth were itching with hatred.

When Ling Feng falls in this arena, let’s see how much face he will have in the future, and he will continue to show off in front of these soldiers!


The referee gave a faint shout, and then loudly announced Ling Feng's opponent for the first battle.

"The first match of the Hundred Lian Zhan Challenge, Ling Feng, against Liu Zongyuan, number 121 on the Hundred Battles Ranking."

Just as the voice fell, a man in his early thirties jumped onto the ring. His strength was probably around the seventh level of the Divine Origin Realm. Judging from the aura, he should not be much worse than the original Yan Jinghong.

The foundation of this Tianmang Fortress can be seen. You must know that among the younger generation in the imperial capital, there are no more than ten strong men of Yan Jinghong's level, while in Tianmang Fortress, there are more than a hundred !

Although their talents are not as good as Yan Jinghong's, sometimes, talents are important, especially on the battlefield, where only strength is king!

"Ha, this General Ling is unlucky! Even though Liu Zongyuan looks a bit gentle, his methods are very fierce. The opponents who are defeated by him basically have to lie in bed for a month or two."

"Hehe, I'm still killing him for a hundred consecutive times. I think this time it's almost as good as lying in bed for a hundred days."

Xu Zhongda and others suddenly burst into laughter and couldn't wait to see Ling Feng defeated.

Liu Zongyuan glanced at Ling Feng with disdain, then took out ten yuan crystals from the space spirit ring and handed them to the referee. These were the winnings of the gambling battle.

Since it is a competitive stage, it is natural to pay a certain amount of money.

In this Hundred Battle Arena, the winnings can be yuan stones, exercises, swords, ores, etc. Theoretically, as long as the value exceeds ten yuan crystals, it can constitute a gambling battle.

However, for geniuses of their level, ten Yuan Jings are simply unacceptable, and Liu Zongyuan directly took out ten Yuan Jings, which was simply humiliating Ling Feng, meaning that Ling Feng was only worth ten Yuan Jings. crystal.

"This Liu Zongyuan is really full of evil."

The referee accepted the Yuan Stone and said nothing more. He looked at Ling Feng and asked, "General Ling, where is your prize?"

"I guess General Ling can't bring out ten yuan crystals!"

Liu Zongyuan smiled sinisterly and said: "Haha, General Ling, how about you call me daddy twice and I will help you with a hundred yuan crystals?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, took out a Supreme Black Diamond Card from Tianmeng, and said calmly: "I will use this Black Diamond Card as a bonus."

The referee took the card and his eyelids twitched suddenly, "The supreme black diamond cards are at least millions of yuan crystals. Are you...are you sure?"

"It's just a black diamond card."

Ling Feng shrugged, "This general is different from that poor guy who calls daddy when he sees a hundred yuan crystal."

Liu Zongyuan's face turned black for a while. He wanted to use the ten yuan crystals to humiliate Ling Feng, but he was defeated by Ling Feng instead. Now he has become a poor man.

"You bastard, you are looking for death!" Liu Zongyuan clenched his fist, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, the battle begins, life and death are determined by destiny."

The referee waved a flag in his hand and added: "But now the demon tribe is facing a great enemy, I hope the two challengers can stop at the right time."

Liu Zongyuan ignored the referee's reminder, drew out his long sword, and said coldly: "I will let you know the price of insulting me."

After that, he directly sacrificed his Yuan Soul, and his whole body was full of Yuan Power, and he rioted.

He was very smart. He knew that Ling Feng's realm was low and he would definitely suffer in terms of Yuan Power. Therefore, he did not give him the opportunity to display any sword skills and tactics, and directly crushed him with Yuan Soul.

Ling Feng grinned, raised his palm lightly, and walked in front of Liu Zongyuan with a calm and calm manner, completely ignoring Liu Zongyuan's violent Yuan Soul.

"Go down, poor B!"

Liu Zongyuan was stunned, and the next moment, he heard a crisp slap, and his body, like a spinning top that was whipped away, spun at high speed in the air, and then bounced off with a "bang", and fell heavily off the Hundred Battles Arena.


Everyone looked at each other, all looking at Liu Zongyuan who fell on the stage in disbelief.

This guy, with just one slap, slapped away a master ranked about 100 on the Hundred Battles Heavenly Ranking?

"This...what's going on?"

The warriors of Tianmang Fortress were all stunned, their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Although Liu Zongyuan's strength was only ranked over 100, he shouldn't be so bad, right?

"Brother, good job!"

"Haha, well done!"

In the spectator seats, Jiang Xiaofan and others jumped up excitedly. This first battle was won so beautifully, so relieved!

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