Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1184 Body

In an instant, Ye Hao's huge body, in the vitality of life, the origin of the dragon man, injected two powerful auras, and then expanded violently. With the re-expansion of the body, the golden dragon continued to emit a bleak dragon sound, The sound in it seems to be a kind of shock to the heaven and earth, even causing the space world to vibrate violently and rise to countless peaks. Under this strong sound, it began to collapse violently, the solid earth continued to crack, and all the creatures living in this space seemed to feel the last breath of the world. Started to have a lot of anxiety,

"What a mighty force,"

Under Ye Hao's strong voice, they suddenly felt that their whole minds began to suffer severe pain, and their whole people seemed to be frightened by it, and some spiritual power began to spread. Start to stimulate the vitality of your body, and condense an important gas barrier around your body. These sound energies, isolated,

However, the sound wave energy that Ye Hao erupted was really terrifying, and it directly impacted the spirit of the sea of ​​people in an invisible way. If it was not for the people present to practice high depth, these sound waves would not cause them too much damage. s damage. I dare not replace them with monks who have less than four thunderclaps, but this kind of sound shock can directly scare them into idiots.


While the people were concentrating on resisting these sounds, suddenly there was a loud roar from the heads of the crowd, and the boom sounded, and the faces of all those present were heard. There is a dull expression, because at this moment, everyone has the same thought in their hearts, but if everything goes well, no one wants to think about it too much. They absolutely hope that the guesses in their minds are wrong now,


After a while, the three women, Yao, Ouyangyan, and Ye Xiaoxiao couldn't help being anxious, and turned their eyes to the top of their heads at the same time, but when they saw the empty vanity, the original anxiety was completely unbearable, and the crystal clear tears Immediately streamed from their eyes.

right (side), right,

Ye Hao's body had already disappeared at this time. With a loud voice just now, his body finally couldn't restrain the violent force in his body. He suddenly exploded, and every part of his body popped out, completely broken.

"Here, what's going on, why is it happening," he said.

When the mysterious man saw all this, his calm and peaceful face suddenly became stunned. After all, all this is completely beyond his imagination, even though life is extremely domineering. But he always believed that Ye Hao's abilities, even these vigor, would not pose any threat to his life.

Although at this time, he didn't believe in his heart, but facing the facts in front of him, he had to face it.

"Yuntian, you've been away from me for so long, I won't let you leave me," Yao said softly, looking at the empty sky in front of him, strong enough to bear the tears that were about to stay in his eyes.

"Well, we promised him, and now we should keep it." Ouyang Yan and Ye Xiaoxiao nodded when they heard what Yao said.

So the three girls slowly closed their eyes, and pushed their vitality directly to their dantians, preparing to detonate their bodies directly, "You will stop soon, even if Brother Yuntian is gone, he will definitely I'm not happy to see you doing this." Jian Jingmo, seeing that the hearts of the three people had settled down, suddenly flashed, and the spirit of that person was released. Immediately, the vitality of their bodies was directly sealed to prevent their ego from exploding. Of course, if they don't just want to kill themselves,

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