Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1137 Rules

"Okay Brother Yu, you're not right, don't you know that I'm a sword nerd, and I have another nickname? The world only knows that my sword is silent and has only one thing to do with kendo, but you don't even know, yes Is it?" Although I am here today, many reasons are really because of my master's order, but more to confirm my nickname, huh, huh, speaking of this, Jian kept laughing.

He said: "Yo, who is a beautiful woman, it's actually annoying to be silent, but I remember, you just came with the power of power, and it was so exciting to be a beautiful woman," he said. I don't know which one you're looking for this time. "Haoyu from Dongfang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Jian's silence. Obviously, he is very familiar with Jian's other nickname, which is silence."

What is one, three, rare beauty, afraid of your own strength, not in the east under your so-called "Thunder Heaven General", "Sword quietly coldly humming,"

"What, there are three, the power is not under me, I have been closed for too long, because the things in the world have never been heard, unexpectedly, suddenly so many masters said, hurry up and say: "What the hell is it Who, I want to ask them to learn from each other, "When Dongfang Haoyu heard this sentence, the light in his eyes suddenly lit up, as if a miser saw a golden mountain, like that indescribable excitement."

"Well, you will know it soon, but you won't know it now," Jian said, and he noticed Ye Hao standing next to Dongfang Haoyu while speaking: "Dongfang man, this brother looks very good, you Look, I've been talking to you for so long, why didn't you introduce me?"

"My God, how can you say, I just met this brother, his name is Ye Hao, but his strength is not below you and me," Dongfang Haoyu waved his hand and silently explained to Jian.

He said: "This man named Jian Silence in front of you is the main disciple of Lingbo City. Among the monks of the same generation, he is one of the best monks, except for a little sex, a little pity, and a little brain damage "But it's also a good thing, you just know, don't get too close to him, or he will be broken," Dongfang Haoyu pointed to the side of the sword in silence, and Ye Hao whispered in his ear, "

Although Dongfang Haoyu's voice was very low, how could he escape the silence of the sword during this practice?

"Dongfang Haoyu, you son of a bitch, have you introduced such a person, do you want to fight?" Just as he was speaking, he had already formed a tense momentum.

"Unknown brother, nice to meet you," Ye Hao hurriedly bowed to Jian in silence. Of course, he knew that Jian's silence and Dongfang's Haoyu were just joking, but facing these two people, he still had a feeling of laughing rather than crying. However, for such a person, Ye Hao is still willing to get to know him deeply. After all, in the field of truth, one more friend is equal to one more road.

Jian silently saw Ye Hao take the initiative to salute him, and the angry expression on his face disappeared immediately, and he was very happy instead, so the three chatted more directly.

"Silence, you came in front of us, you know what is the control of Penglai County this year, what are the regulations," Dongfang Haoyu asked suddenly.

"I didn't pay attention to the rules of the comparison, but the way the game is played this year has changed, not in the previous way, but in the form of direct rounds, as long as it can stand at the end. "That is the final winner," said Jian Said, there are several centers of gravity hanging on the face," Jian said silently.

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