Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1146 Counterattack

with some humility,

"If that's the case, you'll go to me," Yao said, but there was still no other expression on his face. The weather is still so cold, it seems that there are no fireworks in the world.

But just as she was speaking, the frost had suddenly risen, and the gaps were actually beginning to fall on snowflakes. After a while, among the snowflakes, the whole person entered the Lord of the Rings. Suddenly, it was frozen in a large ice block, and the summer feather explorer was suddenly frozen under this huge ice block, and the whole person seemed to have been frozen into a statue, so the whole person acted like it was frozen into a statue , so the actions of the whole person were suddenly frozen under this huge ice cube. For a second, it was directly blocked,

You should know that Ye Hao's five-element incarnation was taught to him by Yao, even though he didn't have a good chance of getting the blood of the black turtle like Ye Hao did. But his own understanding and use of the power of the five elements is no less than that of Ye Hao.

At this time, she is like the water king in the world, using the rigid water system, and ice is just another transformation form of water, and she uses this form to transform. Once a cold field is formed, the four sides that are directly frozen in it, the intensity of it, and the transformation of the understanding of the elements of the five elements are conceivable.

"Ah, the ice is like freezing me, little girl, you look so naive," said Xia Yu explorer, who was frozen in the ice and snow, not only did not panic at all, but also laughed again. Laughter, sarcasm, full of words,

Just as Xia Tian's Feather Explorer's voice fell, his body moved quietly, and a strong sword aura immediately emanated from his body, and the strong light under the light wrapped him in the icy layer of ice . Then they separated one by one, and then saw him holding his long sword in his hand, and the whole person shot out from the rope like an arrow, pointing directly at Yao who was standing in the void, and cut him off in the sky.


Facing the opponent's counterattack, Yao's eyebrows were tense, and his whole body suddenly emitted a subtle glow, causing Xia Tian's feather to fly high and chop at him.

However, just when Xia Yu-the explorer was about to come to Yao's body, his whole body suddenly turned into a shadow, disappeared suddenly, and left. Facing this sudden change, Yao was not stunned.


Then, above Yao's head, a kind of sword spirit suddenly appeared, which was silent to the sword spirit, and it actually had the same position as Ye Hao at the beginning of Tianjian Wu. This sword cut down in the sky and rolled magic. Immediately the surroundings were completely empty, which would directly block all of Yao's retreats, making her almost unavoidable.

"The pure lotus of the world, like Bodhi"

However, at the moment of closing, the Yao suddenly sent out a rush of rising, and countless thin awns bloomed like a beautiful lotus, she was wrapped in layers of the whole person, and the lotus was divided into nine petals. Every time a lotus blooms, the power it wraps will increase a little. With great power, the breath will tremble, and the rings of the whole person will not start to tremble.

Even the evil spirits in the air, facing the breath of the pure lotus, seemed to meet him, as if it had come to an end, it began to dissipate, and it began to dissipate in front of the breath from the pure lotus.

Lotus, the pure world of Western teachings, is the supreme power of Western teachings, except for all evil in the world

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