Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1262 Uncle

"How to go?" I asked.

"The nine blood dragons in your body are real dragons" Vulcan's voice suddenly became profound and mysterious.

The mysterious origin of these nine blood dragons is not even known to their mother.

My general feels that this guy's fire spirit knows something about the nine-blooded true dragon, but I have been questioned about the fire god before, but I have never received an answer.

Now, Huo Ling also said that the nine-color real dragon can dissolve the chaotic metaphysical true energy on the other side of the body.

This is beyond my expectation. Does the Nine Blood Dragon still have so many magical abilities?

"For me, these aliens are really angry, and it's difficult to solve. Everyone cares." Huo Tiantian shook his head and sighed.

There was no hope for him.

I said at this time: "Uncle Huo, I can take care of your injury."

"Ah..." On the day when the fire happened, I, Shuhao, was dumbfounded, and my eyes were full of incredible expressions.

He seemed to think he had heard wrong.

Huo Xuan said in surprise: "Brother Yang, are you telling the truth?"

I patted Huo on the shoulder and said, "Of course it's true."

"My friend, thank you so much", the voice Huo Tian found was very excited.

I smiled and said, "Uncle Huo, you don't have to be so polite. My life is just saved by Huo's metaphysics. Helping Uncle heal his wounds is just doing it at will."

Well, Xuan made a good friend. Fire said, looking for emotion.

I said: "Uncle Huo, relax your whole body now, don't take any precautions against me, I will start to heal you."

Like he said, I sat behind the fire.

His hand was on the back of the fire.

Then, I run nine real blood dragons in his body.

Nine real blood dragons started swimming around in my body.

An amazing energy surged from Mori.

"go out".

I drank a cup, and nine real blood dragons came out of his body.

Then, quickly into the body found in the flames.

My divine thoughts are integrated with the nine real blood dragons, and the nine real blood dragons are like my Shuhao's eyes.

When the nine bloody real dragons entered Huo's body, they began to swim within Huo's body.

Soon, a blood-colored real dragon encountered a mass of matter connected to the fire meridian on the metaphysical zhenqi.

The bloody dragon opened its mouth and began to devour those mysterious elves.

These phantoms are really angry and start to be devoured by the bloody real dragon.

I have to say, it's really weird.

When the declaration of war was devoured by the blood-colored real dragon, the blood-colored real dragon's body actually turned pitch black.

The blood dragon appears to be under the control of a demon.

The situation before us is really strange.

But my nine true blood dragons are more unusual.

A strong aura came out from the real dragon of flesh and blood, and an extremely terrifying aura was stirred up, sweeping across the world, disillusioning the disillusionment of the sun and the moon.

These powers are truly amazing.

That Xuanzhen got angry, and was completely swallowed by the bloody real dragon.

"Yes, yes. These mysterious ghosts almost extinguished the fire, and the real blood dragon in my body was easily swallowed. How many secrets do these nine real blood dragons have?"

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