Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1285 Life

They all gathered on the stone bed. At this time, the man lying on the stone bed was dressed in white.

"Oh my God, who's that guy in white?" The guy in white was lying on the bed. He was so handsome that he didn't know how many years he had slept. The years did not leave any marks on him.

Millions of people are curious.

The bones turned into the sky that the British hated, split the ancient city, and appeared in front of these images, and both sides seemed to have a deep hatred.

"The hatred of all ages is to seize upon my creation, to steal my luck, to deprive me of my vitality, and to turn my fate against me."

This is the roar of the white man's anger, still in the ears, the eternal great hatred, the hatred of when? Only then can we call it an eternal great hatred? It's hard to imagine, it must be hate.

The valiant shot through the endless gap, and the white man with one hand on the bed was blasted away.

The sky cracked, the sun and moon fell silent, mountains and rivers shattered, and stars fell.

Ying country men are really scary, like a secular god.

"Time and space reversed"

In the hands of the British people, suddenly, a deep voice resounded through the world in vain.

Everyone feels that the earth is revolving around the earth, treading the ancient torrent, entering the desolate age.

The gods are immortal in the sky, and the demons dance in the sky.

The glory of the gods continues, and the dazzling era of practice is still the yearning for life.

The war did not begin until the endless ages had passed.

I found myself before a vast world.

The world has lost its life.

At the end of the world, there is an ancient city.

In that ancient city, one of the most powerful celestial masters put down the altar, and there was a person lying on the altar.

"It's him."

I was surprised that the people lying on the altar stone bed were British.

The passage of long years.

I don't know how many years have passed.

A big hand covered the sky and entered this desolate world.

He seized the old city with two large hands, and then seized it in another place.

This painting turned to another place. I am very familiar with this painting. He once saw a white man who opened six reincarnations, which has a certain relationship with the 33 heavy days that turned into the sky of death.

At that time, the pictures I saw were not all. After six reincarnations, I couldn't see anything at that time, but now, he saw some new content.

These contents involve the ancient city, the mysterious people, and the ancient city will sleep in the "corpse" of the British people and be nailed in the ancient temple.

Then, he put another person on the stone bed, and finally left.

"What? Is this the truth?" My inner vibration, which he never thought was real, was totally different from what he had imagined.

At first, he believed that the hero crucified on the bronze temple wall was the "seventh generation evil god", and he was crucified only after countless strongmen fell.

So many skeletons in the bronze temple seem to confirm this possibility.

But now, it overturns that possibility.

Who is that man in white who was put on a stone bed by that mysterious person

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