Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1228 Numbness

"What's your name?" Su Jin asked. The teacup in his hand was still steady, and he and Han Lun could only see a foot away, but he seemed to be in the sky, looking down at the bottom of the prisoner squatting on the ground.

Han Lun didn't want to talk. He didn't understand what he was going to do. Su Jin would not come to such a place for no reason. There appears to be a conspiracy.

no no. With Su Jin's head on one side, the people around him immediately took a few steps and came to the front of Ye Hao Huyue. His hands were whipped, and Yushi was slapped on his body.

Han Lun's heart suddenly ached, and there was a strong anger in his heart. He roared in a low voice, looked up at Su Jin, his eyes were like the cold light of a sword, he wanted to cut the dregs in front into meat paste. But his shoulders were seized by two big men, and he had no strength to resist himself, so he could only do so, as if he had fallen on the meat of the court and let him be slaughtered by others.

"Stop!" Han Lun shouted in a hoarse voice. But Su Jin didn't seem to hear the general's voice, and the whip was still a light and violent smoke on Ling Huyue's body. Ye Hao and Hu Yue'er didn't say a word. I don't know if she still knows the pain, but the pain of this whipping did not transfer to Han Lun's heart.

"Han Lun" he finally ate the fudge, and for Jed, he had no choice. If eyes could kill, this person would already have a cold body in front of his eyes, but unfortunately, eyes couldn't do it.

Su Jin raised his hand, and the whippers stopped immediately. Su Jin put the teacup in his hand and hugged the back seat of the chair with his arms.

"That's it. It's a simple question, and you just need to give a very simple answer." Su Jin smiled arrogantly, as if he was the Buddha here.

"Let me ask you, is this woman your wife?" Su Jin asked jokingly.

Han Lun didn't seem to have such a hard time answering this question, but Han Lun didn't understand Su Jin's intention, so he didn't know how to answer it.

Su Jin seemed impatient with Han Lun's silence, so he raised his hand and prepared the whip for another whip.

"Yes!" Han Lun blurted out. The man's whip was raised in the air, and slowly fell down again.

"Well, you seem to care about her." Su Jin smiled a few times, he bowed, smiled, and said slowly: "I have a few brothers who seem to be very interested in your woman." I Always be a straight man, woman, I don't care. As the saying goes, "Brothers like brothers, women like clothes", because they are interested, so I plan to give this woman to them. After all, brotherhood is rare, isn't it? "

Han Lun felt numb when he heard this. He looked up, a murderous look in his eyes, but begging on his face.

"How dare you!" Han Lun roared.

Susan laughed a few times. "I have nothing in this world. As long as I am myself, I can do it." Su Jin stood up, walked to Linghu Yueer, grabbed her hair, and lifted Hu Yue's head. Han Lun saw that Yu was covered with blood, and tears dripped from the corners of his eyes. The pain in Han Lun's eyes was also reflected in his eyes.

"A beautiful woman, but it's a pity to give it to those men." Su Jin smiled. The fox's head loosened for a moment, and immediately fell off again.

No, no! Han Lun shook his head and shouted.

Su Jin slowly returned to the chair, sat down slowly, continued to pick up the teacup, and said slowly: "So the prince didn't want to save your life." In order to give this woman to them, I can still win a personal love, why not? But I'm not a hard-hearted person. I'm here to tell you, in fact, I want to sue you, there is a way to do it. This woman is yours and I can leave her alone. "

Han Lun was taken aback and asked, "Method?"

Su Jin nodded and said, "If you and I become brothers, isn't your woman my brother-in-law? Who can touch her?" You are right. "

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