Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1154 Breath

Xia Miao explorer immediately felt a strong warm current gushing out of his throat, flowing into the meridians of his body, and then seeping into the sea of ​​air in his dantian. This began to slowly merge with the vitality of one's own body under one's own strength.

For a while, the Xia Miao explorer only felt the mana he consumed while fighting against the spell, and at this time he was recovering very quickly, even if he just changed his sword move with force, he gave the body once Strong backlash. is recovering rapidly,

If the explorer Xia Yu who hadn't taken the elixir was like an oil lamp that was about to run out, then he was like a torch lit by the flames of war at this time, and the gap between front and back was another natural difference that existed.

"A very domineering Danyao actually contains such a terrifying vitality. At that moment, it will restore my body to such a state." Feeling the change in the body at this time, Xia Miao's heart couldn't help the explorer He exclaimed in surprise. However, what is amazing is that he did not slack off Danyao's refinement at this time, on the contrary, it was the crazier promotion of the mana operation on the body, as well as the rapid refinement and melting.

At this moment, his heart can be said to be extremely excited. Although he can clearly feel from Ye Hao's breathing that the opponent's practice is only a five-fold exercise, he believes that the opponent's strength will never be just what it looks like , not to mention how he went into battle, but the ease he displayed at this time is enough to prove that his strength is extraordinary.

Xia Miao explorer is also a competitive person, how can he fight against such an opponent, how can he not be excited?

After a while, Xia Miao explorer slowly recovered his mana from his body to his dantian, and smiled calmly at Ye Hao: "My mana is almost recovered, we shouldn't waste time." Let me see See what you can do. "He said.

"All right,"

Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes after hearing Xia Yu's explorer's words, and kept them closed. When he opened his eyes, he saw only a strong and powerful breath, which suddenly burst out from his body. Under the impact of the powerful breath, the dust on the ring suddenly flew up, and in an instant, the entire ring was covered layer by layer.

At this moment, standing opposite Xia Yu, he also suddenly felt the atmosphere around him, and became an unusual emperor at this moment, although he had already guessed Ye Hao's extraordinary power. But when he felt it all, he was amazed at his strength.

You should know that in practice, the gap between the two sides fills the two fields, and at this time it is just a small eye deterrent, capable of directly affecting the fluctuation of the atmosphere around you, so strongly. he was really surprised,

Not only was it inside, even the thirteen elders were in charge of the ring, and there were some bright-eyed people who were not surprised when they saw this scene.

Next, the bodies of the two were actually moving at the same time, without any sign, and they launched their attacks almost simultaneously.

Swinging lightly between Xia Yuxi's arms, the long sword in his hand immediately turned into shadows of countless knives under the push of his arm. While these remnants are mere illusions created by the longswords themselves, each sword moves. In every sword shadow, there is a powerful aura that can penetrate the void and break the sky. Although these breaths seemed disorganized, they had locked Ye Hao's body firmly on his target.

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