Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1087 Skills

Longmen Town, also known as Longmen Town, was originally just a small mountain village, but because of its proximity to the funeral mountain, the number of adventurers and businessmen in the past who came to buy monster fur crystal cores continued to increase. Later, someone took the initiative to fund and expand the village. It was built as a town, and since then, with the continuous increase of trade and foreign population, Longmen Town has also achieved great development and prosperity.

However, there are no royal decrees, no sects, just a few massively trained gangs that control the city's mighty power. Among them, Tiandou Gang and Dihu Gang are the two most powerful gangs. In Longmen Town, bullying men and women, murder and arson were commonplace. As long as you're skilled enough, it won't be a big deal if you see a favorite girl on the street and take it back, but only if you can handle the background behind the chick.

The eggs of the two dogs are the young masters of the Tianjiu Gang. During the three training periods, because of Tiandougang, a main force in Longmen Town, it has to go out every day. After meeting a beautiful woman, it will ask about its background. If a poor man was born, he would send his people back to enjoy it, and when there was a soft persimmon to pinch, he would blackmail hard, in short, do all the bad things.

Today he had a routine inspection, wandered the streets and found no beautiful chicks. Even if he did, he was protected by the guards, and he didn't dare to provoke him, so he held his breath on his stomach. When his eyes went to the city gate, a savage in ragged clothes came in, strangely enough, holding a huge black sword behind him, thinking that the savage was holding a huge and A dark sword, and it was unusual for a barbarian in ragged clothes to walk in, and what was even stranger was that the barbarian was holding a huge black sword behind him. When he inadvertently glimpsed the dark ring in the barbarian's hand, he was silent for a long time and survived again!

With a ring, it's clear some are worth it!

On top of that, judging by the outlines of some green pheasants, they are not old enough to be of the same age as the triple bone forging period. This must be the master who ran out from the big family to play. In their eyes, older people, fat sheep!

Killing a fat sheep is better than killing countless ordinary martial arts.

Even if the fat sheep has some background, but in this chaotic place, as long as the hands and feet are clean, don't leave evidence, basically there is nothing to be afraid of.

As a result, the two dogs whistled proudly, and then took out seven or eight people to surround the young wild man.

In fact, the young barbarian was the ancient Ye Hao. Because he had encountered one after another in the funeral mountain, he was dressed in rags and looked like a barbarian.

Seeing seven or eight punks with a few machetes, surrounded by bad looks and funny smiles. Ye Hao wanted to know that he might be "fancy" by them, and then he took a small step forward. Laughing, "In broad daylight, guys, I don't think you want to rob?"

"Yes, your grandfather is still in a good mood today. You put the ring on your hand and put down the big sword behind you, that is to say, you can leave." If not, you have offended my Tiandou Help," Wen Yan patted the handle of the knife, and said brazenly: "Yes, your grandfather is in a good mood today, you put the ring on your hand, and put down the big knife behind you. "You have delicious fruit to eat, hey!" "Ha, yes, the second director is right, quickly put down the ring and black sword, you can also know a way of life, otherwise, hey."

"Come on, what are you looking at? It's hanging out!"

"Fuck, you're fucking still laughing! When I don't exist? Death!"

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