Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1234 two

As the saying goes, what is not normal is the devil. This unusual occurrence should not be a coincidence. Ye Hao walked forward cautiously, and suddenly the entire ground sank an inch and a half.

There was a clash of gold and iron, the whine of gears spinning at full speed. Then came the sound of the chain drive. Ye Hao was too familiar with this voice. In the tomb of King Qin, this voice is almost always heard, and every time it is heard, there is an irresistible attack of an organ.

Is there any news from the Bureau here?

Ye Hao thought to himself, looking down, the ground has sunk in a circle, and the ground has been separated from a circular concentric circle. Spinning in Mori Yehao's eyes. Ye Hao's feet were unsteady, and several of them wanted to fall. At this time, the silver light was shining on the ground, and a thin silver needle was produced.

Ye Hao was taken aback, and suddenly shouted in his hand, the tip of the sword stopped on the ground, and in a needle less than half an inch away from his palm, he made full use of the power of jumping, and his figure landed on Xiao Mu edge of edge.

However, just now, when the center of the floor was spinning on the axis of rotation, a rapidly spinning column suddenly rose. Ye Hao didn't have time to react, but the storm-like silver needles pierced back and forth.

Ye Hao was surprised, and quickly walked out of the cover with spirit, but after a while, Ye Hao's palm was pierced by a silver needle. This silver needle can ignore spiritual power. Ye Hao made a fuss, and hurriedly waved his hand to burn the sky, burning the sword of the sky to ashes, completely covering himself. Hearing only the sound of jingling, Ye Hao seemed to be surrounded by thunder and lightning, and sparks flew.

After a while, the place where Ye Hao was standing could no longer stand up. The shape of the body fell naturally, Ye Hao took a bite, stepped on the pedal suddenly with his foot on the wall, and then shot straight to the silver needle post in the center.

There was a creaking sound, and the pillar in front of Ye Hao also stopped turning. Ye Hao Jianchao stopped, the floor stopped turning, and Ye Haozhong's pillar climbed up the rope ladder, and at this time one broke into two. The second layer of the wall is like animal down, with a slow silver needle stuck around the eye, as if the wall was hit by a thick layer of steel in an instant.

Unexpectedly, there are really organs here, otherwise such people will be killed when they come out. It seems that this airport building is not simple. With seven floors left, it seems that the next road will not be easy.

On the third floor, Mori Yehao found that the third floor was slightly different from the second floor. To be precise, the third layer should be connected to three or four layers. Although the area of ​​this floor is not large, it is more like a circle. The floor under Mori Yehao's feet is carved dragon floor tiles, and various huge spells are hung on the tower for a week. On this floor hang five huge vigil flags. In front of every awakened banner, there is a tall stone statue.

The place where Moriha Hao came out is in the center of the floor, where the eyes of the five statues meet. Footsteps came from outside the door, Han Lun finally raised his head, a pair of empty eyes showing a hint of disgust. Su Jin's shadow appeared again in the corner of the cell, with his hands behind his back, he slowly approached.

Seeing that Han Lun was still the same as he left yesterday, Su Jin was a little surprised that he didn't even move half an inch, but he calmed down after a while.

"Today is the second day. I'll say goodbye to you all for one night. I'm afraid I won't be found again. So go to the five cities today. Although tomorrow is the day when the five party congresses really start, don't do it early Of course it’s wrong to prepare.” Su Jin stood outside the cell, perhaps because he was afraid of staining his shoes, so he never entered the cell door.

Han Lun just looked at Yu, the wound on her body had scabbed over, and the scar was very eye-catching

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