Chaotic Sword God

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-six chapters come to congratulate

"Elder Tianjian has reached the Great Perfection Realm of the Holy Emperor for many years, but he has not been able to pierce the last layer of separation. For example, today, the elder Jiantaishang has reached his limit and only has a lifespan of more than 100 years. Some time ago, Tianjian The elder Taishang suddenly resigned and left the city of mercenaries to seek a breakthrough to become emperor, and now the sky suddenly descends with nine-colored auspicious clouds, which is clearly a sign of someone becoming emperor, is it possible that this person who became emperor is really Tianjian Taishang Elder." An old man with a childlike appearance, he was originally the second elder of the city of mercenaries, but since Tianjian stepped down, he was promoted from the second elder to the first elder, and now he is the most powerful person in the city of mercenaries, the powerful Holy Emperor Jiuzhongtian , The Great Perfection is not far away.

And Tianjian stepped down from the position of the great elder and became the supreme elder of the city of mercenaries, taking a back seat.

"It hasn't been long since Tianjian Taishang left the city of mercenaries. I don't think it's possible to break through to the Holy Emperor in such a short time." A middle-aged man wearing a red robe said, he is also a mercenary A holy emperor elder in the city.

"Now there are only a handful of powerhouses who have reached the Great Perfection Realm of the Holy Emperor on Tianyuan Continent. Even if you count those scattered people who have lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, there will never be more than 20 people. The talent is very high, and I have also read the cultivation experience and insights left by many senior saint emperors in my city of mercenaries. City, it is the opportunity to find a breakthrough." A slender, very ordinary-looking Sacred Emperor elder said, with an undisguised admiration for the Heavenly Sword in his heart.

At this time, the newly appointed Great Elder of the City of Mercenaries said: "Okay, let's not speculate here for now, after the person who will break through the Holy Emperor is completely stable, it will cause the entire continent to shake the heavens and the earth, and then we will only You need to find the center of the vibration to find out who broke through the Holy Emperor."

Nine-colored auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, covering the entire Tianyuan Continent. Although it caused a great sensation and some panic to those who lived at the bottom of the Tianyuan Continent, this incident was not a big deal for those with rich experience on the Tianyuan Continent, as well as the holy kings and saints. As far as the emperors are concerned, the impact will be extremely huge, making it difficult for all the holy emperors on Tianyuan Continent to remain calm, and they look at the nine-colored auspicious clouds in the sky with excitement and excitement. His eyes unabashedly revealed incomparably strong envy and yearning. At the same time, he was also curious in his heart as to who the person who broke through the Holy Emperor was.

In the Holy Empire, in the deep mountains thousands of miles away from the City of Gods, the seven major super cities, a log cabin stands alone on the highest point of a mountain peak. Nothing could shake this lonely cabin.

At this moment, outside the wooden house, Hao Wu stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the nine-colored auspicious clouds covering the entire sky, and murmured, "Someone in Tianyuan Continent finally becomes an emperor." And yearning, the realm of the emperor, this is an irresistible temptation for every strong emperor.

But soon, Hao Wu seemed to think of something, the longing in his eyes disappeared, revealing a trace of silence and deep pain, turned around and walked into the small wooden house, sitting by the bed and gently holding the pure white jade like Zha Caiyun The jade hand, said affectionately: "I, Hao Wu, do not seek to break through the Holy Emperor in this life, I only hope that Caiyun can wake up soon."

Zha Caiyun's situation was caused by his single-minded desire to die, hurting the primordial spirit, and self-enclosed, not a physical trauma. Therefore, Hao Wu had nothing to do with Zha Caiyun's situation, because the trauma on the primordial spirit was The toughest.

After the nine-color auspicious clouds covered the sky for half a day, a powerful wave of mysterious heaven and earth suddenly came, spreading rapidly toward the distance.

This is the mysterious fluctuation of the heaven and earth of the Holy Emperor class, which is transmitted centered on the breakthrough person, and also symbolizes that the breakthrough person has officially become the supreme power of the Holy Emperor realm.

"I know where it is, let's go and have a look." The elder of the city of mercenaries greeted everyone, and immediately started to tear apart the space to build a gate of space, and then rushed over with many strong men in the city of mercenaries.

"Finally know the location of the person who made the breakthrough. Let's go and see which powerhouse became the Holy Emperor." Among the ten guardian families, in addition to the sealed Changyang Mansion, the other nine families The powerful saint emperors rushed out of their nests, and at the same time rushed to the direction of the mysterious fluctuations of heaven and earth.

Nowadays, it is a big event for someone in Tianyuan Continent to break through to the Holy Emperor, and the identity of a person who becomes a Saint Emperor is very important to Tianyuan Continent. Whether he is good or evil affects the lifeline of Tianyuan Continent to a certain extent. If it is true, it will naturally be a happy event for Tianyuan Continent, but if it is evil, it will be a disaster for Tianyuan Continent.

The three major empires, the Changyang Zuxiao of the Changyang Mansion in Luoer City, the Changyang Zu Yunxiao who sits in the royal family of the Gesen Kingdom, as well as the great ancient families and the holy emperors who are hidden in various places in the Tianyuan Continent, are almost spread out in the mysterious fluctuations of heaven and earth. At that moment, they all ripped apart the space to build the door of space and rushed over.

In the 100,000 barren mountains, Houston, who was wearing a cloth, was still sitting cross-legged in the void. Now the blood-red mist surrounding his body had all been hidden in his body, and his body exuded a vast aura that only emanated from him from time to time. A small breath of breath made the surrounding space vibrate violently, extremely powerful.

At this moment, Houston is comprehending the extremely powerful power brought by the Holy Emperor who has just broken through, and he can't help but sigh in his heart. When he became a Saint Emperor, he felt that with the powerful power he had at the moment, he could easily kill a Saint Emperor Great Perfection.

And this time he broke through the Holy Emperor, and he also got a lot of shocking secrets from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Orb, because through the Heavenly Demon Sacred Orb, he saw a wider world.

"Jian Chen gave me a great fortune, the realm of the Holy Emperor, I have just started my cultivation, and the road ahead is still very long." Houston thought to himself that breaking through the Holy Emperor was a joyful thing. But Hugheston seemed calm.

The surrounding space suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and I saw one after another of the space gates appearing one after another, stepping out of a strong man of the realm of the Holy Emperor, but without exception, everyone restrained their momentum, showing Like an ordinary person, even the top ten guardian families and the sage emperor powerhouse of the city of mercenaries.

In just a few breaths, more than two hundred holy emperors gathered in the originally empty void. As soon as everyone walked out of the gate of space, their eyes all fell on Houston, and they could no longer move away. The terrifying aura emanating from it made all the Sacred Emperor powerhouses in the field deeply understand that there was a real Sacred Emperor powerhouse sitting in front of them.

"Houston, I didn't expect you to become an emperor," said the great elder of the city of mercenaries with a look of admiration. He thought about someone who might become a holy emperor, but he never thought that the one who became a holy emperor was actually a killer. After all, the accident a thousand years ago dealt a great blow to Houston.

However, after confirming the identity of the person who became the emperor, the elders of the city of mercenaries were also a little disappointed. The emperor who became the emperor was not the Supreme Elder Tianjian.

"Congratulations to the Houston Sect Master for being crowned the Holy Emperor and reaching the pinnacle of Tianyuan Continent. After our Tianyuan Continent has become a Taoist Master, there is finally a second Holy Emperor." Qingxin Pavilion Pavilion Master Wuchenzi smiled, One congratulates Houston.

"Congratulations to the Houston Gatekeeper..."

Next, saint emperors from all sides came to congratulate Houston, smiling and polite. In this era of rare saint emperors, even the top ten guardian families with profound backgrounds are reluctant to take it lightly. the offense.

"Old sect master, have really become a holy emperor." A voice full of excitement came from behind the crowd. Jiang Wang, the deputy sect master of Blood Sword Sect, squeezed in from the outside, looking at Houston with excitement. .

After learning that the person who became Emperor was Houston, the excitement in Jiang Wang's heart had reached an incomparable level.

Houston, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, finally opened his eyes at this time. He first nodded to King Jiang, and then cupped his hands to the surroundings: "Houston, thank you all for your congratulations." Houston's tone was extremely calm, and there was no The joy and excitement it deserves because of being a powerful Saint Emperor.

"Houston has already been crowned the Holy Emperor, becoming one of the only two Holy Emperors on our Tianyuan Continent, yet he can still maintain such a calm state of mind. This alone compares everyone in our field. Going down, no wonder the person who became the Holy Emperor will be Houston, it turns out that Houston's state of mind has already reached a level beyond our reach." A strong Holy Emperor praised loudly, which immediately resonated with many people.

Hearing this, Houston smiled indifferently and said, "The journey of cultivation is endless, and the realm of the Holy Emperor has only just begun. There is nothing to be proud of. It must be known that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. We used to just sit and watch the sky."

Houston's remarks made everyone in the field look stunned. The realm of the Holy Emperor has just started. If these words hadn't come from Houston's mouth, I'm afraid some of them would have been scolding.

"Everyone, I still have things to do, so I'll leave first." Houston didn't give a detailed explanation, and left here after tearing a door of space.

With this breakthrough, he got a lot of information from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead. Not only did he understand that the Holy Emperor was just starting out, but he also obtained the secret techniques that hit the powerful with amazing power. These secret techniques, even with the strength of his Holy Emperor It can only be used reluctantly, and its rank far exceeds that of holy rank combat skills.

Three days later, Houston established the realm of the Holy Emperor, and at the same time, he also initially mastered the secret methods, and then came to the outside of the Devil's Nest alone.

"That's it, this is the Devil's Cave of Death. Strange, why does the Heavenly Demon Sacred Orb keep sending me the call to come to the Devil's Cave of Death?" Houston stopped outside the Devil's Den, full of curiosity.

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