Chariot of Doom

Chapter 834 Numbness


The thunder collided with the ice and snow bird, and the strong wind blew in all directions, mixed with ice, snow and lightning.

The two of them had nothing to hide, and they did their best in the battle. Ye Hao showed his magic, and also used a big swallow weapon, such as an arrow, to stab Wang Heng's left and right vital points.


The purple sword and the silver weapon continued to fight, shining with dazzling sparks.

Wang Heng of the Vietnam War was even more shocked. The power of the wave cannon was really too strong, as endless as the waves, his arms were already numb, and he could hardly grasp the sword.

He couldn't imagine that Ye Hao, a spiritual monk, would have such great power.

Between the optical flint and steel, the two have fought thousands of times, and how many times their weapons collided with their swords is beyond counting.

The two fought for nearly two hours, but still neither won nor lost.

Wang Heng's appearance has been very tired, but Ye Hao is alive and well, as if he has endless power. Here are the horrors of ten unspoiled springs in life. Nine is the ultimate. After exceeding the limit of 9, incredible changes will take place.

The eight desolate thunder paths, and the rain from Tai Chi, these two small magical powers are always at the peak of Ye Hao's ability to exert this realm, and with large weapons, his combat effectiveness has reached the strongest.

At this moment, Wang Heng's speed couldn't keep up with Ye Hao at all.

The ban on the bottom of the valley has collapsed faster, and the suppression of it has become stronger.

But Ye Hao's physical strength was not affected, because he was not a chained monk. Holding the Sky Swallow weapon firmly with his arms, Ye Hao grabbed Wang Heng in front of Wang Heng with big strides. The big weapon was like a dragon, and rushed towards Wang Heng ferociously. The tip of the weapon had a nine palace diagram shining.

Wang Heng resisted with his sword, and when the sound sounded, the purple sword directly shocked the fly, but Ye Hao failed to take advantage of this opportunity to hold it, because he was still shaken three steps.

After stabilizing his body, Ye Hao stepped on the lightning again to kill Wang Heng. Wang Heng sacrificed the icy ice sword amulet, and the symbol of the sword turned into an ice sword and was held in his hand.

Ye Hao smiled, the big weapon weighed as much as Mount Tai, hit Wang Heng away, the sharp light of the weapon flowed, the amulets shone, and there was a rotating picture of gossip in front of him. This picture is also the evolution of the Type 49 gun, which is much more powerful than the Jiugong picture.

With a loud bang, Wang Heng stabbed the gossip photo with an ice knife. The skates shattered and the chart bombarded his chest, leaving him reeling and coughing blood from his mouth.

Ye Hao was surrounded by the flying rain, the sky was full of thunder and lightning under his feet, and his whole body suddenly thinned towards Wang Heng's body, and the big weapon pierced Wang Heng's head with a piercing whistle, and the weapon glowed like a painting, covering Wang Heng's body whole person.

At this moment, Wang Heng seemed unable to resist.

However, Wang Heng is one of the eight geniuses in the Asura Blood Region after all. At the critical moment, the talismans all over his body shone, and the cold air was released from him like mist, condensing into an ice wall in front of him.

The silver weapon hit the ice wall, which cracked, shattered like a mirror, and spilled onto the ground. Almost at the same time, Wang Heng had retreated a certain distance, his face was extremely ugly, almost killing Ye Hao's hand was a great shame to him!


At this time, the ban finally began to collapse completely, and the stone platform engraved with the Dayan Cannon method was also torn to pieces.

Wang Heng gritted his teeth and flew out of the valley.

Ye Hao and Zhigui also flew out of the valley almost at the same time.

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