Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1088 Good Sword

After more than half a month of creation of the "truth" and the training of the funeral mountain Ye Hao, his control of power is almost in the state of the microcosm, so he can almost perfectly control the power of his body without letting it show a trace of breath . This way he could perfectly control the power of his body without letting it show any breath. The little punk in front of us thinks that Ye Hao has poor strength and is easily bullied, one is arrogant, and the other is unparalleled arrogance, pointing at his hands and feet.

"Oh, is this a robbery?"

Ye Hao asked with a smile, he was robbed for the first time, he was very funny on the street, with a smile on his face but with a mocking tone. "You are dumb"

He was stupid when he was a child, so he didn't like others to say that he was stupid, so he pointed to Ye Hao and drank a glass: "Hit me, beat this kid even his parents don't know him!" He immediately looked at Ye Hao and said: " Give me a fight so the boy doesn't know his parents!" He's so stupid that when he was a kid he didn't like being told he was stupid.

The deputy boss of the Tiandu Gang is his brother-in-law, so it can be said that he is very tough in the background. That's why he dared to be so unscrupulous. Therefore, he is not at all afraid to create problems.

The scene on the street had already fallen into the eyes of passers-by coming and going, and was soon surrounded by a circle of discussions that swelled like a tide.

"Oh, isn't this the mother-in-law of the Tianjiu Gang?" he said. Why did you find the fat sheep again? so lucky! "

"Yes, our tiger gang seems to have to work hard, otherwise the fat sheep will be eaten by other people's dog gang, and we can only drink the northwest wind." -.

"This little savage looks like a fine sword on his back, can't he be the master?"

"The owner of the poop, if the owner, would the clothes rot like this?"

"Yes, it looks like the little Savage is in trouble. That's a pity."

"They seem to be another force in Longmen Town, not afraid of the Tiandou Gang at all," several martial arts in uniform shouted, that's why they dared to make such a noise!

When they saw the two punks getting angry, seven or eight little punks walked around stealthily, some with machetes, some with long swords, and various other things. Did it many times, so they rushed up smartly. To raise a weapon is to fall, as long as a life is saved, whoever he is, here they are the oldest.


The shape of Ye Hao's body, the black eyes gleaming, the invisible soul passed through the body, condensed into eight small needles, instantly stuck on the heads of the eight mixed-bloods, and at the same time staggered, kicked into their chests like lightning .


Only hearing the sound of heavy objects falling on the ground, the two dogs suddenly raised their heads, that is to see his eight capable people either prostrate on the ground with their bodies like prawns, or lie on the ground and spit!


damn it. !


The two dogs couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. In front of them, the savage slowly walked over, with a smile on his face, looking very kind, but this warm smile, falling in his eyes, was more powerful than the devil in hell. Much more terrifying!

Among the eight major martial arts, several times are the three martial arts in the world, and you can go to the second step. This kind of strength is definitely a master!

Oh my gosh, I got the iron plate!

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