Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1278 Empire

Who knows this, just like the demon winged wolf I met before, and the black swallow worm.

The black swallow demon worm is far more dangerous than the demon wing wolf.

Once caught, these bugs can even drill into your ears, nose, mouth, eyes, pores, and then devour your flesh and blood.

Another half minute.

You'll go from a big living person to a pair of dead bones, and you won't even be able to save bone dross.

The black swallow insect rushed out. It turned out that in the war of ancient butterflies, the magical God flew away.

However, this black rock magic worm seemed to find that these two were not easy to provoke now, so it changed its direction and chased me and others.

The dense black swallow miraculous insects are all over the world. Those black swallow miraculous insects make people's hearts tremble.


Everyone ran very fast and ran away.

I chose a direction and fled quickly.

The Heiyan evil insect swarm separated, and a group of people chased and killed Senwo.

An hour later, I came across a group of people in a mountain range. But the black rock insects kept chasing them, and the last four or five people were immediately overwhelmed by the black rock magic insects, without even a tragic cry, they were completely swallowed up by the black rock insects, not even a single bone remained. A smug smile appeared on my face when I saw the evil boy and others being chased by the black-faced evil insects behind me.

Without these people, it would not be an easy task for them to get rid of the Black Swallow Demon Insect.

But now, things are changing.

evil boy.

It is this person.

In addition to the evil children, there is Moon Feifei, two brothers and sisters of Moon Sword, they are the Eastern Fairy Kingdom, and the rest of the noble children are attached to the Temple Empire.

Xiaocao is your son.

After seeing Senwo, the sinister boy's face was filled with a spiritual smile.

He hates me very much.

Hate me for a thousand cuts, bruises and ashes.

Quick, get this kid out of here. The evil boy smiled fiercely and rushed towards Mori first.

The rest of the people were looking forward to the sinister boy, and rushed over, some cold voices, containing the meaning of "boy, die". Some people's voices are grim, containing the meaning of "boy, die".

"A bunch of spirits and pens, you can play by yourself."

I turned and flew off into the distance, he couldn't think now, now he was fighting with the evil boy and others, there was the black rock demon worm, presumably, there was not much time to catch up.

Child, you are not a man. You have the courage to fight alone.

The evil boy screamed from behind.

"I don't know like midgets, so they don't think they're bullying the old and sick and sick," I exclaimed.

The evil boy is so angry, so are you disabled?

He smiled coldly. "Grab you and crush your bones"

A group of people were chasing after them, but their speed was a little bit behind my Shuhao's.

Although Yinxie boy's self-cultivation is very strong, but his speed is not as good as Sen me.

The distance between the two sides is growing.

"Damn it," the boy yelled angrily.

At this time, the demon bug behind Hei Yan was also chased.

One said: "Look, what's in the back?"

Then, a group of people turned their heads and saw many bugs.

"The Black Swallow Demon Insect, it's the Black Rock Demon Insect, run away." The evil boy yelled in horror, accelerating his speed crazily.

The rest of the people heard the words "Black Rock Demon Insect", and three souls were frightened to death, and two souls ran away one by one.

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