Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1277 Training

As if she didn't know anything, she looked like a curious baby.

I was silent for a while, my stomach was dark.

He had stayed here shortly before he left, heading in the direction of the turret. The first time was accompanied by Li Nianxian.

This is the second time.

Same as the first time I saw the situation, this time, the fire tower is quite lively, there are many people practicing here, but most of them can only be outside the practice room, wanting to get a practice room, but it is not easy.

At the 36th floor of the tower, the more energy it contains, the greater its strength, but, as it rises, so does the competition we face.

The exercise room itself is small enough to practice outdoors, but not many people can actually accommodate it.

I go all the way up.

He won't go to low-level training.

"Vulcan," you say, "where is this fire most likely to be hidden?" I asked.

Fire thought about it and said: "The higher the fire, the greater the energy of the fire, and the fire in the sky is likely to be hidden on it."

The sky fire here is my target.

As long as we can get the fire of the sky here, my cultivation will also be greatly improved, at least reaching the level of "Yuan County High Level".

The practice of Yuan County is very long. This is a shortcut to increase alchemy fire.

I tried to light a fire in his body.

He wanted to use his own fire to perceive the fire, but this time Mori still failed, and the fire in the fire tower was completely hidden.

Of course, it may be sealed, so I can't find it in a short time.

I'm now on the twenty-sixth floor.

Just as I was here, the gym room was opened.

A young monk walked out.

The history of the monks is not simple. He visited me a few days ago with a lonely morning.

His grandfather was the old man in charge of the Fire Tower. He is called the enemy of fire. After all, a lot of people come to say hello.

The enemy nodded and was about to leave.

The rest of the people were also wrestling their hands, waiting until the fire enemy left, to fight for the repair room left by the fire enemy.

At this time, Huo's enemy came to Senwo on the 22nd floor, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, you also came to the Fire Tower to practice."

I nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Huo, is it over?"

Huodi nodded and said, "Yes, my practice room is empty, Senior Brother Yang, use my room."

thank you bro. I clenched my fists.

The enemy was happy to let me accept a favor, and had a few words with me before leaving.

The rest of the boxes handed over to me are the enemies of fire. Many people have a period of depression, and many people have cold eyes. However, due to the identity of the enemy, they did not do it. If they were replaced by others, it would have started a long time ago. The enemy of fire, the average person does not want to offend him, even if he is higher than a human part.

I went into the repair room.

This repair room is more than twenty square meters, and there is almost no furniture in it, the only thing is a bed.

It was a fiery stone bed, and I found that almost all the energy was concentrated in the bed.

To my husband's slight surprise, the 22-story earth and the earth's energy should be about 88 times that of the outside world.

This place is such a great place to practice.

In the practice here, the speed of practice will naturally be greatly improved.

I close my eyes and start practicing.

I don't know how long it has been, I suddenly felt a strange power.

I sat on the stone bed with my knees, and started running to swallow the magical power of heaven and absorb the free energy between heaven and earth.

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