Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1226 Care

"Why, isn't this the jade found on the altar of the spiritual tree?" Luo Xiaocheng looked at the sign and recognized the origin at a glance. This was the first time they came to the altar of the square, and they asked Hu and Yu to pick up the chess piece engraved with Dongshu's logo. At that time, they didn't know what to use, and asked Fox Yue'er to throw his income into his arms. This is the second time they see it.

Ye Hao said: "How can this thing be in your hands?"

Su Ling'er said: "Mr. Han lent me his wishing bag for the time being, and this thing is put in the bag." This sign is the order of the city lord, when he is the head of the city, the patriarch of the Jinling Fairy It was used, but then it was lost. The city had five orders, and after this order was lost, the cities of the five countries spent a lot of money to rebuild one. But while the tokens are lost, the strength of the tokens remains, and holding them may have a lot to do with it. "

Ye Hao took over the ugly sign, settled down, and said to himself, "Lord, this is a good thing." He put a mark in his soul. Looking at the faces of the two girls, he said, "Don't worry." I'll be back tonight with the kids. You just wait here and do nothing for as long as you want. "

The two women nodded, there was nothing to say now, they just said something safe, Ye Hao nodded and said: "Okay." They quietly comforted the two of them, quietly walked out the door, In a flash, it disappeared at the end of the corridor.

After leaving home, Ye Hao found that he forgot one thing, that is how to get to the airport building, and now there is not even a road. When he looked up, he found that the sky was full of lush foliage, and it was still unknown where the airport building was.

Ye Hao decided to climb up the trunk of Dongshu first, and then climb up the leaves. The airport building is on top of the trees to the east and must be seen through these foliage.

In order to find a hidden place, Mori Yehao avoided the surrounding guards, and as soon as it moved, it began to climb up. Dongshu is big and thick, and it is still very difficult to climb to the top of the mountain immediately. Fortunately, the trees on the east side are large, and there are many creases above the trunk to hide, and Mori Yehao will use these natural cover to climb at full speed. Climb through all the buildings above the tree one by one, and climb to the top of the trunk.

After two or three sticks of incense, Ye Hao climbed to that place with the leaves. When Ye Hao approached the leaves, he suddenly found that the leaves around him changed from green to silver. Surprisingly, Ye Hao quickly went downstairs, left the leaves, and gradually began to return to green.

Ye Hao thought to himself, these leaves seem to have a warning response, out of the spirit of the brand. This time, the color of the leaves changed slightly when they were close to the leaves, but they quickly returned to green.

Ye Haosong took a breath and said in his heart: "This thing has a painful loss, otherwise it really can't pass through here." "Jed, can you hear me?"

After a few hours of recovery, Han Lun recovered a little strength, and what he is most concerned about now is the situation of Ye Hao and Huyue. So, when Han Lun could speak for the first time, he mustered all his strength and said these ten words in one breath.

After the cross, the whole world fell into a strange silence. The musty smell in the air seemed to be thick walls blocking sound. Hanlon's voice seemed to be eaten by fungus in the air. The moss on the ground glistened in the firelight, and the dull color of the blood faded slightly. Han Lun raised his head and looked at Linghu's body, feeling a pain in his heart like a needle. The corners of the eyes are sour, and the tears are dripping.

It is unthinkable in a deep dungeon, where faces are not seen.

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