Chaotic Sword God

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-seventh chapters of the body

The yin in the Devil's Cave of Death is filled with yin, and the black mist is churning. From time to time, a ferocious and terrifying devil's face is formed. It opens its mouth and roars outside, trying to rush out of the Devil's Chamber of Death, but it is enveloped by a layer of huge knots. The world and the formation were trapped inside, no matter how strong and terrifying the yin qi in the Devil's Nest of Death was, it couldn't leak out the slightest bit.

Now Houston has completely restrained his aura of the Holy Emperor. He was wearing sackcloth and stood calmly outside the Devil's Cave of Death. His old eyes were staring at the depths of the Devil's Cave of Death. There was a bit of confusion and curiosity in his eyes. In his mind, the call from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead was getting stronger and stronger, anxiously urging Houston to enter the Devil's Cave of Death, as if there was something in the Devil's Cave of Death that deeply attracted him.

Houston was not affected by the Demon Sacred Bead. He could completely suppress the call from the Demon Sacred Bead, but he didn't have so much. He already knew the extraordinary power of the Demon Sacred Bead. Chengdi, it can be said that it was completely bestowed by the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead.

Houston stood and pondered for a while outside the Devil's Cave of Death, and finally stepped into the Devil's Cave of Death filled with Yin Qi. He has now become a holy emperor, and his powerful strength brings incomparable self-confidence. He believes that even if there are real No matter what the danger, he also has full confidence to retreat.

There was no change at all in the Devil's Cave of Death, the Yin Qi was endless, the churning black mist continued, and some of the soft ground was red, as if watered by blood, and scattered trees and plants swayed in the black mist. It looks as if ghosts are showing their teeth and claws, eerie and terrifying.

Houston's expression was as usual, and he walked in the Devil's Cave of Death very calmly. He always kept moving forward in a straight line. According to the call from the Devil's Sacred Bead, he walked straight towards the deepest part of the Devil's Cave of Death.

At this moment, a gloomy aura emerged from the churning black mist and silently penetrated into Houston's mind.

Although Houston noticed it, he didn't resist, letting the cold aura penetrate into his primordial spirit. He wanted to try the power of this cold aura.

However, the next moment, Houston's figure was stunned, and a look of shock appeared on his face, saying: "This yin can be swallowed by the power of God-devouring, which is helpful for the cultivation of God-devouring power." Strength, that is, Yin evil energy, this is the information Houston got from the Devil's Sacred Bead.

In the past, the exercise that Houston practiced was adapted by the Gorefiend Emperor based on the demon art obtained from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead. He obtained the complete Heavenly Demonic Art from the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead, and the energy in his body has been completely transformed into God-devouring power, which is not only much stronger than the Yin Sha Qi he once mastered, but also does not need to rely on slaughter to generate it, just absorb the heaven and earth Vitality can be transformed through Heavenly Demon Art.

"No wonder the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead brought me here. It turns out that the Devil's Cave of Death is a treasure for those who practice Heavenly Demon Art." Houston soon realized that the speed of progress was getting faster and faster.

Whether it is Tianyuan Continent or Beast God Continent, once you reach the Holy Emperor, it will be very difficult to improve your strength. This is not only because there is no source power between heaven and earth, but also affected by the lack of source strength, even the vitality of heaven and earth. It is far worse than it was in the past. Few people can reach the peak of the Holy Emperor. Houston can already predict that if he has a cultivation holy place like the Devil's Cave of Death, his future strength will also improve by leaps and bounds.

Houston's speed is getting faster and faster. Although it seems that he is still walking leisurely, but every step he takes can span a distance of several kilometers. Because of his fast speed, so In the first area of ​​the Devil's Cave of Death, there was not a single holy king resentful spirit, and soon came to the second area.

After entering the second area, the weakest resentment spirits here have reached the level of the Holy Emperor. Houston didn't go far when he encountered the Holy Emperor's resentful spirit that turned into a dark shadow silently attacking from the side.

Houston's forward speed was not reduced in the slightest, a little bit of a finger, a little red light shot out like lightning, and hit the Holy Emperor Wraith with accuracy. This is the power of God.

If it was in the past, Houston would definitely not use the God-devouring power so easily, because the God-devouring power was used a little less for him at that time, and it was extremely difficult to replenish. All the energy in his body has been transformed into God-devouring power. For him, God-devouring power has become an ordinary power, and it is very easy to recover. Naturally, he does not care about the consumption of God-devouring power.

The Holy Emperor's resentful spirit was directly dissipated out of thin air by this god-devouring force, and turned into a dim black mist, which could no longer be re-condensed.

Houston went all the way and was attacked by the Holy Emperor's resentful spirit many times, but without exception, he was scattered every time with a god-devouring force, and he could no longer reunite his body.

Along the way, there were also many gloomy auras trying to attack Houston's Primordial Spirit, but they were all refined by the God-devouring power in his body and turned into a part of the God-devouring power.

Although the death cave is full of dangers, it poses no threat to Houston at all. It quickly passed through the second area and came to the third area.

As soon as he stepped into the third area, an incomparably strong gloomy and cold aura was enveloped in Houston from all directions. In this third area, even the powerhouses of the Great Perfection Realm of the Holy Emperor had to use the power of the Holy Spirit outside the body. Condensed into an energy shield to resist, but Houston still did not make any protection, still the cold aura from all directions infiltrated his body and soul, not only did not feel the slightest discomfort, but also revealed a pair of Very comfortable feeling.

Because all the cold aura that invaded his body was transformed into a part of the God-devouring power, for Houston, who practiced Heavenly Demon Art, these cold and cold auras not only did no harm to him, on the contrary, they would enhance his strength, just like rich The heaven and the earth are full of vitality.

Ahead, two tall ghost figures slowly emerged in the churning black mist, and immediately turned into a black figure and charged towards Houston.

"The Wraith of the Holy Emperor." Houston could see the strength of these two ghosts at a glance. They were powerful beings in the same realm as him, and they became solemn at the moment. Just a few fingers, two powerful god-devouring forces. It turned into two sharp swords and shot at the two holy emperor resentful spirits like lightning.

The Holy Emperor's Resentful Spirit would not dodge at all, and collided with the God-devouring power, but when their bodies just touched the God-devouring power, they began to tremble violently, and the facial features were unclear. They began to twist, revealing the color of pain, and even their bodies were rapidly fading, and within a breath of time before and after, the figures of the two powerful Saint Emperor resentful spirits had disappeared, turning into a dim black mist. dissipate.

The two suffocating auras shot by Houston were too powerful. After defeating the two holy emperor resentful spirits, they continued to shoot towards the depths of the Devil's Nest without losing their momentum. Wherever they passed, the tumultuous black The fog dissipated.

"This god-devouring power has restraint on these resentful spirits." Houston was stunned for a moment, and he was greatly surprised. He had previously killed the Holy Emperor's resentful spirit because of the absolute suppression of his strength, so he did not find this situation, and now his opponent changed. The resentment of the holy emperor, the restraint effect of the god-devouring power was immediately manifested.

But what Houston didn't know was that the two god-devouring powers he used to deal with the Holy Emperor's resentful spirit grew slowly during the flight. The power is absorbed and constantly strengthens itself.

The speed of these two god-devouring powers was very fast, and they soon flew to the center of the third floor of the Death Devil's Nest, and then seemed to hit an invisible barrier and dissipated out of thin air.

At the same time, the entire Death Devil's Nest trembled slightly, and at this moment, the Death Devil's Nest seemed to undergo a subtle change.

Houston naturally felt it too, but the call from the Demon Sacred Bead was getting stronger and stronger, which made it difficult for him to hide the curiosity in his heart and continued to walk towards the depths of the Devil's Nest.

On the way, Houston encountered the harassment of the Holy Emperor's resentment spirits from time to time, but his god-devouring power had restraint on the Holy Emperor's resentment spirits.

Not long after, Houston came to the most central position on the third floor of the Devil's Cave of Death. He was not moving forward, but stood there quietly and kept scanning the surroundings, his brows gradually wrinkled, and he muttered: "There is a The formation method is hidden in the void, it seems... it seems to be a formation method recorded in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead, but it is a little different."

Houston fell into contemplation. After a while, his eyes flashed, and an incomparably rich God-devouring power radiated from him, turning into a cloud of red mist that filled the front, gradually, in front of Houston. , a formation hidden in the void slowly emerged.

As soon as the formation appeared, it continuously absorbed the God-devouring power emanating from Houston, and this God-devouring power seemed to be the driving force of this formation. After absorbing the God-devouring power, the formation It began to emit a dazzling blood light, and then began to spin rapidly.

"Boom." At the same time, a dull roar was constantly heard from the Devil's Cave of Death, the ground trembled slightly, and a large hidden formation appeared on the ground. This formation was very huge and took up The entire area of ​​the Devil's Cave of Death.

"This... This seems to be the blood training formation recorded in the Heavenly Demon Sacred Bead, and it is still complete. How could the complete blood training formation appear here." Looking at the huge formation that appeared on the ground, Houston's face Suddenly, he was shocked.

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