Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1029 Poor

"Who are you?" Michael asked in class. He didn't know when to touch her hand, and said with a smile, "Me?" I'm just an ordinary person, but I never trust anyone, anything, power in my own hands It is true, and Ye Hao distrusts everything. Believe in God? God can give you food. "Can I get you a drink?" The little boy smiled quietly.

"." Michael had no words and didn't know what to think. Naturally, he didn't think that his short words would cause Michael to have a crisis of faith. "Why, your words are so similar to what you just said?" "For a while," Michael said with a smile on his face.

Lucifer? Ye Hao almost laughed directly, not thinking that things on the earth are really like this. Now that Michael said so, Ye Hao immediately said that he had betrayed God, just like in Western legends, I am afraid he had betrayed God, just like in Western legends. I don't believe in God anymore.

"Yes. Ye Hao used to be a god angel with ten wings, but I don't know when, Ye Hao said something similar to you, and then Ye Hao fell down completely, and Ye Hao's white wings turned black , became friends. Ye Hao led Ye Hao's angels, and Ye Hao turned them into fallen angels." An inexplicable confusion appeared on Michael's face.

Heartbroken and moved, although Michael didn't show anything, but if Ye Hao is a lunatic, instead of saying these this time, he resolutely said what Zoom said, that is, even if he didn't say these. I'm afraid Michael's faith is not so strong.

poor woman. No one wants to cause her a crisis of faith, which is not a good thing for her, but now? Ye Hao's hand protruded from the leather behind Michael. Gods testify, I'm pure, I just wanted to touch her back, not real wings.

Inexplicably speaking, poor Michael is frightened at this moment, how can you notice what Ye Hao's hands are doing? Smooth and delicate. Well, yes, there is no expression on Ye Hao’s face, but Ye Hao’s heart is related to the skin on Michael’s body.

"You, why?" At some point, Michael suddenly became upset, smiled immediately, touched Ye Hao's head, and just touched Michael's back. Although her back was tight, she put one hand Reaching in is not a problem. Just a little touch, and accidentally bumped her from the back.

Michael's face was almost red with blood, since she was born, no one dared to do this to her, although some people thought so, Ye Hao and others were pushed away by various reasons and methods. Even there, that's why she has to go.

It must be said that, fortunately, in Angel, there is no one as affable as that man, and those who chased Michael were also openly chased, but no one used such abusive tactics. "You let go" At this moment, Michael didn't resist, and could only push Ye Hao with Ye Hao's small hand.

But how could she push it, "Well, it's more comfortable for us like this." Although Ye Hao took Ye Hao's hand from Michael's clothes, Ye Hao still didn't want to let her go. "What you said just now. Although I admit that what you said is true, I don't think I can betray my belief in Father God."

Michael changed the subject to cover up the current embarrassment. "Why?" A Fei asked with great interest, and Ye Hao could tell that Michael's heart must have changed a lot just now. "For no reason, my strength is given to me by the Father, and all my strength is given to me by the Father."

"Michael answered formally.

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