Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1030 Crazy

However, how can the people not listen to the hesitation in this sentence: "Your power is given to you by the father?" Then I ask you, already fallen, what is the power that Ye Hao uses? "Although I'm not familiar with it, but the strength is the people who talk about it, and the more they talk, the better.

Maybe the West and the East have different ideas, but does God have such great power? If Ye Hao had so much power, would Ye Hao hide in a corner without knowing where? It's all nonsense. "Okay" Michael was there, when Ye Hao saw Michael like this, Ye Hao knew it right away.

May have fallen, but definitely can use the power of light. In fact, it's just a power of belonging. All power given by God, glory of the Lord, etc., are all nonsense. God is not that great. No great man can be compared to a wise man.

Maybe the power of these creatures may be given by God, but this is just one of Ye Hao's purposes, people are not absent, but how many people are abnormal in the world? "I can't say it, you may not admit it, but your heart has begun to shake, and your belief is no longer firm."

Ye Hao said slowly, not even Ye Hao himself, and said with a soft tone, what could be more fulfilling than digging out a more satisfying word from God's old man's feet? After hearing Ye Hao's words, Michael's mind panicked, to be honest, although she was still on the surface, in fact, as she said, her heart became confused, not that Michael didn't believe in God. But even she's not that old in Angel.

However, Michael has been through a lot, and there are many things that have shaken Michael's faith, and there is no doubt that this is fueling the fire. Like a guy who wants to move to another company.

If there is no one to help, Ye Hao may hesitate for a long time, but if someone punches Ye Hao in the ear, or there is some reason for Ye Hao to do so, then this person can make a decision very quickly, Michael is undoubtedly right In such a period.

This person just happens to be that person, but despite what people think, not all angels are like Michael. In fact, people in this world, good people always think a little more. But there are exceptions.

Some people, like crazy believers, if Michael was crazy, even things like this could have happened before, a crazy person will always make excuses for some miracle. Of course Michael wasn't like that. She is a smart woman.

Otherwise, she would not have the status and power she has today, so when he said these words, Michael naturally thought of this aspect. Just when Michael thought of all this, suddenly, the strength in Michael's body began to become stronger.

It turned out that there was a sudden scream and contempt under Michael's pen, and Ye Hao didn't know what happened. At this moment, Michael suddenly had eight huge white wings, just behind Ye Hao, and suddenly found that the angel wings were not real.

Although they were real wings, they were actually made of white Sayers energy, when a huge force suddenly rushed into Michael's body.

But at this moment, those eight huge white wings stretched out behind Michael suddenly burst into a violent white light, followed by a dark light covering her wings. A few feathers on the upper wing were starting to turn black.

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