Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1136 Strength

What is a fairy, but is it a powerful magical weapon that can destroy the sky and the earth? Once it can be possessed and mastered, it can be said to be an invincible existence, as long as it is not a real fairy. It is impossible to become his opponent at all, and most importantly, with the help of the artifact, Qilin's minced meat can also recover quickly, as long as it gets the artifact. That's why Ye Hao was so excited when he heard Dongfang's Haoyu say the word "fairy artifact".

He said: "Yes, it is said that thousands of years ago, some monks joined together and gathered the top of the faction. They thought that Pennell Island would be improved and restored from a new island to fairies, but they thought It." Not only did it fail to improve it, but it was repulsed by the powerful power of Penglai Island itself, so those powerful people who combined forces to improve it were all killed by the hard-lived town under Xianren Island, from Since then, those powerful people who have combined forces to make it refined have all died under the Immortal Isle. "No matter who it is, they respect the fairy mountain in front of us very much, and they don't dare to think about it at all, because the power of the fairy is beyond our imagination," Dongfang Haoyu explained.

"That's it," Ye Hao said with a frown, but it is undeniable that when the Taoist musical instrument fully exerts its original power, it is enough to destroy the earth. It is conceivable that the fairy musical instrument that only exists in legends will be so powerful that it will reach to what extent.

You should know that at this time, although Ye Hao has the magic weapon of rune thinking, he has three Taoists. These three Taoists, except for the messy Thunder Sword that has been following him for a long time, the other two Taoists, even at this time , nor could he exert all his strength,

Although at this time, with Ye Hao's own power, if they can compete with each other without Taoist weapons, but if both of them have the same props and magic weapons, then Ye Hao must be the one who must lose. Because the difference in practice between the two is too great, in order to thoroughly urge the Taoist priest, apart from his powerful magic power, the most important thing is the monk's own practice.

Magical weapons can only exert their greatest power when driven by the laws of heaven.

"Brother Yu, don't get hurt, you, who don't want to ask the world, will come out to participate in this exciting event."

But when Ye Hao and Dongfang Haoyu had just entered the main island of Pennell Island to see the scenery, a voice suddenly reached the ears of the two of them. When those two people looked at them, they only saw a white man in a star robe. suddenly came down from the sky,

This medium-sized, plain-looking man was one of those figures thrown into crowds, and was very unremarkable, but most notably, behind his medium-sized body, was holding a giant sword,

But for this person, Ye Hao didn't despise him at all. Although he paid more attention to the scenery of Penglai Island just now, he wanted to stand on the side of the two of them without knowing it. Although he had just fought against Dongfang Haoyu, he wanted to pay more attention to the scenery of Penglai Island. Without a certain amount of strength as a foundation, it is impossible to get rid of their spiritual perception, and Ye Hao can at least be fixed. In terms of strength, the people in front of him are definitely no less than himself and Dongfang Haoyu.

"The big brother who was originally silent is really safe," Hao Yu said. "Today, the Sword Hall actually let Brother Hao Yu stand up, compared with the dominance of Penglai County Island, it is really necessary to have it," Jian said with a silent smile and a funny way. In his speech, it is not difficult to see that he and Dongfang Haoyu are old acquaintances, and his relationship with Dongfang is not common.


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