Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1147 Color

Handed down, the first generation Buddha chose a god lotus outside the kingdom of the first generation Buddha. It is a real divine lotus, and it is the purest place in the world. Any evil ghost, any evil thought, is like a quadrilateral before him.

It is said that when the nine-petal lotus of the pure world blooms, there will be a beam of strong light that can purify everything in the world, but under the light of this light, all the haze and evil thoughts in the world will explode. Will be absorbed by this light, no matter how powerful it is, it will dissipate in front of him.


When the magic completely dissipated, Xia Yuxi's unstoppable sword was also shocked by the light that bloomed in the pure lotus under the purifying light of the pure lotus. As a whole, Xia Miao's explorer was more like a broken kite. He was so scared that he flew out. Even the protection wrapped around him was completely shattered at this moment.

"You have trained to be a pure lotus," he said.

The explorer Xia Miao was trembling from a hundred meters away, and managed to stabilize himself. When he saw the shadow of Lianhua covering Yao, he couldn't help showing a shocked expression, he couldn't help showing a shocked expression When he saw the fake shadow of the lotus, he couldn't help showing a shocking color, wrapping Yao in it.

As a demon person, he naturally understands what a pure lotus is. Even at this time, Yao couldn't exert the full power of the pure lotus flower, but the power in it could completely suppress his own power. This restraint is not due to Yao's own strength, but due to the suppression of his nature.

The so-called "evil is not higher than the right", and there is a pure lotus in the world, which is also the existence of monsters and ghosts. For magicians, once their magic is suppressed by the opponent, it is undoubtedly a tiger that has pulled out its teeth. An eagle that has lost its wings, no matter how strong it is at the level of Dongzhou country, its own power will be restricted by the opponent. Of course, this situation will only occur in countries with little power on both sides. After all, in the face of absolute power, everything is lost,

"But so what?"

While he was talking, Xia Yu explorer suddenly appeared, and the dark red sword in his hand slowly floated beside him, but there was no magic on the sword at this time, and the dark red sword in his hand also Floating slowly around him. It's just a dazzling red, this red color is like a stream of blood, constantly swimming around slowly on the handle of the knife,

With the flow of this fiery red, the runes engraved on the long sword also began to bloom with a charming green light. Then, when the Summer Feather explorer opens, a black hole pops out, swirling and flowing. A powerful engulfing force immediately sucked him into the black hole,

He said: "The power of the lotus is extraordinary, but if you think you can defeat me with its power, then you are very wrong."

Then, the rotating black hole suddenly shook, and the entire space burst out with dazzling Daoguang crystal rays, forming an illusory long sword. This long sword is nothing else, it is the sword soul of Xia Yuxi's phantom, and it is also the sword spirit created by Xia Yuxi's phantom. The sword spirit trembled all over, and the dark red long sword instantly merged into one body, taking himself as the sword spirit, uniting with the human sword, and instantly, the human sword combined, Xia Yuxi's body and sword merged into a huge long sword, suddenly pointed The height of the awn is condensed, and the endless blade is like a sharp and endless blade.

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