Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1187 Directly

. They want to just dig a hole in the ground and get in.

woo woo

At this time, Ye Hao suddenly breathed out a deep breath in the empty air, as if he was suppressing the breath in his heart, everything poured out from the general, but he only breathed out in one breath, the surrounding space. As if it had begun to tremble, countless wind blades swept across the entire space like a hurricane, and swept across the entire space in an instant, and even the people standing on the ground felt this cold breath. The corpse need not take a step back,

This scene not only surprised the people present, even if Ye Hao saw it, he was absolutely clear about the power of the six or seven raids, although there was no protection for them at this time, which surprised him. But I just took a breath just now, I have such terrible power, so how strong is my physical body, how strong has it reached?

He even doubted that the strength of his physical body alone would be enough to easily defeat the monk under the golden elixir under the power of the golden elixir without being within his power. Rely solely on physical strength to fuel your vitality. If you use defensive weapons to protect your body, you will be seriously injured,

It can be seen that at this time, Ye Hao's body was reborn, to what extent the power contained in the terror had reached,


Just when Ye Hao was thinking, the people below suddenly shouted, when he heard people calling, he didn't think much, and ran to the front of the crowd as soon as he moved his body.

"Brother Yuntian, congratulations on breaking through the realm of immortality. Now, your practice is enough to be called "semi-concentrated"." "Dongfang Haoyu walked directly in front of Ye Hao and smiled," he said lightly. smiled.

"It's lucky," Ye Hao smiled lightly, walked slowly to Yao Yao's three daughters, and said with a smile: "Silly girls, I didn't disappoint you, did I?" Next time you can't be impulsive Do anything stupid," he said.

Although Ye Hao's body has just disappeared, his mind can still feel everything that happened here. Of course, he also knew that Yao and the others had just taken action when he saw that these three wanted to blow himself up. He wanted to stop them, but he was left with only his thoughts, but there was nothing he could do. If the sword is not silent and timely, he is afraid that even if he can survive it, he will regret it for the rest of his life. even drop all the burdens and let them go,

"Okay," when she heard what Ye Hao said, she nodded, blushing and nodding. "Congratulations on passing the test of this level, all the treasures on the ring are yours."

Just this time, the mysterious man suddenly came in front of Ye Hao, took out his storage ring from his right hand, and handed it to Ye Hao.

"Well, thanks to our seniors," Ye Hao said, without any excuse, he took the ring directly, while putting his mind into the ring, and roughly shot the object inside, on the other hand, Ye Hao's face There was a look of astonishment on his face.

There are thousands of equipment, various elixirs, and a mountain on the terrace. So many pills and magic weapons are equivalent to the treasure house of a mid-level school, but when he has stockpiled all these pills and looked at this magic weapon, his original face of astonishment dimmed, because he clearly found that, According to his current practice, these Danshen medicines and magic weapons are all for him. It's like tasteless, but it doesn't have to be. It didn't help him much. Of course, this is certainly better than nothing.

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