Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1145

"Why, none of the three gods and demons dare to challenge me? Have they all failed?" Xia Yu explorer stood on the ring, slowly pointed his long sword at the middle figure under the court and said, "That's it, "He said. Well, I don't think it's necessary to go to the next game. "He said.

Hearing the Xia Miao explorer's words, this originally stupid and moving sword suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, and the subconscious sword wanted to rush into the Lord of the Rings and fight with Xia Xia's feather explorer.

But just as he was about to fire his weapon, a gentle woman's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xia Yu explorer, let this girl see what you mean," Xia Yu explorer, let this girl see your means,

At this time, a gentle woman's voice suddenly sounded, and then, suddenly, everyone saw a beautiful awn rising from the ground under the ring, directly connected to the sky, running in the void, like a gorgeous Colorful neon lights. The neon light is flickering, as if the power of the five lines of heaven and earth is emitted by this neon light. Under this dazzling neon light, there is actually a false shadow of another scene in the void.

In the shadows, the sound of birds and flowers appeared, and then the pure lotus blossomed, the river flowed through the flowers, and the bright sun shone from the void. It's like creating a blessed place so beautiful it's hard to tell what's real and what's fantasy.

"Pure lotus flower", Xia Yuchun couldn't help showing a dignified expression when he looked at the fairyland-like shadow in front of her. After a long time, he slowly raised the long sword in his hand. He pointed directly at the void, then shot his eyes towards the crowd in the scene, and said sarcastically: "The women in Mount Putuo are not as good as the women present, they want a woman to return to your fairy scene, it's really sad."

"Xia Yuxi, you seem to be looking down on our women by saying that."

At this time, the neon light dissipated and returned to nature, a white veil, a woman's face suddenly emerged from the void, the woman was like a lotus flower in clear water, with a long black hair floating behind her. The whole person does not seem to have a bit of secular flavor, but is more like a fairy, especially on this woman's forehead, with a faint imprint, like a lotus flower, which also adds a touch of mystery to herself.

As soon as the man's real body came out, the monks all showed jealousy, and the male monk was obsessed with a face, but it was just an obsession, because the beauty of a woman is like a natural beauty. There was a divine and unmistakable majesty to her whole body, not from her strength but from her own.

However, when this woman appeared at that moment, under that ring, there was a face full of infinite tenderness, as if the world had melted everything and there was no one else at this time. This is Ye Hao,

The woman who surfaced in the void was none other than Yao, one of his dying fiancées,

At this time, compared with the previous Yao, her appearance has not changed much, but her original childlike innocence has disappeared, instead she is sacred, and because of this sacred temperament, Ye Hao is more sure that she is exactly what she is waiting for. Because in Ye Hao's mind, only she is worthy of this kind of temperament.

"Ah, we are arrogant bohemians in magic, you want me to respect you, well, show your skills," Xia Yu explorer said, and he laughed out loud when he heard Yao's words, Not at all because the other party is a woman.

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