Chariot of Doom

Chapter 835 Training

Mo Tengfei got up and wanted to escape from the valley. After Mo Tengfei flew out of the valley for the last time, he collapsed into ruins almost immediately, centered on the valley, and collapsed within thousands of feet.


Gravels hundreds of feet high were suddenly lifted, tumbled over, and after a long time, they did not completely fall.

Ye Hao and Wang Heng flew out from the beach. As soon as they flew out, Ye Hao killed Wang Heng again with his weapon. However, at this moment, an indifferent voice spread: "You won."

The thunder and trembling of the main character's qi and blood churned, making Ye Hao spit out blood almost involuntarily. With a steady heart, Ye Hao followed the sound and immediately saw a dozen characters in the distance, one of which was Fu's Wang Dao!

"Master!" Wang Heng saw Emperor Fu, his face was full of joy.

Hmm! Fu Huang snorted coldly: "Useless things!"

Wang Heng's opinion letter: "Master, I..."

Fuhuang waved his sleeves and said coldly, "Needless to say."

Wang Heng stopped talking immediately, and the corner of his eye glanced at Ye Hao's, revealing endless murderous intentions.

Fu Huang looked at Ye Hao and said coldly, "Why did you go to see the moon and teach Bahuangdi to run on the road of thunder?"

Ye Hao was shocked in his heart, but his face was very calm, and he said very respectfully: "The older generation, I only learned my barren road in that valley."

"Nonsense!" Wang Heng said with a sneer, "I have also seen the rules above, why didn't I see the road to worship the moon?"

"Have you ever seen the real alien theme of Eight Desolation Roads?" Ye Hao said with a smile: "Besides, you just fought with me, how can your words be convincing?"

Wang Heng looked at Mo Tengfei suddenly, and said coldly: "You did the same just now, you said it was the magic food for the thunder road of the eight barren lands?"

Ye Hao looked at Mo Tengfei, crying secretly in his heart that it was not good.

Zhizhi couldn't help worrying about Ye Hao. The strength of Fu Huang and others also depends on Mo Tengfei.

Mo Tengfei looked at Ye Hao and said, "I don't know if this is a barren road, but I'm sure it must be a thunderbolt."

Wang Heng's face sank.

Ye Hao looked slightly changed, he didn't expect Mo Tengfei to help him. He didn't know that the reason why Mo Tengfei helped him was because he knocked Mo Tengfei down at the bottom of the valley, and Wang Heng surpassed Mo Tengfei, which made Mo Tengfei very ashamed.

Fu Huang looked at other strong people and said, "What do you think?"

"Hehe, this boy seems to have used a spell. We can't see how he does it, but his talent is unquestionable." "I think this is very good," a strong man said to the strong man with a smile. "Let's watch for a while. If there's nothing suspicious about his identity, it won't be too late for us to focus on training."

The emperor frowned and looked at the others.

Another strong man preached: "Shortly after the opening of the Shula field, if there is no problem with his identity, let him also enter the Shula field." If he came out of the Shula field alive. "

Having met such a strongman, he continued his preaching: "Then we accepted him as his own disciple."

"Hey, who would take him as a disciple?" The strong man laughed at the voice.

"No matter who he chooses, he will be his master!" He suggested that Ye Hao join the path of strong light on the Shula battlefield.

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