Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1287 Pressure

"I, many monks have come." Huo Ling said.

Looks like we'll have to speed things up.

He didn't want to spill the beans in a crowd.

Mu Xiu must be destroyed by Liu Feng.

I understand this very well.

He continued to climb the cliff.

Mori was under tremendous pressure and climbed to the earthquake cliff one by one.


I came to the ninetieth.

When I was ninety years old, between heaven and earth, on the contrary, it became calm, and all imitations, if returned to the general's nature.

"The shadow of the saint has vanished, all voices have vanished, and he has risen to the weight of the ninetieth."

"Out there," said a giant strongman in surprise.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. .

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, more than 90 weights have been exceeded except for the "unblemished Tao".

And the current mysterious person is the second person.

This kind of talent is too terrifying. Over time, I don’t know why it will grow up and wait for a terrible existence.

Many looked up, with a little fun on their faces.

Some people may challenge the 99 stone steps again, what do you think?

However, think of the ninety-ninth stone steps of the earthquake cliff, which no one could climb up in ancient times.

It is impossible for me to climb the ninety-ninth stone step.

I ascended the ninety-seventh stone step.

During the day, the pressure is very high and the sky is full.

33 numbers reappear.

They stood there motionless, vaguely, unable to see what they looked like.

"Thirty-three days, Lord, the ninety-seventh day."

Thousands of people shouted in shock.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, another person climbed the ninety-seventh stone step and stood side by side with God, which is unimaginable.

For 33 days, the Lord looked coldly at Mori as if they wanted to throw Mori out of his ninety-seventh pound weight.

Terrible pressure came out of their bodies and oppressed me.

I Dae Ho, stand up and blow the 33 day lead show out of the shadows with one punch.

"I'm going, it's too fierce."

Heaven, deep in the mysterious and chaotic world.

For 33 days, the Lord was disturbed.

"In the process of dying, someone actually climbed the ninety-seventh stone step."

A deep voice came out.

"For years, no one has made it, the last one, or the Tao is empty."

"It is not surprising that Tao is the reincarnation of a sage, we are not surprised, who is this person?"

"Send someone to check."

The death of the sky.

It's a cliff.

After playing for 33 days, I continued to walk towards the 98th stone step.

At this time, the shadow of Tao appeared, like a king landing on the gods, and the terrible breath oppressed Senwo.

"What are you, do you dare to stop me from moving forward?"

I roared, the sound shook the world.

Many people heard his rant and were shocked that someone could be so rude to Tao.

In the outside world, there is no fear of Dao, he is as calm as ever, and no one knows what is in his heart.

I struck the shadow of the empty path again, and climbed the ninety-eighth stone step, abreast of the road.

Yes, it's amazing that we've climbed 98 stone steps over 33 days of God.

Countless people were shocked, like living souls, the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

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