Chaotic Sword God

Text Chapter 1226 The Turtle Tribe

Jian Chen’s place in the sea is only the Turtle Race, so after finishing the conversation with the Sea God, he and Nubis flew towards the Turtle Race’s territory.

The space in the sea is stronger than the outside. In this space, the strong Sage Emperor cannot tear the space to build the door of space. Therefore, Jian Chen and Nubis can only fly to the Turtle Race.

"Haha, it is said that the enchantment covering the sea will block the foreign powerhouses who have reached the realm of the Holy Emperor. As a foreign Holy Emperor, I, Nubis, can freely enter and exit the sea so effortlessly. This treatment looks at the whole world, I am afraid Only the two of us can enjoy it." As the two flew at high speed, Nubis couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

"By the way, Jian Chen, that big man is still practicing in the Holy Artifact Space. He doesn't seem to have come to the sea before, so he just came out to see and see." Nubis said again.

Hearing this, Jian Chen suddenly thought of the iron tower that he had been cultivating in the holy artifact space. He hesitated for a while, but still called out the iron tower.

I saw a flash of golden light, and the burly body of the iron tower appeared beside Jian Chen. His whole body was covered with a touch of gold, and a faint golden light radiated from his body, as if he was wearing a a gilded leather.

Since the identity of the iron tower is too sensitive on Tianyuan Continent, Jian Chen has never dared to let the iron tower leak to the eyes of the world. After death, once the news of the reappearance of the Hundred Race God of War spreads out, then with his current strength, he will not be able to keep the iron tower at all.

In the sea area, it is different. In the ancient times, the sea area was the only big race that did not participate in the war, and there was no hatred with the Hundred Race God of War. Perhaps for the powerhouses in the sea area, Whether the Hundred Race God of War appears or not, it has nothing to do with them, let alone a conflict of interest.

Because of this, Jian Chen can let the tower appear in the sea with such confidence.

It was the first time that the tower came to the sea. As soon as he came out of the holy artifact space, he kept looking around. He was very curious about everything here, and asked around Jian Chen and Nubis.

Jian Chen and Nubis explained everything here to the iron tower while they were on their way, and shared all the news they knew with the iron tower without reservation.

On the way, the three of them kept flying in a straight line towards the direction of the Turtle Clan. They flew over the heads of many big families on the way, which also caused the obstruction of many strong people, but when the three of them lost their momentum. When the reserved ones were released, the faces of the strong men who came to stop them immediately turned pig liver color, and then politely bowed their hands to Jian Chen and the three of them, then obediently retreated.

Jian Chen and the other three finally returned to the Turtle Tribe after several hours of traveling, but what caught their eyes was not the prosperous tribe of the Turtle Tribe, but a blood-stained battlefield where the blood pooled into small strips. Xi, many corpses are lying on the ground, not only from the turtle clan, but also from other sea clans, but the corpses of other sea clans are all wearing uniform clothes, and it can be seen that they belong to the same faction. The magnificent and dense building complex of the clan has long since been reduced to ruins in the war, with bloodstains everywhere.

In the distance, two large pits with a size of 100 meters have been dug up. Among the ruins of the Turtle Race, dozens of people in uniform costumes are busy carrying the corpses, and all the corpses are carried to the two large pits. They were buried in pits, and in each big pit were piled up hundreds of thousands of corpses.

The scene in front of them made Jian Chen and Nubis, who had just arrived here, change their faces greatly. Only the iron tower, which was unknown, could still maintain a calm and calm demeanor, looking at the Turtle Clan's territory that had been turned into ruins. .

Jian Chen was suspended several hundred meters in the air, staring blankly at the tragic scene below. His face was full of shock and disbelief. At this moment, he even wondered if his eyes were looking at flowers. .

Suddenly, a burst of anger rose from Jian Chen's heart, and a powerful killing intent uncontrollably emanated from him, causing the temperature between the heaven and the earth to drop rapidly, as if it had become an ice with cold air everywhere. cave.

Jian Chen's figure suddenly disappeared in the sky, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of a middle-aged man in uniform who was carrying a corpse across a distance of thousands of meters, and grabbed the middle-aged man directly. The clothes on the chest of the young man, said sternly: "What happened to the Turtle Clan, say."

The middle-aged man who was grabbed by Jian Chen's clothes had only the strength of an earth sage. The huge aura and icy killing intent emanating from Jian Chen pressed down on his chest like a giant mountain, making it difficult for him to breathe. , almost suffocated, and his face became pale in an instant.

The middle-aged man deeply understands how terrifying Jian Chen is. Facing Jian Chen's icy eyes, he even feels that he is facing a pair of eyes of death, which can take away his soul anytime, anywhere.

"Brave... Brave warrior, the Turtle Clan has already been wiped out by the Tao family. The youngest is a member of the Tao family. Please forgive the young one's life for the sake of the Tao family." The middle-aged man was full of fear, his tone He answered Jian Chen in a trembling manner, and at the same time he did not forget to report the name of the Tao family.

"What, the tortoise clan has been wiped out..." Jian Chen murmured a little absently, as if a thunder was exploding in his head, making him feel the world spinning.

Although he didn't have a deep relationship with the Turtle Clan, the Turtle Clan's Great Elder had a life-saving grace for him. Back then, the Turtle Clan's Great Elder was beaten to save him, both physically and mentally. Formed an obsession, which shows how important it is for the elders to see the turtles.

Jian Chen has no chance to thank the first elder of the turtle clan for his life-saving grace. The only thing he can do is to fulfill his lifelong wish for the elder, to carry forward the turtle clan, to restore the former glory, and to let the first elder die without regret. Now, under his leadership, the Turtle Clan has not only not reached its former glory, but has suffered such a catastrophe, which makes Jian Chen not angry.

"The Tao family." Jian Chen gritted his teeth and said, the killing intent in his chest has reached an inexhaustible level, and immediately slapped the middle-aged man's head with a palm, smashing the middle-aged man's head to pieces, directly showing the spirit. All perish.

Dozens of people who stayed here to carry the corpse also stopped their movements and gathered around. They originally came to check the reason, but when they saw Jian Chen smashed the middle-aged man's head into pieces, he immediately Trembling in his heart, he began to slowly back away.

Jian Chen's murderous eyes slowly swept over these people, and said coldly, "You are all from the Tao family. If that's the case, then go and bury all the dead Turtle people."

"This warrior, slow down..." At this moment, an old voice full of horror came, and I saw an old man walking quickly from a distance, the clothes he was wearing and the people of the Tao family. The clothes are the same.

The strength of this old man has already reached the realm of a holy king, but it is only the first level of the holy king. It is obvious that he has just broken through, but his forehead is already full of beads of sweat, and the cold killing intent emanating from Jian Chen makes him All fear.

"This warrior, a fierce war broke out between the Turtle Clan and the Tao Clan three days ago, but the Turtle Clan has not been wiped out. Now all the rest of the Turtle Clan have retreated thousands of miles to the south, we are just here to clean up the battlefield. Yes." The old man bowed his body and said cautiously, he didn't choose to escape before, because he understood that escaping in front of Jian Chen with his own strength was a complete waste of effort.

After listening to the old man's words, Jian Chen's consciousness immediately spread out. Sure enough, he found a lot of people from the Turtle Clan thousands of miles to the south. He didn't hesitate at the moment, and his body immediately rose into the sky, towards the gathering of the Turtle Clan like lightning. fly away.

"Big man, let's go." Nubis greeted the tower, and followed closely behind Jian Chen with the tower.

The old man who survived the disaster in the Tao family breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and turned to the others and said: "Don't worry about these corpses, there is another peerless powerhouse from the Turtle Clan, let's go back to the family quickly. Report this matter."


This place was originally an empty land, but now it has become the territory of a large tribe, and the large tribe occupying this territory is the Turtle Race.

The Turtle Clan has obviously not occupied this place for a long time. Many houses are newly built, and there are even many houses that are under construction and not yet completed.

Although the people in the tribe are constantly flowing, but very few people speak, each one is full of grief and anger, clenching their teeth silently building their new home, everyone hides in their hearts a hatred that cannot be vented , The entire Turtle Clan was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Jian Chen, Nubis and Iron Tower came to this territory re-selected by the Turtle Tribe at the same time. As soon as the three of them landed on the ground, a Turtle Tribe who was building a house found them, and this person immediately recognized them. Out of Jian Chen, his expression was stunned for a moment, and then he rubbed his eyes vigorously, and his face immediately showed a look of surprise and disbelief.

"It's the king, the king is back, the king is back, that's great, the king of my clan is back..." The Turtle Clan who recognized Jian Chen howled loudly, his tone full of excitement.

"What, the king is back, is this true..."

"Where, where is the king, is the king really back..."

"I saw it, it's really the king, great, the king is really back..."

As more and more people discovered Jian Chen, the Turtle Clan immediately welcomed a warm cheer, and everyone's faces showed excitement.

In the hearts of everyone in the Turtle Clan, the King is their spiritual pillar and the hope of the Turtle Clan. Even if they were forced into such a downfall by the Tao Clan, they still had full confidence in the King. With a king in charge, the Turtle Clan will never be defeated.

Because everyone in the Turtle Clan clearly remembers how weak the Turtle Clan was a few years ago, and the entire clan could not find a 16-star powerhouse to sit in, but since the arrival of the Turtle Clan King, the Turtle Clan has An earth-shaking change has taken place. In just a few years, it has developed from a medium-sized tribe without a 16-star powerhouse to a superpower with at least five 16-star powerhouses, and even has once More than half of the stolen crystal coin ore veins were recovered.

Although the tortoise clan suffered a heavy blow at this moment, the people in the tortoise clan believed that they would lose only because their king was not there. If the king was present, they would not be defeated no matter what.

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