Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1135

Then, when he entered the illusory boundary of the phantom, he suddenly saw boundless white clouds floating in the gap, converging into a vast sea of ​​clouds, in the floating clouds, huge mountain islands, towering, all kinds of simple and elegant palaces; Between the blue water and the sky, all kinds of fairies, elves, and beasts fly freely between the sky and the earth.

Even among these creatures, we can see countless spirit beasts that only existed in ancient times, such as Kunpeng, Taijiang, etc. They do not exist between the sea of ​​clouds. These creatures are in this strange space, whether it is a fairy beast or a world of warcraft. It's as close as they are to each other, as if some ancient event was dumped into the infamous World of Warcraft, where their temperaments became surprisingly mild.

Just when Ye Hao just entered here, an ancient World of Warcraft named Chaos quietly passed by him, showing no malice towards him. Chaos, you know, is one of those ancient beasts. It is as round as a ball, like a pig, with four wings on its back, but it has no head, and its appearance is very cute and strange, of course all this is because of his appearance, because the chaotic world of warcraft was bred in ancient times , it has a huge terrifying power, its own nature is extremely cruel, but whenever he finds that it is life, it will directly devour it. Because the chaotic monster is conceived by the vitality of heaven and earth, it cannot reproduce itself at all, so even if it encounters its own kind, it will swallow it without hesitation and turn it into its own power.

A Chaos Demonic Beast, that is, a child who has just been bred, has the same power as an ordinary monk of Jindan, and when it reaches maturity, it will become a monk, no less than the realm of thunder and robbery. Its body will also become like steel and bones, and it is difficult for ordinary incarnations to bombard its body, so it can be said that once the owner of the miner meets a mature chaotic beast, even if his self-cultivation is two or three layers higher than it , may not be able to wrap it up, and may even get hit hard by the other side.

Facing everything in front of him, Ye Hao was not only dumbfounded, even Dongfang Haoyu beside him couldn't extricate himself for a long time. You should know that opening a blank space creates a vast sea of ​​clouds. Building countless mountains and islands, and keeping so many beasts in cages, it's literally opening up another world.

How can people not be surprised by such a meaning? For such a pen, Ye Hao can only use the word "shocking", because he really can't imagine what kind of terrifying power is needed to build such a world. do it

At this time, Ye Hao stood tall in the center of the thousands of clouds and mountains, this huge and unparalleled fairy mountain. The mountain as a whole presents a huge fan-shape, reaching a height of one million square feet, and piercing directly into the clouds. In front of this fairy mountain, people are like a small speck of dust. With the sacred aura of this mountain itself, people who see it can't help but have an impulse to worship.

He said: "It is said that Penglai Island is a space opened up by an ancient powerful country, and the main peak he displayed with his own artifact seems to be a space opened by an ancient powerful force." With the power to destroy the sky and the earth, "At this time, it is already The stunned Dongfang Haoyu suddenly opened his mouth."

"Brother Dongfang, you said that the main body of Penglai Island is a divine artifact." When Ye Hao heard the word "immortal artifact" from Dongfang Haoyu's mouth, he didn't stop and asked hurriedly,

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