Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1155 Calm

Compared with Xia Miao's explorer's sharp sword movements, Ye Hao's attack is more ordinary. He just shook his body, the five fingers on his hand had been spread out, one step, he was facing directly grabbing the opponent's face. The sword firmly locked in his hand did not fall under the sword,


However, when countless swords came in front of Ye Hao, his body suddenly shook, and the whole person immediately disappeared in the same place, causing the sword tactics attacking him to fly directly into the air.


Seeing Ye Hao's sudden disappearance, Xia Miao explorer was not surprised, but just before he reacted, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, which suddenly rippling in his heart. Subconsciously, the sword is turning in the hand, and I like to retract those swinging movements to protect myself.

"Too slow," however, even before he could react, Ye Hao's voice suddenly appeared in his ears, and then he only felt a sharp pain, which suddenly came from behind.

For a while, his body didn't reflect it in time, like a broken kite, it burst directly, and then his body exploded. Ye Hao's body has already appeared at the place where Xia Tian's feathered explorer was standing just now, then, the back of Ye Hao's feet glowed, and his whole body was like a shell, flying directly in the direction that Xia Tian's explorer was chasing.

The five fingers were opened, and a magical spell immediately emerged from his body, condensed into a huge palm, and with a slight movement, it directly swooped towards Xia Miao's explorer's upside-down body.

"No," Xia Tian's feathered explorer flew upside down at this time, seeing Ye Hao's attack coming so quickly, he was suddenly surprised, and then thought of a movement, the whole person suddenly turned into countless ribbons. into crimson palm swords,

"The sword in the sky will break the laws of thousands."

The dark red sword suddenly became bigger, and after spinning in the empty space, it split open in the sky towards Ye Hao's huge palm, and suddenly a dark red sword energy erupted from the huge sword. Like a black palm with crescent teeth pointing straight to the sky,


In the collision of the sword energy and the giant palm, a powerful mana impact was like the turbulent waves of the road, flowing in all directions, and countless spatial crystal walls burst instantly under the impact of energy ripples. A powerful secondary storm suddenly rushed out of the broken space,

"I don't think you are a fellow practitioner of fairies and demons, nor the ultimate mana in my magic family," said Xia Yuxi who suddenly appeared from the impact of the long sword, and in the impact of the long sword, the figure of the demon seeker suddenly appeared Appear. At this time, his pair of deep eyes were staring at Ye Hao standing on the other side, eyes full of excitement,

"Use all your strength, otherwise, you won't be able to beat me," Ye Hao said with a faint smile.

Xia Miao explorer smiled calmly, and then his whole body merged into the long sword again. The huge sword body immediately shook again, and everything around it seemed to freeze, as if its vitality had frozen. Then, the crowd only saw a huge shadow appearing on the sword again, this shadow was nothing else, it was just the sword spirit condensed by Xia Yuyu explorer in the battle with Yao.

And when the shadow of the sword's soul completely surfaced, a huge sword without a center was used to open a boundary, like a light mask, directly covering the people in the entire ring.

Under the shadow of the light, Ye Hao suddenly felt that his body suddenly became a little sluggish, and the huge sword in front of him also became bigger.

"Realm" Ye Hao felt these changes, and he couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face,

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