Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1233 Move

If such a huge rainbow bridge of two kinds of spirits is condensed by manpower, I don't know how much spiritual power will be consumed. It must have been a day or two, and with Hongqiao carrying it, its lifespan must have been longer than that of a thousand years.

Ye Hao was very surprised, with such a terrifying spirit, it is difficult to have such a master in real time. Isn't this the ultimate state of practice? Ye Hao was suspicious, but his current strength was still in the empty space, and nothing outside was really too far away from him.

Walking slowly along this rainbow bridge, looking back is a beautiful scenery that makes people forget. Ye Hao couldn't help but glanced twice, and soon boarded the building with 1,000 planes. The spot he found was behind the airport building. Ye Hao walked to the front, and suddenly saw a long silver ribbon extending from the front door of Qianji Building to a round stone platform not far away, on which there was a flat mirror stone with a faint force on its surface.

Ye Hao was around the corner when he suddenly saw two heavily armed soldiers at the door. Ye Hao hurriedly hid his figure, secretly lucky that he didn't rush out.

Ye Hao carefully poked his head out from the corner and looked into the eyes of the two soldiers. The two men were covered in metal and wore black iron masks on their faces. It seems like the power should be obvious. The soldiers stood at the door, motionless, like two statues.

Ye Hao thought for a while, and felt that if the two soldiers wanted to enter the airport building, it was impossible not to report to the security. But their power is unknown. Ye Hao thought over and over again, thinking that the best way now is to transfer the tiger away from the mountain.

Ye Hao tore off a large piece of cloth to cover his face, his hand moved, and quickly split into two halves, and the separated body quickly ran out.

The two soldiers were taken aback, thinking that no one dared to challenge the authority of this building for so many years, this guy just didn't want the guts of Heart Leopard. I saw two soldiers moving in the hands of long weapons, the shape flashed past, and they kept approaching Ye Hao.

The power of space is really the master of space!

Ye Hao was taken aback, and used two vacancy masters to guard the door. The building of this thousand planes is really luxurious and tight. I don't know what else is going on in this building.

Seeing the two soldiers together and the door was empty, Ye Hao took this opportunity to sneak into the building. And that part was soon hidden in the thick foliage and disappeared. The two soldiers were enraged, perhaps the first enemy they had encountered since they were on duty, but they did not expect to let them go. If the higher-ups knew about these things, I'm afraid it would become Li Shu tomorrow.

Since they did not dare to leave their posts for too long, the two soldiers returned to the door, and the two were ineffective. If no one asks, I'm afraid these two have already been through it. But this is a good thing for Ye Hao, at least he doesn't have to worry about these two people rushing through the door. The gate is a pass without risk.

Qianji Building, why it is called this name, maybe because this pavilion hides many important things. This is the highest decision-making location in the north of Dongshu. So this place is the most authoritative place in the East. Of course, it is also the most dangerous place. The construction of a thousand machines was a secret and a crisis.

Ye Hao entered the building, and just on the second floor, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis hit his heart. On the second floor, there are rope ladders leading to the third floor, in the center of the room. The way he went upstairs was seeing him for the first time. Thousands of planes are built on green, green tiles, and mysterious runic outlines hang on the walls. Such a magnificent pavilion does not even have such a dilapidated rope ladder upstairs. Something is wrong.

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