Chaotic Sword God

Text Chapter 1235: Houston becomes emperor

"What, the temple master of Tianling Temple sent an messenger." After hearing the guard's report, Jian Chen's expression was startled. The temple master of Tianling Temple is one of the three major overlords of the sea world, and he is the most powerful person in the realm of the Holy Emperor. This kind of high-level figure sent messengers to the Turtle Clan to do what, and he also asked to see himself by name, but he had no communication with the master of the Tianling Temple.

"Invite the messenger from Tianling Temple to the parlour." Jian Chen pondered for a while, and then said to the guard who came to report.

The guard led the order to retreat, and the meeting held by Jian Chen and several elders of the turtle clan was temporarily terminated, and then got up and went to the living room.

When I came to the meeting room, the messenger sent by the master of the Tianling Temple had already sat and waited here. There were three people in total. The leader was an ordinary-looking old man, dressed simply and casually, with a pair of old eyes from time to time. Sparkling out.

Behind the old man, stood two big men in strong suits and very burly bodies. The exposed strong arms flashed a faint blue light from time to time. The skin of these two big men was dark blue. .

Jian Chen's eyes swept across the three of them, and his heart was slightly startled. He could see at a glance that the old man sitting on the chair was actually a strong man of the Holy Emperor's triple heaven realm, and the two standing behind the old man were actually strong. A middle-aged man wearing a strong suit, his strength is also in the Holy King Jiuzhongtian.

"A random messenger sent by the Tianling Temple is the Holy Emperor, and making the Holy King Jiuzhongtian as a follower is really a big hand." Jian Chen thought to himself.

As soon as the envoy from Tianling Temple saw Jian Chen, he immediately stood up from his chair and bowed to Jian Chen with a smile on his face: "Old man Hu Bai, I have seen the Turtle King."

"Hu Bai's messenger doesn't need to be generous, please take a seat." Jian Chen also replied politely with a smile on his face, then walked across to Hu Bai and sat down. After a few polite words with Hu Bai, he went straight to the subject and said, "I don't know. Hu Bai has come all the way to my Turtle Territory, what is the matter?"

There is an agreement between the three major territories of the Sea God Temple, the Tianling Temple, and the Jiao Temple. No one in the temple is allowed to step into other territories at will. Although Hu Bai belongs to the temple of the Tianling Temple, this time he is a member of the temple. Those who enter the Seagod Temple's territory as an envoy, as long as they do not provoke right and wrong in the Seagod Palace's territory, will naturally not be hindered.

"King, the old man came to the noble territory this time on the order of the great temple master of Tianling Temple. The great temple master personally invited the king to be a guest in my Tianling Temple. King, look at this..." Hu Bai said in a tone. He said amiably, with a kind smile on his face and politeness.

Jian Chen frowned slightly. He had nothing to do with the temple master of Tianling Temple. He once tried to go to Tianling Temple to make a scene, but in the end, a temple elder of Tianling Temple asked Lan Jing, Xin Bian, Mocha Si Guishun was able to resolve it by himself. The Heavenly Spirit Palace was the mainstay of him, and he would not agree anyway, because among the three major territories of the Seagod Palace, only the Seagod Palace was safe for him.

Thinking of this, Jian Chen's face immediately showed a look of embarrassment, and said: "Envoy Hu Bai, please reply to the respected hall master for me, my Turtle Clan suffered a heavy loss due to a war with the Tao Clan not long ago. There are still many things that need to be dealt with now, I really can’t get away, but when I have free time in the future, I will definitely go to the Tianling Temple to visit.” Jian Chen’s visit was of course true, but what he was thinking was that Once he has the strength to not be afraid of the Holy Emperor, he will definitely go to the Tianling Temple and the Jiao Temple, especially the Jiao Temple, the account of that year has not been settled.

Of course, the envoy Hu Bai heard the news of the war between the Turtle Clan and the Tao Clan Alliance, and it was true. Therefore, he had no doubts about Jian Chen’s words, and he still couldn’t figure out what the relationship between the Tianling Temple Hall Master and Jian Chen was. , so he didn't dare to offend him at all, so he stood up with a smile and cupped his hands: "It's easy to say, the Turtle Clan has just experienced a baptism of war, and there are naturally too many tedious chores. Bring it here, the task has been completed, it is time to go back to the shop owner, so don’t continue to delay the precious time of the king, and say goodbye.”

"Farewell." Jian Chen also stood up, sent Hu Bai messenger away in person, and then continued to hold a meeting of the Turtle Clan to discuss the future development of the Turtle Clan.

After the meeting, Jian Chen didn't go anywhere. He drew the rest of the materials he needed to make the Ziqing Shuangjian as a blueprint and handed them over to the people below to find them all over the sea. Then he entered the retreat. Lock yourself in the secret room and continue to absorb the strength of those magic cores that are about to be abolished, and at the same time wait for the coming of the tide of heaven and earth.

Two days later, within the territory of the Tianling Temple, in the huge temple, Hu Bai, the messenger who went to the Turtle Clan, reported the conversation between himself and Jian Chen to the Temple Master of the Tianling Temple.

The figure of the temple master of Tianling Temple is still formed by the formation of Yuanshen, not the real body. After listening to Hu Bai's messenger's report, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he waved Elder Hu Bai to retreat, murmuring to himself: "This is The Turtle King actually perfunctory Ben Emperor, it seems that it is really not an easy thing to ask him to come, do you want Ben Emperor to go there in person?"

After the words fell, the temple master of Tianling Temple fell into deep thought, and did not speak for a long time.

At this moment, in the 100,000 barren mountains of Tianyuan Continent, an old man in a cloth was sitting cross-legged in the belly of a barren mountain. The rich red mist filled his body, as thick as blood, sometimes like a heart. The regular fluctuations are sometimes violently tossing, as if a flood dragon is stirring inside.

This old man is Houston. After he got the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead from Jian Chen, he left the Valley of Longevity and found this place where the vitality of the world is thin and the human footprint is rare in the depths of the 100,000-strong mountain.

At this moment, the blood-red mist that filled Houston's body suddenly fell silent, as if a beating heart suddenly stopped beating and fell into stillness.

However, it took only a few breaths of time for this scene to pass. Suddenly, a terrifying aura that seemed to destroy the world radiated from Houston. This aura was extremely powerful, and the cave where he was closed in an instant With the smashing of the rush, the entire mountain burst apart and turned into countless rubble flying around.

Houston didn't seem to notice, his body sitting cross-legged was as motionless as a mountain, suspended in mid-air as if he had no weight at all. The terrifying aura that emanated even shrouded the entire 100,000-strong mountain.

A thicker, viscous blood-red mist emanated from Houston, and formed a tornado that rapidly revolved around Houston's body. During the rotation, the rich and viscous blood-red mist was constantly changing in color. The deepening, the constant solidification, is changing little by little to the substantive at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the originally blue sky, a colorful cloud has quietly appeared, and it contains nine colors, which is a very rare nine-color auspicious cloud on Tianyuan Continent.

Moreover, these nine-color auspicious clouds are centered on this hundred thousand barren mountains, and they spread silently in all directions at an incredible speed. In just over ten breaths, these nine-color auspicious clouds have already covered the entire Tianyuan Continent. .

At this moment, in various places on Tianyuan Continent, everyone stopped their movements, looked up at the sky, and stared curiously at the nine-colored auspicious clouds that quietly appeared in the sky. Few people knew what this meant. what.

In the cities of Tianyuan Continent, large and small, whether they are busy escorting goods or dining in the inn, all the mercenaries and businessmen without exception are all standing on the street, pointing to the appearance of nine-color auspicious clouds. There was a lot of discussion in the sky, and no one knew what happened.

But soon, multiple different rumors appeared in various places.

Some people say that the appearance of nine-colored auspicious clouds in the sky is a sign of good luck.

Some people say that there are nine-colored auspicious clouds in the sky, but there are spiritual things or peerless treasures from heaven and earth that are about to appear in the world...

There are even people who say that the appearance of nine-colored auspicious clouds in the sky is a sign of great ominousness. An unprecedented catastrophe is about to happen in Tianyuan Continent, and there will be a catastrophe that will destroy the world...

In the city of mercenaries, all the holy kings and strong holy emperors who stayed in the small world got the news, and they left the small world at the fastest speed and appeared outside, looking up at the sky one by one, staring at the nine figures in the sky. Se Xiangyun was in a daze for a while.

Those who live at the bottom of the Tianyuan Continent do not know what the appearance of the nine-color auspicious cloud means, but for some holy kings and even experienced sky saints, the nine-colored auspicious cloud is not a secret.

On the Tianyuan Continent, when all the heavenly masters break through to the realm of the holy king, auspicious clouds will appear in the sky, but the area covered by the auspicious clouds is not large, and there are only three colors.

And from the saint king to the saint emperor, auspicious clouds will also appear in the sky, the color will change from three colors to seven colors, and the coverage area will be wider.

If the strong Sage Emperor breaks through and enters the realm of the Sage Emperor, then the light of nine-color auspicious auspiciousness will fall from the sky, and nine-color auspicious clouds will appear, covering the entire Tianyuan Continent.

And now there are nine-colored auspicious clouds quietly appearing in the sky, which makes those holy kings and holy emperors in the city of mercenaries know that on their Tianyuan Continent, there has been a second holy emperor after the Taoist Lord.

"Who is it, who is the emperor?" A holy emperor from the city of mercenaries hovered high in the sky, staring at the nine-colored auspicious clouds covering the whole sky with excitement and said, with a trembling tone, with unconcealed envy and yearning.

"In this era when becoming an emperor is extremely simple, this person can even break the last level and become an emperor. He must be an extremely outstanding person, but I don't know who he is, whether it is a member of the top ten guardian families or Tianjian Supreme. Elder." Another powerful Saint Emperor in the city of mercenaries said with a complicated expression.

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