Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 986 A new myth! (2 updates)

"If that's the case, that would be pretty scary!"

Wang Meng took a deep breath. The spiritual attack of the God Refining Monk was absolutely powerful and offensive. This was an advantage that the Qi Refining and Body Refining cultivators could not match.

However, it is simply unbelievable that such a monk who is worthy of setting foot in the Divine Origin Realm actually possesses such a powerful secret attack technique of divine consciousness.

On the Hundred Battles Arena, with the defeat of Na Ji Binghe, the myth of Ling Feng defeating the enemy with one move continues!

And his shocking trick of "glaring at someone's pregnancy" has also become a trump card that shocked all the spectators.

It only takes one look to defeat the enemy. How powerful and domineering!

The most important thing is that she is so cool!

A hint of fighting spirit rose from Tie Wu's eyes, "With the attribute sword intention, invincible sword power, the power of divine consciousness, and the ridiculously high swordsmanship, this guy is finally a bit interesting."

Linghu Yudao still looked down at the ring with a faint smile. Even after Ling Feng displayed many trump cards, he still only felt that Ling Feng was a little bit interesting.

"He does have some strength, but it still only takes one sword to defeat him."

Linghu Yudao's gaze stayed on Ling Feng for a moment, then closed it slightly and continued to rest with his eyes closed.


Ling Feng's voice was still extremely powerful and confident. With the blessing of Ling Tian's sword, it resounded throughout the entire arena area, making everyone feel as if someone was roaring in their ears.

Fifty-two consecutive games, defeating the enemy with one move!

For a moment, they saw the shadow of Linghu Yudao on Ling Feng. Could it be that the second peerless genius who maintained the myth of this move was about to rise?

"Scene 53..."

one move!

"Scene 54..."

Still a move!

"Scene 55..."

"I give up, this is the prize, I'll give it to you! General Ling, I want to see if you can walk in front of Linghu Yudao!"

"Thank you for your support."

"Scene 56..."

"Hmph, I don't believe you can defeat me with one move!"

"The dragon controls the sea!"


Along with the shadow of a fist, the sound of screams suddenly swept through the entire audience. This battle was still one move!

The sixtieth game, defeating the enemy with one move!

"My dear mother! It's been sixty games. Did this guy really just graduate from Tianwei Academy? He is simply a monster!"

"His current opponents are all super monsters at the peak of the Divine Origin Realm! Damn it, once they become famous, it seems that this group of newcomers are not as unbearable as we thought."

"In this Hundred Battles Arena, even if he is unable to complete the Hundred Consecutive Kills, this Ling Feng is destined to no longer be ordinary. He is already qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with those geniuses who stand at the top of our Tianmang Fortress!"

"From the beginning to the end, without even releasing his soul, he defeated the top masters who have been tempered for hundreds of years on the Hundred Battles Ranking. He won sixty consecutive victories and defeated the enemy with one move. This person is truly a peerless monster!"

Game 70: Defeat the enemy with one move!

"Holy crap, this guy is incredible!"

"Damn, I'm looking forward to his battle with Linghu Yudao more and more!"

"Today, he has become another legend! Moreover, his level of completing seventy consecutive victories is far lower than Linghu Yudao!"

"General Ling, come on!"

By the seventieth round, some warriors from Tianmang Fortress had even begun to put aside their previous prejudice against Ling Feng and sincerely cheer for Ling Feng.

A true genius will be respected by others wherever he goes.

In the world of martial arts, strength is king!

Only strength is the only way to defend dignity!

At this moment, those geniuses who were defeated by Ling Feng were all staring at Ling Feng on the field, staring at his slightly thin body under the green shirt.

The calm face, the extremely confident eyes, and the invincible fighting spirit touched everyone's heartstrings.

At this moment, the heart of the mysterious girl in green clothes began to boil.

"It turns out that he is so strong!"

Tie Wushuang, who was sitting on the high platform, was also burning with fighting spirit. His majestic body and blood were surging. At this moment, he finally regarded Ling Feng as an opponent worthy of fighting, an opponent worthy of all his efforts. The real opponent!

"Ling Feng!"

A burning light burst out from Tie Wushuang's eyes, "Okay, okay! I, Tie Wushuang, have memorized this name. It's more interesting to step on such a genius, hahaha!"

"Kid, keep up the good work!" Tie Wushuang stood up suddenly and shouted at Ling Feng's back: "Looking forward to the time when you and I will show off!"

As if infected by Tie Wushuang's explosive roar, the surrounding crowd also boiled at this moment.

Today, they witnessed the rise of a new myth!

Defeat the enemy with one move, seventy consecutive victories!

And this myth continues!

"Ling Feng! I support you, defeat Linghu Yudao, destroy Linghu Yudao's natural disaster myth, and create a new mythical era!"

From somewhere in the corner, a warrior from Tianmang Fortress stood up and roared at the top of his lungs. The disciples on the field were excited again.

Linghu Yudao, he is an insurmountable myth among all the geniuses in Tianmang Fortress, and is an existence that is out of reach.

Even Tie Wushuang, who was ranked third, was still far behind Linghu Yudao, but Ling Feng's rise gave them hope.

Defeat the enemy with one move, fight to the end, can you defeat Linghu Yudao with one move?

Everyone's eyes flashed with blazing light. One move of myth was ended with one move. What a crazy scene it would be!

"General Ling! If you can break Linghu's sword-handling record today, I will risk my life tonight and let you do whatever you want!"

A female warrior with a charming look and a hot figure shouted excitedly. A pair of beautiful eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and his stunning performance really made people's blood boil.

She was so excited. If Ling Feng could end the myth of Linghu Yudao, so what if she let him sleep with her?

Of course, whether Ling Feng sleeps with her or not is another matter.

"How shameless!"

Hearing this roar, a chill flashed through the eyes of the three girls in the audience, Mu Qianxue, Tuoba Yan, and Lin Xianer.

Then, the three women lowered their heads at the same time, their pretty faces flushed, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Get down!"


"I surrender!"

Game after game, the myth of Ling Feng defeating the enemy with one move still continues.

At this moment, his every move attracted countless glances, and people stood up one after another, cheering for him and cheering for him.

A true genius uses his strength to gain the respect of everyone!

At this moment, everyone began to look forward to the final showdown between the two mythical powerhouses!

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