Chaotic Sword God

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-seven chapters of the mad potter's house

In the center of the Turtle Tribe, a magnificent hall with a height of more than 20 meters is standing there quietly. The soil, which was condensed with soil in a very short period of time, also contained a strong energy.

At this moment, in a very empty hall in the main hall, several elders of the Turtle Clan, who were in the realm of the Holy King, were gathered together with a gloomy face.

"Tell me what our Turtle Clan should do now, whether to abandon all the crystal veins that originally belonged to us and stay away from this place, or continue to stay here to develop, facing the threat that the Tao Clan may attack us at any time." The fourth elder of the Turtle Clan said solemnly.

"No, I will never agree to give up those crystal coin ore veins that originally belonged to our turtle clan. Such a large batch of crystal coin ore veins is a large amount of resources for our turtle clan, and it is the only reliance for our turtle clan's revitalization. , If we give up now, it will be even more difficult to retake it in the future, and since the temple elders of the Sea God Temple came forward to stop the Tao family's war against us, I don't think the Tao family will move easily in the future. I am the Turtle Clan." As soon as the fourth elder's voice fell, he ushered in the opposition of the sixth elder.

"Hmph, Sixth Elder, you can't expect the temple elders to always stand by us. Tao Zhengtian, the ancestor of the Tao family, is about to reach the peak of sixteen stars. Sooner or later, he will become one of the temple elders of the Sea God Temple. As the elder of the temple, I will have no scruples when it comes to our Turtle Clan again, and then it will be the true end of my Turtle Clan." The fifth elder snorted coldly, and was extremely disdainful of the sixth elder's comments.

After listening to the words of the fifth elder, the fourth elder sighed lightly and said, "It's a pity that the king is not here. It would be great if the king was here. Only the king can decide the rise and fall of our turtle clan."

"The strength of Tao Zhengtian, the ancestor of the Tao family, is too strong, and he is married to the Moses family, which makes the power of the Tao family in the Sea God Temple territory. And the number of 16-star powerhouses is simply not comparable to our Turtle Clan, I am afraid that even if the King comes back, our Turtle Clan's strength will still be unable to compete with the Tao Clan..." The seventh elder said solemnly.

The face of the fourth elder changed, staring at the seventh elder with a serious look, and shouted: "Seven elders, how can you comment on the king like this, as the elders of the turtle clan, we can lose confidence in ourselves, but we must not lose confidence in the king, Because the king is the sky of our tortoise clan, it is all the hope of our tortoise clan, only the tortoise clan with the king is a really powerful tortoise clan, we must firmly believe that when the king returns, our tortoise clan will be able to Recover the current disadvantage."

The seventh elder was silent for a while, and lowered his head without saying a word. Although the Turtle King stayed in the Turtle for very little time, he had already established a tall figure in the eyes of all the elders.

"" At this moment, a guard shouted a long slogan and rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

Seeing that the guard was so eager, several elders immediately stopped the discussion, and one of the elders stared at the guard with a serious look, and said solemnly: "What happened, is the Tao family's strongman coming to the door again? ."

"No...not...reporting to the elders, the king...the king is back, the king is back with the old man..." the guard said panting, his expression very excited.

"What, the king is back." Hearing this, several elders present were overjoyed, and one elder even laughed three times and said loudly: "Elders, let's go meet the king quickly."

"No need, I've already arrived." As soon as the elder finished speaking, Jian Chen's low voice came from outside the hall. Before he finished speaking, the figures of him, Nubis and the iron tower had already appeared in the eyes of several elders. , and behind Jian Chen and the three of them, there was also a large group of turtle clansmen who stopped outside the main hall, and everyone's faces were filled with joy and excitement from their hearts.

"See the King." Several elders of the Turtle Clan immediately saluted Jian Chen, all of them excited and their voices trembling.

Jian Chen walked straight to the throne standing above the main hall and sat down, while several elders lined up and stood respectfully below.

Nubis and Tie Tower were more casual. They knew that Jian Chen had business to deal with, so they didn't bother Jian Chen, but wandered around the hall on their own.

"Tell me what happened and why the Tao family came to attack the Turtle Clan for no reason." Jian Chen said coldly with a gloomy face.

The fourth elder immediately stood up, and said respectfully to Jian Chen: "Report to the king, you must also understand that since the strength of my turtle clan has increased greatly, you have been trying to subdue the turtle clan that once belonged to us, and then be We are busy with the crystal coin ore veins taken away by other forces. Originally, our turtle family has recovered most of these crystal coin ore veins. Only some large-scale ore veins of good quality are still controlled by some big families, and they are still unwilling to return them to our turtles. In order to fight against our Turtle Clan, they have even united with the Tao Clan as the leader."

"The remaining part of the crystal coin mines that have not been recovered is too important to our turtles, and those mines originally belonged to our turtles, so we never gave up that piece of mines, for this reason , there were many conflicts between the powerhouses of our tortoise clan and the joint strength headed by the Tao family. The strength is not weak in comparison, so neither of us can do anything to the other.”

"But this balance of power was broken a month ago. The Tao family has already married the Moses family, which is also one of the top forces in the Sea God Temple. The Moses family has two top powerhouses, a sixteen-star and a The name is fifteen-star, and the ancestors of the Moses family who have reached sixteen stars are not much weaker than Tao Zhengtian. With the participation of the Moses family, the overall power of the alliance headed by the Tao family has been completely stronger than our turtle family."

"Not long after that, the Tao family sent messengers to our turtle clan, and they kept saying that our turtle clan, with the support of a few sixteen-star powerhouses, has unscrupulously robbed a lot of crystal coin ore veins over the years and destroyed the territory of the Sea God Temple. We want our turtle tribe to take the initiative to hand over all the crystal coin ore veins, and at the same time compensate them for the losses caused to them during this period. Otherwise, their Tao family will unite with all the family strengths that have been bullied by our turtle tribe to come to crusade us. ."

Speaking of this, the tone of the fourth elder was full of uncontrollable anger, and his eyes were about to burst into flames. Even the other elders standing in the hall were very angry, and their faces were already angry. livid.

Jian Chen, who was sitting on the throne, looked even more gloomy. His eyes were already filled with a layer of murderous intent. He was also offended by the actions of the Tao family.

Not to mention that the crystal coin ore veins recovered by the Turtle Clan used to belong to the Turtle Clan, and it was beyond the limit of Jian Chen’s tolerance for the Tao Clan to let the Turtle Clan hand over all the crystal coin ore veins. The family should compensate for the losses caused to them over the years. This can no longer be used to describe the Tao family as arrogant and arrogant, but it is excessive, very excessive.

The fourth elder calmed down his mood, and then continued: "How could our Turtle Clan agree to such excessive conditions offered by the Tao Clan? As a result, just three days ago, the forces of the Tao Clan Alliance began to aggressively attack our Turtle Clan tribe. However, the combined power of the Tao family has completely outstripped our turtle clan. Even our turtle clan can not stop the 16-star powerhouses, Qing Yixuan, Blue Whale, Xin Bian, and Mokas. The Tao family's attack, just half a day after the battle, the five 16-star powerhouses in our turtle clan were seriously injured by the Tao family alliance, and finally a temple elder arrived in time to stop. this war."

"Yeah, in the battle three days ago, the Tao family wanted to use the power of the alliance to destroy our turtle clan. If the temple elders of the Sea God Temple had not intervened forcibly to protect our turtle clan, maybe our turtle clan would have already been wiped out by the Tao clan. Now, the king, the Tao family and our turtle clan have to avenge this feud." The fifth elder said indignantly.

"King, our Turtle Clan suffered heavy losses in this battle. Half of our clan members were killed, the number has exceeded 30,000, and we have also lost four elders. With such a bloody feud, our Turtle Clan must not do this."

"King, please call the shots for us..."

"King, we must let the Tao family pay their debts with blood..."

All the elders in the hall clenched their teeth and made uneven voices, and all eyes were burning with hatred-filled anger.

"How many 15-star and 16-star powerhouses are there in the Tao Family Alliance?" Jian Chen asked in a cold voice. Of course he wanted to avenge this revenge of the Turtle Clan, but he had to understand it well before going. Look at the strength of the Tao family.

Jian Chen has completely ignored the powerhouse of the Holy King Realm. What he cares about is how many Holy Kings the Tao family has.

Several elders of the tortoise clan hesitated for a while, and then the fourth elder said: "Report to the king, the Tao Family Alliance currently has at least four fifteen-star powerhouses, and as for the sixteen-star powerhouses, there are at least two, namely the Tao family elders. Patriarch and the patriarch of the Moses family."

"No, I saw that in addition to the ancestors of the Tao family and the ancestors of the Moses family, there is another strong man who can compete with Tai Dou.

"I don't think you all saw it. When the war broke out, there was a person in the Tao Family Alliance who I couldn't see the strength watching, and did not participate in the battle. I guess that person is also a sixteen-star powerhouse. The person." Another elder interjected.

Jian Chen frowned, and he also found that it was indeed a little difficult for these elders of the turtle clan, who were only in the realm of the holy king, to talk about the strong men of the holy emperor.

"You all stop fighting, go and call Qing Yixuan, Tai Dou, Lan Jing, Xin Bian, and Mokas. I know they are healing, so let them come over immediately." Jian Chen ordered.

"Yes, the king..." An elder of the turtle clan took the order and rushed out of the hall at the fastest speed.

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