Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1286 Existence

"Say disrespectful words. At that time, the demon fighting the holy ape was just a strange stone. Compared with the nine mouth stone, its value, we can imagine a little.

"It's actually a nine-mouthed stone."

"Oh my God, nine tricks, all born."

"Once life is born, it must turn its back to the sky."

"In such an easy place, even with the nine strokes of the stone, the possibility of life is very small, otherwise, the world is already a stone race."

"This is also a fact. Similarly, the stone race is born with difficulties, and the harder it is to cultivate high-quality stones, the harder it is to give birth to creatures. I still remember that in ancient times, it was said that the nine-hole Lingshi almost gave birth to a fairy fetus, but unfortunately The strange thing is that the nine-hole Lingshi almost gave birth to a fairy fetus. After all, the sky was envied, and before Sendai was born, a thunderstorm came, and it was destroyed.

Many people are talking about nine tricks.

I said: "In this history, has there ever been a Nine-hole Stone Huaixian Terrace?"

Huo Ling said, "Emperor Jiuzhi, Undead, these two are both nine-hole spirit stones, cultivated by fairies, but they are both the earth that existed in the early years, and fell down a long time ago.

These are two talented people, one of whom can be called an earth-shattering general, and their power spreads all over the world, but somehow, even the Stone Clan has no eternal life, and is finally buried in the years.

In addition to these two existences, it is difficult to find a third person even if it is a fire spirit. Although the Nine Mouth Stone is precious, I am afraid that many people do not have much hope for it. How difficult is it to give birth to a fairy?

"The base price of the Nine Bridge Ridge Stone is 1 million immortal stones, and it is currently in the process of bidding."

The old auctioneer said,

In Chinese, the price itself is a sky-high price, thousands of immortal stones, and ordinary power is not easy to come up with.

Although the price of the nine spirit stones is very expensive, it has already attracted the interest of many large forces, and fierce competition has begun. In the end, the transaction price of the nine spirit stones is fixed at 35 million immortal stones.

I sighed, there is no shortage of such rich people in the world.

Next, auction a treasure, fairy stone, god stone, various exotic treasures and so on.

The carnation fruit that Mori needs is also inside, which was bought by Mori with 250,000 fairy stones.

"I". The baby flew out, holding the split fruit, and was about to take a bite, when the little guy started to be greedy again.

As soon as the little thing hatched, it swept away the panacea collected by my book hero, then lay in the treasure box to sleep and digest the panacea, and now it woke up again.

I have to say, this little guy is really a total foodie and when he wakes up, he wants to eat split fruit. I have a great use for cracking fruit, so naturally I can't be eaten by Beibei like this. He snatched the split fruit. Hitting Beibei on the head, he said ruthlessly: "Little thing, look at your bulging belly, it hasn't been fully digested before eating, do you still want to eat?"

"I-" the baby cried sadly, then stretched out her paw, touched her belly, and sat on me, the little girl yawned and fell asleep again. After all, it didn't take long for this little thing to hatch, and he ate too many fruits of heaven and earth, which needed time to digest. I put Beibei in the pot and fell asleep. I haven't been in the auction house for a long time. The purpose of the trip was to share the fruit, and since he's got it, I'm fine with that. He left the auction house, returned to his residence, and began to prepare for the preparation of the spiritual liquid, but I, Shuhao, didn't know it. His every move was staring at him, and his eyes were staring at him.

"Son, I brought a lot of strong people, scattered around, this boy, the wings can't escape." The middle-aged monk said to Wei Canglan.

Wei Canglan nodded and said, "Relax, and then go to the auction to clean up that boy. I know, this auction is really a good thing."

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