Chariot of Doom

Chapter 853

Master Ling nodded. Although he is Mo Tengfei's man, life and death are at stake now, and he will not refuse Ye Hao's marriage proposal.

Now Ye Hao and the spirit mage rushed to the front of the crowd and kept throwing spells at the sandals in front of them, followed by other charismatic people who also cast spells to attack the sandals.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of spells appear at the same time, some are fireballs, others are ice blades.

There were more than a hundred pairs of sandals in front of them, and they saw the spell come, and they all sacrificed their spears to attack the spell pierced by the spears, and the sand was on the sky, and the sky was shaded.


Mo Tengfei took the opportunity to drink a glass loudly, and rushed over with the others holding Haber wine.

There is a kind of charm that can resist 90% of the people in front of the beach. Mo Tengfei and others rushed out of the surrounding sand people very smoothly.

"Let's go too!" Zhigui shouted to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded and flickered under Pili's feet. He ran out of the siege of the Sand Clan, and the rest followed closely behind. Bai Xiaofei stood up scrambling to overtake Ye Hao and others. The blood-sucking fish on his ass wobbled, wiggling shamelessly.


There was a cold drink from the Shah, and they heard it, lined up ten rows, and were driven away like a well-trained armed section.

In front, Ye Hao and others caught up with Mo Tengfei and others.

Mo Tengfei did not wait for Ye Hao to speak first, and then said loudly: "Come with me, I know where it is hidden!"

Without waiting for the crowd to speak, he and some of his men were the first to run ahead.

They hesitated, and followed them.

"Damn it!" Shiki couldn't help scolding him.

Ye Hao looked at her, smiled and said, "It's nothing, we're leaving too."

Shiki nodded displeased.

Currently, Ye Hao and others are also following Mo Tengfei forward. Mo Tengfei led the crowd to the depths of the desert, and soon came to a dilapidated ancient city. This ancient city has been attacked by wind and sand for many years. Many walls collapsed, and most of the city was buried by quicksand.

Seeing the ancient city, Mo Tengfei said, "It's still there!"

In Ye Hao's heart, did Mo Tengfei come to the Sula battlefield?

"In this ancient city, there is a teleportation phalanx. Through it, we can get rid of the sand people behind us." Mo Tengfei told the crowd that there are too many sand people, and now they have no choice but to avoid their own advantages.

At this moment, Mo Tengfei led the crowd into the ancient city.

"Even with teleportation, it's impossible to use it?" Zhigui looked at Ye Hao.

"Go in and have a look." Ye Hao also entered the ancient city.

Inside the old city.

Mo Tengfei brought the crowd to a square full of quicksand. Mo Tengfei let everyone clear the quicksand, and immediately formed a huge and incomparable front row in front of the crowd.

At the same time, Ye Hao and the spirit mage glanced at the phalanx. The two looked at each other and said almost simultaneously: "You can use it!"

Looking at Mo Tengfei, Ye Hao asked, "Where will this turmoil lead?"

"In any case, those who can get rid of the sand competition can do it." Mo Tengfei was the first to enter the front line of the Gaul Kingdom, and the others followed.

However, the front line of the Gaul Kingdom has not yet started, and extraordinary changes have taken place. The sand curled crazily from outside the ancient city, and instantly buried most of the French army formation.

Everyone is surprised.

At the same time, wind and sand are rolling in from all directions, constantly approaching people.

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