Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1185 Disappear

It's just the self-explosion of Dantian, but the original method of self-explosion, not to mention that the sword is silent. It is impossible to stop even in the presence of experts in the field of fairies.

After all, no matter how fast a god is compared to a human mind, tens of thousands of foreign currency can be obtained in an instant, once a monk wants his god to explode, he only needs to move his mind. All the vitality, essence, and vigor of his body are instantly transformed, forming a powerful force that explodes directly. How could anyone else have the chance to do anything in such a short amount of time?

He said: "Don't worry about your own short-sightedness. I believe you can't die because of Ye Hao's discipline. He may still be alive, but his breath has been gone for a while." "When the mysterious man saw Yao and others After the self-explosion behavior of the three women was stopped, he walked to them slowly and worked hard.

And as soon as these words came out, not only did Yao and the other three women show exciting expressions, even Silence Jian and the others looked at the mysterious man with a look of bewilderment on their faces look.

"Don't look at me like this, you think that although Ye Hao has disappeared, the surrounding vitality is still flowing at a very fast speed, even if Ye Hao really fell in the explosion just now, you think his magic weapon will follow him Disappear together?" He said: "Don't forget, he holds a magic weapon with the nature of a middle-class dojo in his hand, don't forget, he holds a magic weapon in his hand."

"Once Ye Hao really disappears, then his magic weapons will definitely be left behind, even if these magic weapons were destroyed by the explosion caused by Ye Hao just now, you would think that under the impact of the explosion of a medium-quality artwork , is there only such a powerful force?" This person saw the expression on his face, and suddenly, they understood what they were thinking, and then explained with a faint expression: "This person saw the expression on the faces of all the people. expression.

After hearing this explanation from this man, the doubts on people's faces suddenly disappeared, replaced by excitement, and then they urged their spirits to carefully search everything around them. I wish I could feel the smell of Ye Hao,

The fact is, as he said, no matter what the magic weapon is, once the priest falls, the spiritual imprint of these magic weapons will disappear and stay directly, and now Ye Hao's body has disappeared, even though Ye Hao's body has already disappeared. But these magical weapons even disappeared with it, which is enough to show that Ye Hao may not have fallen in the explosion, and it is very likely that Ye Hao just existed in another form.

At this time, although Ye Hao's body exploded, as long as people can find traces of his remaining soul and thought, then there is a chance to help him revive and be reborn.


When people carefully searched the surrounding space, a giant dragon powerful enough to shake the earth and the earth suddenly spread from the void, and then saw the vitality of life in the entire space, suddenly and violently surged up. The whistle of the giant dragon rushing to the space condensed away, and in the void, a huge dragon-shaped virtual shadow condensed,

Life is eternal, vitality is changing, gold is immortal, and flesh is recombined.

With the rapid condensation of these energies, in the void, a great voice was transmitted again.

When the sound fell for the first time, in the void, there was another ancient portal, and there was nothing else in this gate, but the projection of the dragon gate, which had disappeared, disappeared together with Ye Hao.

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