Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 985: Staring at someone who is pregnant! (1 update)

Half an hour later.

Forty consecutive cuts completed, killing instantly with one move!

Another half-quarter of an hour later.

Fifty consecutive cuts were completed, and he was killed instantly with the same move!

This is because Ling Feng always lets the opponent attack first, otherwise, this speed will be faster!

"Oh my god, will he really become the second Linghu Yudao?"

"It's unbelievable. This kid is more than ten years younger than his opponent! The gap of more than ten years seems to be completely non-existent!"

"Brother! Big brother!..."

As Ling Feng's winning streak increased, Jiang Xiaofan and the others' voices became louder and louder, while the warriors at Tianmang Fortress gradually fell into silence.

None of the masters on the Hundred Battles Ranking were born from blood and fire, but Ling Feng had actually won fifty consecutive games, and all of them were killed with one move!

Under the stage, the girl in green clothes pursed her red lips and saw that after fifty battles, Ling Feng was still calm and calm.

She now begins to understand that Ling Feng's self-confidence stems from his proud strength!

She couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart, but when her eyes saw Linghu Yudao sitting calmly on the high platform, the excited feeling suddenly disappeared.

Ling Feng was indeed strong, but no one could challenge Linghu Yu Dao's status.

He is the real myth, the one-stroke myth that everyone looks up to!

"Chapter 51! Jiang Yifan!"

The referee looked at Ling Feng with a strange light in his eyes. At this moment, even this referee with the strength of a peak king couldn't help but look at Ling Feng with admiration.

After all, Ling Feng is only twenty years old. Compared with the masters on the Hundred Battles Ranking, he is generally about ten years younger.

This is a gap of more than ten years!

It's hard to imagine how strong Ling Feng will be in more than ten years.

"Hmph, this Ling Feng is probably going to be in trouble. This Jiang Yifan is a master with close to king-level combat power!"

Xu Zhongda and the others almost had their eyes dropped when they saw Ling Feng win fifty games in a row. This time, they still didn't give up. They stared at the ring eagerly, looking forward to Ling Feng lying on the ring. moment.

While the onlookers were talking about it, Jiang Yifan had already jumped onto the high platform.

Jiang Yifan's figure is slightly petite and not tall, but his eyes are extremely sharp. He is like a hidden sharp sword. Once it is unsheathed, it will be more difficult to deal with than those arrogant people.

"General Ling, please enlighten me!"

Jiang Yifan looked a little solemn and placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately saw Jiang Yifan's moves, all at that moment with the sword.

Draw your sword, put your sword away!

All the power exploded in an instant.

This is also a genius who belongs to the flash kill style!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he smiled lightly and said, "Please take action."

Modesty, but with a hint of arrogance, such a demeanor made many female monks from Tianmang Fortress on the field shine with brilliant colors.

This young General Ling seems to be very handsome!

Moreover, at such a young age, he is already a general!

This is the law of survival in this world. Only strength can gain the recognition of everyone.

"I only have one sword." Jiang Yifan's eyes were like lightning as he shot out, "General Ling, be careful!"


The shadow of the sword fluttered, bursting out with a dazzling white light. The essence of the sword-drawing technique is to reach the peak of one's own energy and spirit at the moment of drawing the sword. After this sword strike, all the power is consumed.

I will die unless the enemy dies!


A strong wind blew out, and thousands of sword lights shot out like pear blossoms in a rainstorm. The cold sword energy swept across the entire Baizhan Arena.

"Jiang Yifan's sword-drawing skills have improved a lot!"

"The whole guy is a lunatic. Others are just competing, but he is risking his life. No wonder few people are willing to fight with him on this arena!"

Seeing Ling Feng's body being submerged by countless sword lights, the brothers from Tianwei Academy couldn't help but shout, "Brother Ling (Brother Feng), be careful!"

call out!

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Ling Feng's palm gently pushed out, and a violent cyclone suddenly rushed out, directly blasting Jiang Yifan's body out of the ring.

Jiang Yifan was completely stunned and looked at Ling Feng on the stage dumbfounded, "How is it possible? My sword intention exploded instantly. No matter it was energy or spirit, it was completely blocked. How could you not be affected in any way!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, "Sword Intent, you may have found the wrong person, please give in!"

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath and recalled that when he first took action, Ling Feng used his palm instead of a sword. It seemed that he was also able to draw a sword!

And his sword is faster than his own!

"I'm convinced!"

Jiang Yifan turned around sadly. The feeling of being defeated in the field he was best at, as if his pride had been shattered, made him unable to let go for a long time.

"In the fifty-second game, Ji Binghe comes on stage!"

The referee solemnly read out the challenger for the fifty-second battle.

Ji Binghe was once a student of Tianwei University, but he had graduated for more than ten years.

"I never expected that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Among the students of this generation of Tianwei Academy, there are peerless geniuses like you!"

Ji Binghe stared at Ling Feng solemnly. Although they were from the same sect, he still had to fight with all his strength for his own honor!

"Please take action." Ling Feng looked calm as usual.


Ji Binghe drew the sword with one hand, stroked the blade gently, and said with a proud look on his face: "This sword of mine is a pseudo-sacred weapon, with a trace of the power of the great road. Ling Feng, your winning streak has come to an end." !”

"A fake holy weapon?" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I only need a look to defeat you, why use a sword?"

"Arrogant! Today I will let you know how to respect your senior brother!"

Ji Binghe roared angrily and slashed down with his sword.

The pseudo-sacred weapon is a pseudo-sacred weapon after all. With a trace of the coercion of the power of the great avenue, it was slashed with one sword, sweeping over like a stormy sea, and the sky and the earth seemed to change color in an instant!

"Shocking disaster!"

A golden light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and at the right moment, his spiritual thoughts exploded, turning into spikes and shooting out.

After two months, Ling Feng has completely mastered this secret technique and can send and receive it freely. He will never use up most of his spiritual power after using it just once as he did before.

"Go down."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, motionless. With just one look, a terrifying force suddenly erupted, directly knocking Ji Binghe's body out of the ring.


Ji Binghe screamed, and the shocking attack directly affected his soul. The pain in his soul made his whole body tremble violently.

The whole place was silent, and the next moment, everyone took a breath.

Ling Feng actually defeated a master with near-king-level strength just by staring!

It really only took one look!

"Damn, I'm just staring at whoever is pregnant!"

At the VIP table, a look of surprise flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and he said with a look of astonishment: "This seems to be the secret technique of divine consciousness attack. Could it be that this Ling Feng is actually a master of divine refining!"

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