Chariot of Doom

Chapter 804 Praise

And so a knife came in its direction, with an icy awn on the edge of the blade, which made the organless creature feel that it was a dire threat with a convulsive heart, rather than waiting for it to mount its own defenses. A terrible knife drilled and pierced its shape, and the whole wave stirred up ripples. The leader of the water element, the power of 22 gods here, is also the existence of a torn hegemonic power, because the whole Crazy cushioning, it didn't die instantly, but it certainly took a serious hit.

"This damned alien," said the head of the water elemental alien, now with an angry face, and the leaf was so terrible that it broke its guts with a knife, and now it was cursed. But they were retreating, and there were several water elementals around, and they were very much committed to protecting it, but their supreme management could not resist the power that these servants could not resist with their own lives.

With the destruction of its leader, the momentum of the entire madness has been greatly weakened, and the starry sky seems to be a whirlpool, blocking the raging tide at this time. Gao Zile, who hadn't seen Ye Hao for a long time, couldn't help shouting at the scene. It seemed like a simple compliment, but there was an uncontrollable shock in his eyes, and he continued to linger here all the way. Their own fighting power is also the power of the Eighteen Gods. However, Ye Hao at this time is so powerful that he has the ability to break the water element group, and the leaders of the water element community all have the power of 22 gods. Coupled with the outbreak of war skills, this power exceeds the thirty greatest powers of God.

"It's still here." Ye Hao didn't respond to Gao Ziyue's praise, but looked at the cold water element leader, with a smile on his face, and a calm and calm posture. At this time, the leader of the water element seems to be very indignant, but obviously he wants to be the most powerful person who pursues the empty water, maybe he can understand that if he knows its secret, it is impossible to reach the realm of the saint, .

"You know, outsider, the void is ours, the treasure of the void, you cannot be plundered," said the leader of the water element. At this moment, he no longer collided with brute force, and felt the mysterious vastness of the starry sky. Even with the power of the entire nation, it is impossible to break through, the sky in the center of the starry sky seems even more unfathomable, he no longer continues to sprint, but uses words as swords and spears. At this time, four world-class geniuses, such as Ye Hao, were placed directly opposite to all the empty creatures here.

"I'm afraid that even in the face of the silent Wang Song, you don't have that many backbones," Long Cheng said, looking at the leader of the aquatic creature with a sarcastic smile. The leader also snorted coldly, with a frightening light in his eyes. The rage of the entire ocean is still in front of the starry sky, but it surges with unimaginable power, but it only covers one side of the big starry sky, which means that Ye Hao and others may rush out from other directions at any time.

But other empty creatures have arrived,

"Regusa," it seemed to be a giant dragon roaring at this time, but it had already appeared on the other side of the starry sky, with a pair of big eyes reflecting the coldness of the lawn, as if it was about to launch a devastating attack at any time, it was very similar to a real dragon There is a big difference, it

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