Chariot of Doom

Chapter 803 Radiance

"It was discovered so quickly, I seem to have underestimated the intuition of these empty creatures," Gao Zile shrugged, with a sense of helplessness. With such a simple act, it seemed as if a new rift would be opened, and the dress seemed to cause Gautzer to say with grief: "We're all human, and friends can't save people, can they?"

Apart from Ye Hao and Qingchenyu, only Long seems to be complaining: "At that time, there could be only empty water droplets in space. Since you want to help others, you have a share. After all, you are not a human being, after all,"

"What is certain is that the spoils will be divided," Gao Zile said, nodding in a strangely serious way, while the powerhouses of the sacred universe were afraid that the derogatory term "sharing the spoils" rarely appeared on their lips. But since he's a Necromancer, he probably doesn't care.

At this moment, there seems to be a tsunami in front of you, at this moment, a huge momentum is coming, and the first thing is a group of hollow creatures, which seem to be composed of dark blue liquid. These empty creatures are composed of water elements, Ye Hao doesn't know how many there are, because these water elements are already in the tsunami, but there is no doubt about it. Their control over the water element is so strong that they have the ability to fight the sky, and Ye Hao also knows why they rushed to the bird on the head as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, the lives of these water elementals place the greatest demands on empty falling water. They resisted the urge to fight for the virtual overboard until they realized there was no escape. At this time, they found that the virtual falling water had been taken away, and they were naturally the first to rush up.

"Rumble," at this moment, an astonishing force erupted from this side, Ye Hao's eyes had a great majesty, this majestic intangibility and quality, but at this time inexplicably formed a barrier like an iron wall, and this The tidal wave of a powerful tsunami was blocked by this pressure at this moment, as if the entire tidal wave was blocked by a big wall, it stopped in front of the four world-class geniuses, and Ye Hao also raised his hand. The shining sword shone brightly, but the explosion was not the light of the knife, but a great force of mystery and immensity.

A ray of black golden radiance intertwined, turning the area centered on Ye Hao and the other three world-class geniuses into a sea of ​​light. The stars appeared and naturally built their own country. Huge pressure was revealed, and the star-flaming God opened his mouth at this time,

"One hundred thousand stars fell" The sky collapsed with a strong shock, at this time the tsunami wave will completely shatter the pressure of the wall, and countless crazy waters pass through the gap at this time, reaching the stars belonging to the leaves Haokong, But at this time, countless turbulent waters beat the stars violently, as if I wanted to smash countless stars. But powerful forces emerged one after another, like a knife pulling out water, like an invincible force displayed, no one can fight, Ye Hao's eyes are full of a kind of pride, facing the absolute power of these water elements Suppression, every empty creature is oppressed. At this time, the entire terror was thwarted, the entire starry sky shone with dazzling brilliance, and Ye Hao raised his head high. A knife came out like this,

The leader of this water elemental is a terrible void alien with the power of 22 gods, and at the moment it is mixed in the current, even its kind can hardly pull it out of the current, and the terrible power was revealed at this time.

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