Chariot of Doom

Chapter 852 Spread

"I've only seen it in ancient books. This kind of fish lives entirely on blood. It has blood pills on its body and pure blood in it. If a practitioner uses it to practice, it will get twice the result with half the effort!" said the man.

Wen Yan, amidst the heartbeats of the monks in the crowd, Shi Ji is naturally not another person.

Suddenly, a body-training monk couldn't help but rushed to Bai Xiaofei and shouted, "Brother Bai, I'm here to help you!"

The man rushed to Bai Xiaofei's side and grabbed the fish he was eating with his hands. He pulled hard and yelled in pain, "Stop!" Stop, stop you bastard, who made you pull so hard! "

The crowd laughed.

"Once the vampire fish bites its prey, it won't let go unless you cut off its head!" Someone suddenly said.

"Ah! You are a fucking prey!" Bai Xiaofei raised his head and scolded the speaker.

That person wasn't angry either, hehehehe laughed and said, "Which mad dog bit someone again?"

Bai Xiaofei was angry, and he also wanted to swear that the man who caught the bloody fish didn't believe in evil, so he pulled it hard, and he cried again in pain.

"Are you really going to chop off your head?" The man scratched the back of his head.

While looking at the people behind, Bai Xiaofei took a drink angrily: "Go away!" I don't need your help! "

That person shook his head very persistently: "No, save people to the end, I'm going to save you today..." Besides, I don't believe I can't handle this little blood-sucking fish by myself

He tried pulling the fish by hand.

Bai Xiaofei's face changed a lot. He hurriedly looked at Shi Ji, and shouted: "Miss Shi Ji, help me!"

Shi Ji smiled and said: "You have this thing, why am I a woman to help you?"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Shi Ji, closed his eyes and said, "I don't even care about my life or death, what's the point of my life?"

"So I pulled?" the man in the back cheered.

Bai Xiaofeng opened his eyes, turned his head, and cursed: "I stole your wife, or killed your parents, what do you want to do with me?"

Before that person could speak, the sand on the edge of the oasis suddenly poured into the oasis like a sea wave, engulfing the oasis, between lightning and flint, quicksand spread around Ye Hao and so on.

It is very convenient for Ye Hao to wait for the face.

Shi Lei said in surprise: "The Sandman is here!"


The surrounding quicksand suddenly flew up and threw it towards Ye Hao and others, each grain of sand was like a dark device.

Ye Hao and others either sacrificed magic or air, resisting the sand being shot on their faces one by one.

Several low-level cultivators failed to resist the attack of sand grains, and were hit by sand grains all over their bodies, falling to the ground and killing them. The whole person is completely unrecognizable.

Bai Xiaofei buried his head on the ground, unexpectedly avoiding the attack of the sand, his buttocks fluttered with the wind like a blood-sucking fish, which was particularly eye-catching.

"The second attack, let's go!" A powerful voice entered Ye Hao's ears and so on, so among the countless figures surrounded by the sand, these people condensed the sand from the battle spears and charged Wait in front of Ye Hao.

"They are the Shah!" Shi Lei shouted.

Ye Hao glanced at him. There are nearly 300 members of the Sand tribe, all of whom are in the second world. They have no advantage at all.

Looking at the spirit mage, Ye Hao shouted: "Use a spell to kill a way!"

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