Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1263: The Door


Two of the seven or eight people are on the side of the carpenter fairy. At this point, it is difficult for the same family to fight, and they are indeed inseparable here. So the two men stepped forward and bowed to Liu and me.

"Brother Liu, and Brother Feng, we all know that our strength is very shallow, we will not compete with these two people for this position, goodbye." Liu Yi and I arched our hands and said, "Take care of yourself, both of you."

The two sighed softly, then turned around and jumped along the top of the five golden lines. As a result, two of the eight disappeared immediately, leaving only five.

These people finally took five breaths and crossed the rugged mountain road. The journey was hard and unspeakable. At this time, they have reached the five golden lines, and these three doors are in front of them. At this time, they gave up, which is really hard to accept, and no one is willing. However, my Fangcai's astonishing move really cooled my heart. I am alone at this time, and I guess there is no opponent, and no one is willing to be this pioneer. I was at a loss all of a sudden.

I'm not in a hurry, and I don't go in. He just procrastinates. I hope that during this time, the soul can get there very quickly. Although he doesn't know if the soul is still in this space. However, following his intuition, he always felt that the soul must still be there, and he did not quit the game.

The blades of the five were clenched tightly, their knuckles were creaking, but none of them wanted to attack. The two sides have reached such an impasse. Five people look at me, look at you, everyone blinks, some nods, some shakes their heads. It just means letting someone else go first, but no one seems to want to.

It slopes towards the sky, and it is now west, the light in the sky is beginning to become very soft, the curtain of the western sky is orange, and the shadow of the ten doors above the five-lined golden roof is also very long. The shadow of my one-handed sword, like this door frame, reflects the giant on the ground.

As time went on, people started getting a little impatient. Thinking of my hard work to come here, I can't give up easily. Instead of giving up on it, fight for it. The five seemed determined to go on the offensive.

At this moment, there was a spiritual force behind them, and when they turned their eyes, someone appeared again. Those who come up this time are not weak.

At this time, the man took out his red hair, and his whole body was red, like a piece of charcoal.

It turned out that this person was Ruta of the Yanling ancestors. Suddenly, there was a gleam of joy in people's eyes, and Rutamir was gradually approaching from a distance, the fire in his body slowly disappeared, and he had come to ten doors a few minutes ago.

"Brother Feng, Brother Liu, what a coincidence." Rutamir saw that Shuhao and Liu Yu were both here, and the court-shaped tree seemed a little nervous, but Liu didn't seem to see it at all, and still talked politely with the two. Together alone, it seems that those grievances in the first round have been left behind him.

"Brother Lu" the two said in unison, Rutamir looked at the ten doors behind him and said: "There are only three places left, what a coincidence, one of our three brothers and one of us finished this very early One round, it's not a big deal." Rutamir smiled and lifted his foot to the doorway where he was pouring.

The five people were very surprised, it turned out that they let Rutamir weaken me and Liu's strength, but they didn't expect Rutamir to be so polite to the two of them, as if they were a friend general. So there are only three doors left here, but there's no reason one should be missing.

Suddenly, I saw the sword in my hand slightly blocking Rutamir's destination, Rutamir stopped, turned his head and asked: "Brother Feng, what does this mean?"

I didn't look at him either, just said lightly: "These three doors are the masters, brother Lu also invites you to go back."

Lu Xi smiled and said: "It's so airy and loud, it's really hard to say, Feng, but there are no rules here, and there is nothing to talk about first." He said he wanted to push my sword away.

My face has not changed, the sword in my hand is like a carved plaster, motionless, he said coldly: "Next, ten places here are full, Brother Lu, please go back." Lu Tamir's eyes suppress the fire

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