Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1028 Angel

Michael obviously hasn't recovered from this extreme angle change, "No, what did you just say?" In order not to let Michael resist, Ye Hao had to hold her waist with his hand, it was so soft. The subtle feeling passed, and she couldn’t help touching Michael’s waist, her body armor made her white waist nothing to stop at all. (applaud)

The skin of Michael's waist was so delicate, she felt the movement of her hands immediately, and a look appeared on her face, but what else could she do, she couldn't do anything, all the strength in her body was taken by her hand blocked. She is not resisting at all now.

"I" Michael said something, I don't know how to say it, "You what, but I don't understand, you just said that your so-called God of Light is not as good as your Ten God Angel, so why are you afraid of Ye Hao?" Even It's Ye Hao, don't you let your angel take care of Ye Hao? "

"Ye Hao is not as good as an angel of God. The problem is that an angel of God is in heaven, not at all in this world. Even if Ye Hao wants to clean it up, Ye Hao can't clean it up." Michael said, at this time she could only throw away what was in her heart. that look. "Oh? So the so-called God of Light here is not in heaven?" The expression on his face was strange.

No wonder the beliefs here are so insane, which is why these so-called beliefs are rendered meaningless throughout the year. If those people on the earth, God, come, for example, are exposed once or twice a day, Ye Hao can solve several disasters a day, once or twice. Well, for those who believe in Ye Hao, it is not difficult without thinking too much.

"Well, after all, Ye Hao is just a manager here, I am now the most powerful angel below, but I still can't compete with the God of Light, because I came directly from heaven, so the God of Light treats me Be very cautious, except for my immediate angel, the other Ye Hao people are basically on the other side of the God of Light, including the following content."

Speaking of which, Michael was a little calm, but she had no choice but to go back to her, naturally unwilling to help her with anything. "Can you help me?" Michael had a rare expression on his face, wondering if Ye Hao remembered what Ye Hao said just now.

"Help you? Well, let me ask you a few questions. Have you met the Son of God?" Ye Hao asked, and Michael breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why he thought so, he still shook his head. "So I ask you, are you a born angel?"

Michael stared at Ye Hao's head intently, although the distance between the two people was very close, the clear eyes of these two people finally made Michael nod. "Well, let me ask you again, you have never been from birth to practice. Whatever the reason, there is no reason."

The pastor said lightly: "Yes." Michael didn't know what to think, but wherever there were intelligent creatures, even in the world of gods, this world was unmatched. "So, I ask you, when you were, did your so-called Son of God save you, even show up and help you once?"

".No." Michael didn't know what Ye Hao wanted to say, but the truth was always true. Under clear eyes, Michael couldn’t lie. "So, why do you trust Ye Hao? Because Ye Hao gave you strength? Are you kidding? I'm afraid you have the ability to practice yourself. How many angels do you have? Every year I want to be tortured to death by countless numbers, your God.

Yeah? "

Ye Hao smiled and said, believe this matter, you say Ye Hao has it, you say Ye Hao doesn't, Ye Hao doesn't. After saying these words, Michael's face suddenly turned red, first a pair of iron blue, then an ugly, skeptical expression, which almost flooded her mind for a moment.

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