Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1227 Worth it

He couldn't hear the breath of emeralds, and the surroundings seemed to have really quieted down. Han Lun held his breath, and the world was now a vacuum. In this world of nothingness, there is no self left.

But in that vacuum, the appearance of Ye Hao and Hu Yue suddenly seemed to be reflected. In the pavilion, Ruan Shui looked at him, and she stood in front of him. Han Lun wanted to reach out to touch her face, but his hands were tied dead.

Ye Haohuyue'er smiled, so sweet and lovely. But Han Lun looked in the eyes, but his heart hurt like a knife. When she reached out, she seemed to want to wipe the blood off Han Lun's mouth, but when she reached out to the general, Yu Shi's body began to retreat, as if blown away by a gust of wind, her hand wanted to hold Han Lun's hand. But this distance has gradually widened.


Han Lun cried hysterically, almost exhausting all his strength. Without these two chains, he would have fallen. Because his hopes were swallowed up.

If a man has no hope, in fact, even if he can move freely, he is really no different from a dead man. As the saying goes: "Grief is greater than death."

How much hope does Han Lun have? If Jed died, all hope would be lost. Hanlon's long hair was covered with blood, red blood seemed to flow from his heart, and there were holes and holes all over his body. His heart was also broken.

Suddenly, in the dead dungeon came the sound of footsteps, not loud, but down there, where the needle fell, it was like thunder. Soon, the door on the ground was opened, and there was a sharp marching sound followed by slow, slow footsteps.

"Well, in such a lousy place, you dog slaves, you don't even want to get your head in a place like this," he said. It was Su who came in, and Han Lun's voice would never be forgotten. If given the chance, Han Lun just wanted to tear this guy into pieces himself to vent his hatred.

"Prince forgive the sin, or you go out first, and take these two out of the room." The old man trembled, his head wide open, his eyes fixed on the ground, as if his head flew away as soon as he lifted it.

"It's all here. You go back and prepare a pair of clean shoes. When you walk out the door, these shoes are not worth it." Su Jin said proudly, in a three-turn tone, in a strange tone, this sentence The intensity of the words seemed to be that of the cold water of the moon pouring directly into the heart and lungs.

"This little guy will do it." As if wanting to escape the sinister atmosphere here, he ordered the soldiers to quickly walk out of the prison door and escape from the smoke.

Su Jin took two steps, feeling that the soles of his shoes were sticky and uncomfortable. As soon as he waved his hand, his men immediately moved a chair and sat down with Su Jin.

"Look at these two people, they are both dead." A soldier handed over a cup of tea, and Su Jin picked up the lid of the cup and gently threw the floating tea down. The two soldiers looked at Ye Hao, Hu Yue'er and Han Lun respectively. She replied: "The woman appears to be dying."

"Ask if you're still alive, any questions?" Su Jin glanced at him. The man immediately stood with his head down and said tremblingly, "He's still alive."

These three words reached Han Lun's ears, and a wave of ecstasy erupted in his heart. It was the best thing he had ever heard. Like cool wind in a heat wave, coal in an ice cellar. The heart can not express the warm touch. As long as she is alive, there is hope.

"Master, this person is still alive."

"Bring that man." Su Jin drank a cup of tea casually, and waited for the soldiers to take Han Lun out of the copper pillar. After the rustling, two soldiers put Han Lun in front of Su Jin. The two soldiers kicked Han Lun's calf, and then Han Lun dropped his knee to the ground, and a stream of red blood suddenly flowed from the ground Passed out below the knees.

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