Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1186 Shame

At this time, the bulge of the dragon gate surfaced again, and a magnificent vitality suddenly appeared in the void, condensing into an angry giant dragon, and a powerful vitality fluctuated, as if it was the space of a day. Under normal circumstances, they can't bear this kind of power, and they actually start to tremble and twist violently again, and there are even areas where the crystal walls of some spaces are weak, even under this invisible pressure, they collapse instantly. To create massive black holes in space,

At the same time, when these important dragons appeared, the vitality of life in this space, as if they were unwilling to show weakness, began to condense at a very fast speed, and a dragon was also formed. Intertwined with the wild dragons that spewed from the gates of the Dragon Realm,

In an instant, the dragon of vitality, which symbolizes tyranny and violence, and the dragon of vitality, which symbolizes vitality, fuse together immediately. After each fusion, the dragon of vitality is completely fused. It began to change, and in this void it became a surprising rune, and in the vibrations of these runes it contained the force of life. As if it were strong enough to engulf all the space around it, violently distorting the space around it,

When the last rune merged with it, the runes floating in the void were connected together, becoming five internal organs, six organs, meridians and bones. There are even many human tricks,

Such a form is actually a human figure, and from the appearance of the pattern it is clear that this is a person, but the runes have not yet been condensed into a skull. So people can't tell the face of this era at all, but at this moment, everyone has a guess in their hearts, and there is no doubt about this guess.

"Yuntian," Yao even watched as his body condensed into emptiness, two lines of tears filled his eyes, like the eaves of rainwater, falling slowly, his eyes filled with water, filled with joy,

Not only him, but all the others present, their eyes filled with excitement as they watched the flesh gradually take shape.


In an instant, accompanied by a roar loud enough to shake the entire human space, a delicate and perfect flesh body was finally condensed and appeared in the void. Then, they saw all the remaining vitality in the void, Suddenly and quickly merged into the tightly closed body, a huge meat ball suddenly appeared on the original weak neck. In the end, it became a human head, which fit the flesh perfectly,

This person is none other than the missing Ye Hao.

The next moment, when Ye Hao's closed eyes suddenly opened, every pore in his body released a strong breath, even though he was awakened by it, but it didn't disperse. He hurriedly tied it on his body, forming a white robe that directly wrapped his uncovered body.

When I saw this scene, Yao, Ouyangyan, and Ye Xiaoxiao seemed to realize something, they all blushed in shame, turned their heads to one side, and did not dare to look directly at Ye Hao in the air. This move by Yao and others naturally caught the attention of everyone present. At that moment, it turned out to be a tense atmosphere, which seemed to disappear all of a sudden, with a smirk on every face. Those deep eyes watched three women trying to find their way to death and find life,

How did the three girls fix it? Naturally, they can feel that people are looking into their eyes at this time. The cheeks were flushed, but now they are hotter

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